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The 74th Annual International Prime Cup


Welcome to the 74th Annual International Prime Cup, a Pokemon battle championship founded to promote international friendship and friendly competition. Battlers from all over the world compete to be eligible for the Cup, and each city can send its own champion to try and win the gold. There are a large number of preliminary rounds to eliminate many of the challengers, only the best passing on to the final rounds.

It is currently down to the Final Twelve, the best of the best from all over the world. Tensions are mounting and media coverage going overtime in preparation for the crowning of this years champion.

Which city will take home the Cup? The one who wins is hailed a hero in their hometown, and that's where the next year's Prime Cup will take place, ensuring a massive amount of income. Good luck, competitors.


Something simple this time.

The setting of this RP should be familiar to all of you - our world. The only difference is that Pokemon are an everyday thing, much like in the world that belongs in the games and anime. You are encouraged to base your character on yourself, and use Pokemon that would be found in the area your character hails from.

The DMs of this game will be myself and Zora


[B]Name:[/B] (full name please)
[B]Age:[/B] (Would prefer characters be over 16)
[B]Hails From:[/B] (What city and country are you from?)
[B]Battle Theme:[/B] (because everyone needs a battle theme)


[B]Personality:[/B] (may be PO)


[B]Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:[/B] (list in the format of:

[name] species (gender) <ability>
Background (include how you got it)

No legendaries, and your Pokemon should be able to be found in the area from which your character lives of has lived, or have a good reason to be owned otherwise.)


Players (12 spots):
1. BRCB - [reserve]
2. Zora - Zora LeAnn Smith
3. LiLiJANA - Alberta Marian Romero
4. RespectTheBlade - [reserve]
5. Eon Spirit - [reserve]
6. moon-panther - [reserve]
7. Arylett Dawnsborough - [reserve]
8. Kali the Flygon - [reserve]
9. Crazy Linoone - [reserve]
10. Storm, Earth, and Fire - [reserve]
11. Aquatic - Blake Harrison
12. Blastoise - Mark Alan Cochrane, Jr.

Spectators (3 slots):
1. Mai - [reserve]
2. Chief Zackrai - [reserve]
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Name: Quentin "Spatz" Mackenzie Dorward
Age: 18
Gender: I is a guy.
Hails From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Battle Theme: N Battle Theme


Personality: PO

Background: Spatz, as he's prefered to beaddressed as, was born and raised in Winnipeg, and has lived there his entire life (less you know, vacations...). Spatz had a fairly normal and routine lifestyle, you know, for some who had little to no immersion in popular culture until he was in junior high. Spatz beame quickly interested in computers, math and anime when high-school started, but had no motivation to plan his future. He soon enteed the working world, and quickly was offered the chance to participate in the prime cup, as per his skills.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History: (list in the format of:

[EMP] Magnezone (X) <Analytic>
Background: EMP was found causing electrical disturbances in Spatz neighborhood not long after a thnderstorm had rolled through. Spatz quickly found the source of the problem, and caught the Magnemite promptly. [Pokeball]

[Tar] Tyranitar (Male) <Sandstream>
Background: Clyde was found by Spatz when Spatz went on a road trip to BC and was found while up in the Rockys. [Heavy Ball]

[Mr. Sauder] Sawsbuck (Male) <Sap Sipper>
Background: Mr Sauder was caught in the Assinaboine forest when Spatz had gne there for a field trip. [Net Ball]

[Bearalis] Beartic (Male) <Snow Cloak>
Background: this one was caught when on a trip to churchill, but no one is actually supposed to know that. [Quick Ball]

[Fjord] Whiscash (Male) <Hydration>
Background: Caught as a Barboach in the La Salle while on a camping trip.

[SR] Bouffalant (Male) <Reckless>
Background: SR (or Steve Richards) was caught on Spatz's father'sfarm.

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Name: Egil Clark
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Hails From: Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Battle Theme: Pendulum - Fasten Your Seatbelts




Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Ogopogo] Lapras (male) <Water Absorb>
Theme: E-Rotic - Don't Make Me Wet
[Dive Ball]

[Marten Mars] Braviary (male) <Sheer Force>
Theme: Powerman 5000 - Bombshell
[Quick Ball]

[Maximus] Persian (male) <Technician>
Theme: The Mean Kitty Song
Background: Previously a family pet, Maximus (or just Max) took a liking to Egil, and was given to him as a going-away gift when he moved away. The two have been together since Max was a baby Meowth and Egil was five.

[Mio] Cherrim (female) <Flower Gift>
Theme: Air - Cherry Blossom Girl
Background: Mio was given as a Cherubi as part of a promotion for one of the cherry orchards outside Kelowna when Egil was about twelve.

[Sunnyside] Volcarona (female) <Flame Body>
Theme: Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire
[Timer Ball]

[Tijuana] Maractus (female) <Storm Drain>
Theme: Ritchie Valens - La Bamba

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Name: Zora LeAnn Smith
Age: 18 and a half
Gender: Female
Hails From: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Battle Theme: R/S Victory Road theme - SSBB

Appearance: Bright, vivid red hair (Similar to this) and green eyes. Wears a lavender bandanna over her forehead, and thick, turquoise-rimmed glasses. She is pale and light-weight, her height being about 5'6". Usually wears a tight-fit pink tanktop with blue around the edges that cuts off around her midriff, regular jeans, white gym shoes with purple patterns and a violet vest. Said violet vest has a pattern embroidered in the back of a kitsune breathing rainbow flames.

Personality: You all know me. I'll play this out.

Background: In technicality, she is really from about an hour outside of her actual city, but all things considered the entire region is lumped into it, so it really didn't matter when she signed up.

Having been kicked out of her middle school at age 13, she went instead to a... "special" school designed for students with disabilities that would hamper them in the classroom. It focused on therapy with Pokemon and specific raising techniques, and she happened upon a good few while she was there. Always claiming she hated her stay there, nowadays she swears by the methods she learned there.

She only really trains as a pastime, a thing for when she's bored, but she's desperate to bring some jobs back to the city for her father so maybe they can live decently for a while again... and for herself so she can finally have a chance at getting into a nice college. So she signed up.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Vera] Zoroark (Female) <Illusion>
Background: Zora's father brought this one home one day after finding it disguised as a human woman, snacking on his lunch at the jobsite he was on. To this day the pair (Vera and Zora) are inseparable; Vera goes everywhere with her, hangs around outside her Poke ball, all of that.

[Furball] Liepard (Female) <Limber>
Background: More a family pet than anything else; everyone in her family has had a turn raising Furball. She's a cantankerous old cat, prone to falling asleep mid-battle, but Zora's parents insisted she take her with.

[Batzor] Swoobat (Female) <Unaware>
Background: Captured during a trip to a family reunion in Missouri, in a cave at the resort they were staying at. Mostly because she giggled at the noise it made. Swoooooooooooooooooo...

[Miranda] Whimsicott (Female) <Prankster>
Background: One of the many Pokemon Zora encountered while in school, this one while asleep under a cottonwood tree. She probably named it after a singer.

[Lilas] Chandelure (Female) <Flash Fire>
Background: Caught as a Litwick posing as a candle one night during a school event. Raised with great care, Zora cares for Lilas almost as much as she does Vera.

[Swansong] Swanna (Male) <Big Pecks>
Background: Caught off the lake during a walk to school on the day she graduated, and the most recent addition to her team, Swansong has had relatively little training compared to the rest of her team, due to the... meaning, he holds for her.

Other: All Unova-mons gogogo
Scooping up a spot while it's still open. Don't know when I'll get around to finishing a character sheet, since I have a research proposal to finish and an exam to study for, but it will get done.
Name: Blake Harrison
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hails From: Southern Cross, Western Australia, Australia
Battle Theme: Pokemon R/S/E Remix: Mt. Pyre

Appearance: His hair is short and messy due to the heat of his home. His skin is well tanned from hours of desert sunlight and his eyes are a soft brown. A light, short sleeved jacket covers his torso for protection from the wind and a pair of worn shorts covers the top half of his legs.

Personality: In a way the sort of guy you'd love to hate, but can't. Rest is PO.

Background: As a child Blake was made to work in the wheat fields with his parents and sister. In all honesty he loved the work, it took his mind from the heat and gave him a strong upperbody. His schooling wasn't as successful, he drifted off focus in class but luckily managed to learn what he needed to. He learned what was given to him, worked in the field and developed a habit of annoying people with constantly up-beat criticisms.

At age seventeen his maths teacher organised for him to travel to the annual International Prime Cup with his pokemon and he happily accepted it, promising to work harder in his classes to make up for it.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Triad] Dodrio (Male) <Early Bird>
Background: As a young teen working in the field Blake came across a Dodrio pecking at the wheat in the field. He took it back to their shed and gave it some of the food they had stored for his fathers Tauros. It then began to help them out in the fields, planting the seeds, helping carry their harvest and any other way it could help, eventually evolving.

[Skrap] Drapion (Male) <Battle Armour>
Background: During one of his science lessons a Skorupi crawled in through the window and began to terrorise the students. It would hiss at them then run past, making it's wway through the classroom. When it came to Blake it hissed but when Blake didn't scream or run away, it began to run towards him. His science teacher told him to move but he simply stomped his foot in front of the small pokemon, scaring it onto it's back. Blake caught it then with the pokeball he had in his folder as a good luck charm.

[Red] Arcanine (Female) <Flash Fire>
Background: On Blake's 14th Birthday his mother gave him a Growlithe that had been rummaging through their shed. The pokemon took to Blake immediately and they began to train it with his Dodrio in the rocky park in their town. It one day evolved during class when his Biology Teacher gave Blake a fire stone so that he could evolve Growlithe into an Arcanine for a demonstration.

[Dridd] Excadrill (Male) <Sand Force>
Background: When Blake was sixteen a Drilbur began to dig out the soil beneath their fields, caving in the wheat and injuring their Tauros in the process. Blake was asked by his father to defeat the pokemon and move it somewhere else. Blake managed to lure the Drilbur out and defeated it before capturing it with his Arcanine. It later evolved while battling with his Dodrio during training.

[Hunter] Galvantula (Male) <Compound Eyes>
Background: Blake caught Hunter on the boat he took on the journey. It was just a Joltik when he caught it but evolved before he hit land. He found it draining the batteries on his torch one night. He proceeded to catch it and train it. After a while it evolved into a Galvantula.

[Roland] Scolipede (Male) <Poison Point>
Background: Blake caught this pokemon after it crawled into their fields and evolved. As it was a Whirlipede it refused to move from it's position and Blake had to capture it after a battle to move it. During the battle the whirlipede evolved and managed to extend the battle until Blake finally caught it. He held onto the Scolipede as he found it might be helpful.

Other: He prefers the evening to any other time of day.

Name: Mark Alan Cochrane, Jr.
Age: 17
Hails From: Mobile, Alabama, United States, but lived in several states throughout his childhood.
Battle Theme: Shin Onigashima

Appearance: Mark has dark, straight brown hair that looks black when wet or in low light. He wears it somewhat short, stopping above his ears, eyebrows, and neck. Behind his glasses, his eyes are a green-grey-blue color, although mostly the latter; the glasses themselves are black-framed and shaped like rounded rectangles. As for clothes, Mark generally wears sweatpants or long shorts, and t-shirts, generally in the blue or grey range. His shoes are simple black loafers and his left wrist generally has a simple analog watch on it. His pokéball belt is worn but in good shape, black imitation leather with cool magnety things on it. He carries a satchel with him almost all the time that contains supplies. Altogether, Mark looks like he could be younger than he is.

Personality: A rather jokey fellow when you get to know him, quiet if you don't. Slightly annoying sometimes, but he generally means well. A pokéball enthusiast, as well. Otherwise, PO.

Background: Mark was born in Ohio, and spent the first three years of his life there. Due to family problems, he moved to Florida, living with his grandparents, and then Mississippi. After a little bit more time, he eventually ended up in Semmes, Alabama (a suburb of Mobile) at around the age of ten or eleven. He took up training as a favorite pastime to pass time (duh) and to try it out, and became rather good at it. Mark did pretty well in school, making mostly As but not always, and excelled at training, eventually entering and (to his surprise) advancing very far into the Prime Cup.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Bear] Stoutland (♀) <Sand Rush>
Background: Caught by Mark's mother roughly a month before his birth for a pet, the infant and lillipup became fast friends and partners. They grew up together and can understand each other very well. {premier ball}

[Gamma] Ninjask (♂) <Speed Boost>
Background: Did you know that there are lots of nincada in Alabama? There are lot of nincada in Alabama. Mark thought it seemed natural to catch one, and he wasn't exactly unique among his peers in that respect. {quick ball}

[Caramel] Carracosta (♀) <Solid Rock>
Background: Bit off most of Mark's big toenail when he was at the beach. Latched onto the car and refused to let go until caught. {dive ball}

[Raffle] Lilligant (♀) <Own Tempo>
Background: Found wandering through the rosebushes his mother had recently planted. Originally caught to be a help in the garden, proved herself as a capable battler. {nest ball}

[Blitzen] Darmanitan (♂) <Zen Mode>
Background: Found sitting in one of Mark's father's burn piles as a darumaka. Mark immediately caught it and squealed himself to death over how it slept. {poke ball}

[Beetee] Raichu (♂) <Static>
Background: When his town became coated in electric-types during a spate of heavy rainstorms, a pichu scurried up his pants leg while he was locking the front door. Mark spazzed out but soon caught it. {timer ball}

Other: I hope that Zen Mode is alright for Blitzen.
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Name: "Flareth" (Keeps real name a secret, if that's okay)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hails From: Los Angeles, California (...No, I do not live in California really. Not even close...I'M TAKING ARTISTIC LISCENCE XD)

Battle Theme: Brand New Day- Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Appearance: Long, messy brown hair. She has green eyes. She wears black rimmed, pink-tinted glasses. She wears comfortable clothes, but is usually seen wearing "The Beatles" t-shirts or green shirts. She has black sneakers with blue-checkered laces.

Personality: Her mind can wander easily. She is sort of easy to annoy. She is also shy. Otherwise, PO.

Background: Was born in a small East Coast town before she went to start her journey in California, where she heard the best battles were. She took up training as a respite from schoolwork and found she was quite good at it. She signed up after seeing it talked about on a talk show she was in the audience for. She found it interesting and though it's stupid, she also signed up to get said talk show host to notice her.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Neil] Rapidash (Male) <Flash Fire>
Background: She worked at a ranch for a short time in order to make ends meet at her apartment. She was given Neil to help her at the ranch but was allowed to keep him after she quit.

[Dart] Linoone (Male) <Gluttony>
Background: Dart was found one day (As a Zigzagoon) when Flareth was taking out the trash. Dart was looking for food inside the trash can. Flareth at first only caught him so she could put the trash out, but he has turned out to be a loyal companion.

[Nigel] Chandelure (Male) <Flame Body>
Background: Trying to find new Pokemon, she found Nigel as a Litwick in an abandoned building. He is quite crafty.

[Valerie] Chatot (Female) <Tangled Feet>
Background: The family pet that her sister begged Flareth to take with on her journey. Valerie is very...loud.

[Mina] Jellicent (Female) <Cursed Body>
Background: Was found when Flareth took a walk near one of the rivers emptying into the San Francsico Bay one night before a gym challenge.

[Pesto] Unfezant (Male) <Big Pecks>
Background: Caught one day as a Pidove when she was eating lunch at a small burger stand in Los Angeles. Pesto tried to steal her food. Flareth retaliated by catching him.

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