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The Absence Sheet

Aaaand so much for that. Job didn't work out, so... back to the lazy excuse, I guess. Negrek and blazheirio, I should have your next round done within the next few days.
hng, it seems like this sort of thing comes and goes constantly but I've been having some life-the universe-and everything type issues and been a bit overwhelmed for ASB doings. I'm terribly sorry to those I'm to-be reffing because this seems to happen -all the time-. >: I'm hoping to be able to get those done quite soon but I just can't be sure now so I won't be offended if you go for eRefs.
I'm going to have to be away from the computer starting Monday for an indefinite amount of time. I'll post here again when I get back.
My battlers are probably aware that my reffings have been a little... delayed of late. Most of that, I admit, is entirely my fault--I've been distracted and haven't been prioritizing my time very effectively. Unfortunately the delays will have to go on just a little longer, however, as I'll need to spend most of today and what little free time I have tomorrow working on a project. I won't have anything large-scale due for a little while after that, however, so I should be able to try and catch up starting Tuesday evening. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Effective tomorrow, my procrastination really has to stop quite urgently, since I've been putting off my History coursework all year and am presently 925 words into a 4000 word essay due in on Friday. In the unlikely event I finish it quickly enough I may have some reffings up before then, but I don't see that happening, so any battles I'm handling or involved in may have a bit of a wait. I realise my reffing's been a bit sporadic of late as it is, so feel free to get in an e-ref for a round or two if you can't wait any longer, I guess.

Meanwhile be sure to kick me if you see me around before then.
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Band trips occupy time. Especially when you have no computer access :\

Will be gone until Saturday most likely, possibly Friday.
Apparently Blazhy's internet has died and she doesn't know when it'll be alive again. She must have logged onto MSN with some form of brick to communicate this to me but yeah :p
'M back now, in case my recent posts haven't indicated that to anyone. That aside, it'll take a bit of time for me to catch up, so my reffings may be a bit late.
I haven't been doing much reffing lately, and that will continue through this week, as I have a couple of large end-of-semester papers and presentations to put together. I'll probably get the tournament reffings done over the weekend, but I won't be doing much else until next Tuesday after my organic chemistry final (I'll be seeing benzene rings in my sleep. -_-;). I'll still be around to take care of general housekeeping stuff, but probably not reffing much for a bit.

On the plus side, two weeks from now I'll have plenty of free time for several months straight, so I'll finally have time to get to work on some ASB projects.
I just had finals and now I have a huge end of the year project on my plate. Expect a few days to two weeks of absence. Hopefully by late May or early June, I can devote full attention to ASB.
Minor internet troubles again--my dad did something, god knows what, to our internet, and we haven't yet had a chance to fix it. Hopefully everything will be resolved by this weekend.
I have a whole series of half-yearly exams coming up, and I probably won't be able to do much until around about 14th May. I might get on occasionally to post commands, but I doubt I'll be able to ref.
38 degrees C fever does not a referee make.

Especially if it's been going on for a week and AP tests are coming up.

I'll probably be around to post commands, but meanwhile, please get an e-ref if I'm reffing you....!

Apologies once again.
I doubt I'll be needed in the time being, but tommorow morning, I'll be leaving for up to a few days. Depends on what the weather is like at our cabin. :D

EDIT: Never mind, my dad blew off the trip. D:
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It took a week longer than it should have, but we finally have internet at home again. I should be able to resume reffing as soon as I get to a few projects. Really this time. D:
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