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The Challenge Board

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2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: Six Days
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather
Arena: Black Cave

This cave has very minimal lighting, and proves to be difficult to see, except for nocturnal/dark/feline/fire pokemon. Despite this, there are no natural obstacles, and ranged attacks have no obstructions. The cave also has a couple small pools of water, and is quite damp.

Darkness: 50% chance of ranged attack missing unless attacker is above mentioned exception. 10% chance of melee attack missing.
Damp atmosphere: All combatants have dampened skin/fur/whatever and take 2% less fire damage, and 2% more electric.
Water Pools: Weaker water attacks can be used. Stronger attacks requiring more water cannot be used.

Mah profile!

First Battle Challenge, yay!

I'll fight you. Say hi to my profile!
Well, time for my first go at this~

2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 Days (Standard Week)
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Foggy City

The setting for this "Arena" is the town centre of a small-scale city - which is currently coated in a deep, soupy fog. Various manmade obstacles litter the city square, such as railings, ramps, stairs, fountains and statues; but the very centre is essentially flat ground all the same. Small 10 story office buildings and apartments surround the square and offer dim beacons as the sporadic lit window illuminates the dense fog, and the moon overhead catches the mist eerily giving the entire city a soft glowing illumination. The fountains hold enough water to support aquatic Pokemon, and can be used for small the medium-scale water moves. More intensive moves however such as Surf or Hydro pump are unusable. (Or at least, at anywhere near full power)
Due to the thick fog, vision is nearly completely obstructed, and unless at point-blank ranges Pokemon and competitors will be unable to see eachother. Ranged attacks suffer a 60% accuracy penalty. Melee moves at point-blank range suffer no penalty.
Due to the damp, foggy conditions; Water and Electric attacks travel easily and gain a 2% boost to damage. (After all other calculations.) Conversely, Fire and Poison based attacks will struggle to not dissipate and thus suffer a 2% penalty to damage. (After all other calculations)
Every round, there is roughly a 25% chance that disgruntled inhabitants of the surrounding buildings (Whom were unaware a rather disruptive Pokemon battle was to take place in the middle of the night) may poke their heads out their windows to shout obscenities and insults, throw objects, or both. Although there's next to no chance they can score hits in this weather, the distractions of shouts and crashing objects is likely to tick off competing Pokemon and has a chance of causing the effects of Taunt or Torment on either competitor.
The Fog also acts as a Haze of sorts, and disallows Stat-Up moves of all kinds. However, Defog can be used to remove ALL fog effects for 5 rounds. EXCEPT for the civilians.

Other: Summary notes:
-Ranged Attacks have a 60% Accuracy penalty
-Water/Electric have a 2% Damage boost, Fire/Poison have a 2% Damage reduction
-25% chance per turn (Judge Post) of citizen causing disruptions that may Taunt or Torment either Pokemon
-Fog acts as a permanent Haze
-Fog can be cleared for 5 rounds (Attack Motions and etcetera) using Defog, which removes ALL penalties and boosts and essentially leaves the field neutral. EXCEPT for the civilian shouting.

I really hope the arena effects aren't too complex, I already docked them a good bit.. ^^;
Anyone willing?~

Here be a Profile
Last edited:
Well, time for my first go at this~

2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 Days (Standard Week)
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Foggy City

The setting for this "Arena" is the town centre of a small-scale city - which is currently coated in a deep, soupy fog. Various manmade obstacles litter the city square, such as railings, ramps, stairs, fountains and statues; but the very centre is essentially flat ground all the same. Small 10 story office buildings and apartments surround the square and offer dim beacons as the sporadic lit window illuminates the dense fog, and the moon overhead catches the mist eerily giving the entire city a soft glowing illumination. The fountains hold enough water to support aquatic Pokemon, and can be used for small the medium-scale water moves. More intensive moves however such as Surf or Hydro pump are unusable. (Or at least, at anywhere near full power)
Due to the thick fog, vision is nearly completely obstructed, and unless at point-blank ranges Pokemon and competitors will be unable to see eachother. Ranged attacks suffer a 60% accuracy penalty. Melee moves at point-blank range suffer no penalty.
Due to the damp, foggy conditions; Water and Electric attacks travel easily and gain a 2% boost to damage. (After all other calculations.) Conversely, Fire and Poison based attacks will struggle to not dissipate and thus suffer a 2% penalty to damage. (After all other calculations)
Every round, there is roughly a 25% chance that disgruntled inhabitants of the surrounding buildings (Whom were unaware a rather disruptive Pokemon battle was to take place in the middle of the night) may poke their heads out their windows to shout obscenities and insults, throw objects, or both. Although there's next to no chance they can score hits in this weather, the distractions of shouts and crashing objects is likely to tick off competing Pokemon and has a chance of causing the effects of Taunt or Torment on either competitor.
The Fog also acts as a Haze of sorts, and disallows Stat-Up moves of all kinds. However, Defog can be used to remove ALL fog effects for 5 rounds. EXCEPT for the civilians.

Other: Summary notes:
-Ranged Attacks have a 60% Accuracy penalty
-Water/Electric have a 2% Damage boost, Fire/Poison have a 2% Damage reduction
-25% chance per turn (Judge Post) of citizen causing disruptions that may Taunt or Torment either Pokemon
-Fog acts as a permanent Haze
-Fog can be cleared for 5 rounds (Attack Motions and etcetera) using Defog, which removes ALL penalties and boosts and essentially leaves the field neutral. EXCEPT for the civilian shouting.

I really hope the arena effects aren't too complex, I already docked them a good bit.. ^^;
Anyone willing?~

Here be a Profile

My profile

I will fight you!

I would like the following ASBers to attend in this battle for they have given me gifts for the occassion! ^^

-Grass King
-Full Metal Cookies

3 vs. 3 Single
Tag Team Battle
Style: Switch (Each trainer is limited to switching each one of their Pokemon twice)
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: Weather Changers and OHKO's
Arena: KQ's BBQ B-day Party!

A big and grassy lawn having been freshly mowed for the party. A Mr. Mime stands behind a "Master Grill" cooking for the people and Pokemon. Mmmm, ribs, burgers, hot dogs and corn! A long table is on the other end of the lawn with gifts for the birthday girl-YAY-and the weather is nice and Sunny with only the occassional warm breeze. The battlers stand with their partners at their sides across fromtheir opponents. The Reff is required to put on a bating suit! =3

1)You may got to Mr. Mime once every 2 Rounds for food.
25% Chance for Ribs: +5% Health & Energy
25% Chance for Hamburgers: +5% Health
25% Chance for Hot dogs:+5% Energy
25% Chance for Burnt scraps: -2% Health & +3% Energy
For the Reff: Use this dice to determine which one he/she gets.

2)The weather is nice and hot like "Sunny Day" cause who would BBQ in crappy weather? ^^
-Quickened Solar Beam
-Raised Fire Attacks in Damage

3)The Gift Table
-Only 1 present per Pokemon on your team allowing you to collect 3 throughout the entire battle.
-In a present you may find one of the following...
1-25% Chance of "Free Item"
(If you get this one, 1st person to lose all 3 Pokemon pays for 75% of the item of your choice. Consider it a Gift Card ^^)

26-50% Chance of "Full Restore Tent"
(If you get this one, all Pokemon still conscious in your team are relieved of all status problems and are returned to 100% Health and Energy.)

36-75% Chance of "Free-Swap"
(If you get this one, you may select a Pokemon from one of your opponents that is not currently out of its Pokeball and exhcange it with one of your Pokemon not currently out for the rest of the battle. The Pokemon you recieve is not automatically out of its ball and keeps all stats it had before you swapped.

76-100% Chance of "Birthday Wish"
(If you get this one, you can distribute one extra Exp Point to any one of your Pokemon by the end of the battle and get a Hot Dog.)

-Reff, use the dice for this too.

*Instructions on Dice Roller*
1st, set the # of sides to 100
2nd, press Roll Dice for #
3rd, use that number and see which set of percentage intervals it falls under to determine which gift is recieved.

Respect the B-day Girl! Respect the Profile!

I would like the following ASBers to attend in this battle for they have given me gifts for the occassion! ^^

-Grass King
-Full Metal Cookies

3 vs. 3 Single
Tag Team Battle
Style: Switch (Each trainer is limited to switching each one of their Pokemon twice)
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: Weather Changers and OHKO's
Arena: KQ's BBQ B-day Party!

A big and grassy lawn having been freshly mowed for the party. A Mr. Mime stands behind a "Master Grill" cooking for the people and Pokemon. Mmmm, ribs, burgers, hot dogs and corn! A long table is on the other end of the lawn with gifts for the birthday girl-YAY-and the weather is nice and Sunny with only the occassional warm breeze. The battlers stand with their partners at their sides across fromtheir opponents. The Reff is required to put on a bating suit! =3

1)You may got to Mr. Mime once every 2 Rounds for food.
25% Chance for Ribs: +5% Health & Energy
25% Chance for Hamburgers: +5% Health
25% Chance for Hot dogs:+5% Energy
25% Chance for Burnt scraps: -2% Health & +3% Energy
For the Reff: Use this dice to determine which one he/she gets.

2)The weather is nice and hot like "Sunny Day" cause who would BBQ in crappy weather? ^^
-Quickened Solar Beam
-Raised Fire Attacks in Damage

3)The Gift Table
-Only 1 present per Pokemon on your team allowing you to collect 3 throughout the entire battle.
-In a present you may find one of the following...
1-25% Chance of "Free Item"
(If you get this one, 1st person to lose all 3 Pokemon pays for 75% of the item of your choice. Consider it a Gift Card ^^)

26-50% Chance of "Full Restore Tent"
(If you get this one, all Pokemon still conscious in your team are relieved of all status problems and are returned to 100% Health and Energy.)

36-75% Chance of "Free-Swap"
(If you get this one, you may select a Pokemon from one of your opponents that is not currently out of its Pokeball and exhcange it with one of your Pokemon not currently out for the rest of the battle. The Pokemon you recieve is not automatically out of its ball and keeps all stats it had before you swapped.

76-100% Chance of "Birthday Wish"
(If you get this one, you can distribute one extra Exp Point to any one of your Pokemon by the end of the battle and get a Hot Dog.)

-Reff, use the dice for this too.

*Instructions on Dice Roller*
1st, set the # of sides to 100
2nd, press Roll Dice for #
3rd, use that number and see which set of percentage intervals it falls under to determine which gift is recieved.

Respect the B-day Girl! Respect the Profile!

Take, and I choose you KQueen~

This is my Profile

I would like the following ASBers to attend in this battle for they have given me gifts for the occassion! ^^

-Grass King
-Full Metal Cookies

3 vs. 3 Single
Tag Team Battle
Style: Switch (Each trainer is limited to switching each one of their Pokemon twice)
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: Weather Changers and OHKO's
Arena: KQ's BBQ B-day Party!

A big and grassy lawn having been freshly mowed for the party. A Mr. Mime stands behind a "Master Grill" cooking for the people and Pokemon. Mmmm, ribs, burgers, hot dogs and corn! A long table is on the other end of the lawn with gifts for the birthday girl-YAY-and the weather is nice and Sunny with only the occassional warm breeze. The battlers stand with their partners at their sides across fromtheir opponents. The Reff is required to put on a bating suit! =3

1)You may got to Mr. Mime once every 2 Rounds for food.
25% Chance for Ribs: +5% Health & Energy
25% Chance for Hamburgers: +5% Health
25% Chance for Hot dogs:+5% Energy
25% Chance for Burnt scraps: -2% Health & +3% Energy
For the Reff: Use this dice to determine which one he/she gets.

2)The weather is nice and hot like "Sunny Day" cause who would BBQ in crappy weather? ^^
-Quickened Solar Beam
-Raised Fire Attacks in Damage

3)The Gift Table
-Only 1 present per Pokemon on your team allowing you to collect 3 throughout the entire battle.
-In a present you may find one of the following...
1-25% Chance of "Free Item"
(If you get this one, 1st person to lose all 3 Pokemon pays for 75% of the item of your choice. Consider it a Gift Card ^^)

26-50% Chance of "Full Restore Tent"
(If you get this one, all Pokemon still conscious in your team are relieved of all status problems and are returned to 100% Health and Energy.)

36-75% Chance of "Free-Swap"
(If you get this one, you may select a Pokemon from one of your opponents that is not currently out of its Pokeball and exhcange it with one of your Pokemon not currently out for the rest of the battle. The Pokemon you recieve is not automatically out of its ball and keeps all stats it had before you swapped.

76-100% Chance of "Birthday Wish"
(If you get this one, you can distribute one extra Exp Point to any one of your Pokemon by the end of the battle and get a Hot Dog.)

-Reff, use the dice for this too.

*Instructions on Dice Roller*
1st, set the # of sides to 100
2nd, press Roll Dice for #
3rd, use that number and see which set of percentage intervals it falls under to determine which gift is recieved.

Respect the B-day Girl! Respect the Profile!

I'm in too, Guess I get you as a partner, Grass King C:

The Profile That Is Mine

I would like the following ASBers to attend in this battle for they have given me gifts for the occassion! ^^

-Grass King
-Full Metal Cookies

3 vs. 3 Single
Tag Team Battle
Style: Switch (Each trainer is limited to switching each one of their Pokemon twice)
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: Weather Changers and OHKO's
Arena: KQ's BBQ B-day Party!

A big and grassy lawn having been freshly mowed for the party. A Mr. Mime stands behind a "Master Grill" cooking for the people and Pokemon. Mmmm, ribs, burgers, hot dogs and corn! A long table is on the other end of the lawn with gifts for the birthday girl-YAY-and the weather is nice and Sunny with only the occassional warm breeze. The battlers stand with their partners at their sides across fromtheir opponents. The Reff is required to put on a bating suit! =3

1)You may got to Mr. Mime once every 2 Rounds for food.
25% Chance for Ribs: +5% Health & Energy
25% Chance for Hamburgers: +5% Health
25% Chance for Hot dogs:+5% Energy
25% Chance for Burnt scraps: -2% Health & +3% Energy
For the Reff: Use this dice to determine which one he/she gets.

2)The weather is nice and hot like "Sunny Day" cause who would BBQ in crappy weather? ^^
-Quickened Solar Beam
-Raised Fire Attacks in Damage

3)The Gift Table
-Only 1 present per Pokemon on your team allowing you to collect 3 throughout the entire battle.
-In a present you may find one of the following...
1-25% Chance of "Free Item"
(If you get this one, 1st person to lose all 3 Pokemon pays for 75% of the item of your choice. Consider it a Gift Card ^^)

26-50% Chance of "Full Restore Tent"
(If you get this one, all Pokemon still conscious in your team are relieved of all status problems and are returned to 100% Health and Energy.)

36-75% Chance of "Free-Swap"
(If you get this one, you may select a Pokemon from one of your opponents that is not currently out of its Pokeball and exhcange it with one of your Pokemon not currently out for the rest of the battle. The Pokemon you recieve is not automatically out of its ball and keeps all stats it had before you swapped.

76-100% Chance of "Birthday Wish"
(If you get this one, you can distribute one extra Exp Point to any one of your Pokemon by the end of the battle and get a Hot Dog.)

-Reff, use the dice for this too.

*Instructions on Dice Roller*
1st, set the # of sides to 100
2nd, press Roll Dice for #
3rd, use that number and see which set of percentage intervals it falls under to determine which gift is recieved.

Respect the B-day Girl! Respect the Profile!

Take, and I choose you KQueen~

This is my Profile

I'm in too, Guess I get you as a partner, Grass King C:

The Profile That Is Mine

Come on FMC, we can beat them ... I think

Sorry to be a bother, but how long does it take until a ref takes a battle, or is it that they're all occupied at the moment?
We also happen to be going through something of a slump right now, so it may be a while before a ref takes interest in reffing at all, let alone picking up any specific battles. :/

...I'd take you, but I'm at my personal limit right now so I'd rather wait until something finishes up.
4vs4 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

4vs4 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.


Guess I'll accept this, since I have nothing better to do :X Only one battle going on, and I could use more entertainment on my summer break.

2vs2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: Six Days
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather
Arena: Sigil Keep

This arena appears similar to the sigil keep in Oblivion;

The first level looks like an oxygenated muscle coloured dome with small spikes surrounding a stone circle, and a central hole, of which a flaming pillar rise from the base of the tower itself.

The Second Level is Accessed by talon like stairs, and is similar to the outer ring of the previous floor, and has one energy fountian, and one health fountain (Magicka Essence and Blood Fountain respectively).

The Third level is accessed by a this muscle like ramp, and is a small muscle toned platform with the end of the flame pillar being held in place by an immovable stone. This platform is overall the smallest, and a fall from the third to the first level causes 5% damage to smaller pokemon. A small platform is held up by chains and surrounds the flame pillar here. This can be knocked down if two or more chains are dislodged.

Cieling/Roof: There is a large hole that goes to the domelike roof of the stage. Only Flying/Ghost/Other leviatating pokemon can access the roof, though the roof itself is unstable.


Flame Pillar: Deals 10% fire damage (super-effective/not very effective applies (fire types do take damage as it is mystical fire...)) to those who touch it. As heat rises, those who touch it are brought to the third level instantly.

Blood Fountain: Restores random amount of health, recharges after 5-10 rounds. (Health restored and rounds until rechrge complete determined by Ref)

Magicka Essence: Restores random amount of energy, recharges after 5-10 rounds. (Energy restored and rounds until rechrge complete determined by Ref)

Heated Room: As the entire area is heated by the flame pillar there is no water, and therefore the only water moves available are those created by the pokemon, but all damage is reduced by 2% after all caculations, and costs 3% more energy to use. Fire types benefit and automatically take 1% less damage and use 2% less energy to se fire moves.

Unstable Roof: Because of it's nature in the realm of destruction the roof has a 1% chance of collapsing. (increased if powerful ground or rock moves are used. 100% if Rock Slide used) Combatants can avoid the roof's collapsing if they are under the third level, or any set of stairs.

Mah profile!

And yes, I'm an Oblvion nut. (If the ref needs to get a better appearance reference to the arena, check uesp.net
2vs2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: Six Days
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather
Arena: Sigil Keep

This arena appears similar to the sigil keep in Oblivion;

The first level looks like an oxygenated muscle coloured dome with small spikes surrounding a stone circle, and a central hole, of which a flaming pillar rise from the base of the tower itself.

The Second Level is Accessed by talon like stairs, and is similar to the outer ring of the previous floor, and has one energy fountian, and one health fountain (Magicka Essence and Blood Fountain respectively).

The Third level is accessed by a this muscle like ramp, and is a small muscle toned platform with the end of the flame pillar being held in place by an immovable stone. This platform is overall the smallest, and a fall from the third to the first level causes 5% damage to smaller pokemon. A small platform is held up by chains and surrounds the flame pillar here. This can be knocked down if two or more chains are dislodged.

Cieling/Roof: There is a large hole that goes to the domelike roof of the stage. Only Flying/Ghost/Other leviatating pokemon can access the roof, though the roof itself is unstable.


Flame Pillar: Deals 10% fire damage (super-effective/not very effective applies (fire types do take damage as it is mystical fire...)) to those who touch it. As heat rises, those who touch it are brought to the third level instantly.

Blood Fountain: Restores random amount of health, recharges after 5-10 rounds. (Health restored and rounds until rechrge complete determined by Ref)

Magicka Essence: Restores random amount of energy, recharges after 5-10 rounds. (Energy restored and rounds until rechrge complete determined by Ref)

Heated Room: As the entire area is heated by the flame pillar there is no water, and therefore the only water moves available are those created by the pokemon, but all damage is reduced by 2% after all caculations, and costs 3% more energy to use. Fire types benefit and automatically take 1% less damage and use 2% less energy to se fire moves.

Unstable Roof: Because of it's nature in the realm of destruction the roof has a 1% chance of collapsing. (increased if powerful ground or rock moves are used. 100% if Rock Slide used) Combatants can avoid the roof's collapsing if they are under the third level, or any set of stairs.

Mah profile!

I'll take this.

2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: A week and a half, or 10 days.

Damage Cap: 30%

Banned Moves: 8 chills/Pokemon, 5 recovery moves/Pokemon, anything that might completely destroy the stage, moves that rely on sun/moonlight

Arena: Gravity Room

A rather large room, about three Wailords could fit side by side, and stacked on top of each other. The floor, walls and ceiling are covered with tiles, and three alcoves on opposite walls provide places for the Trainers and referee.

About a sixth of the stage is covered in water, a pool, there are rocks to the opposite side, and a smallish platform in the middle. Light is artificially provided by fixtures, which cannot be broken in any way. No natural light is in this room, but it's hard to tell.

When the battle starts, the stage is at normal gravity, but after the first round, the stage is always either in x8 gravity or low gravity. Flip a coin or something.

In x8 gravity, jumping is higher and faster, flying takes 2% less energy, and levitating Pokemon spend 1% more energy to keep from smashing into the ceiling.

In low gravity, jumping is lower and slower, flying takes 2% more energy, and levitating Pokemon spend 1% more energy to keep from smashing into the floor.

The water and rocks are also affected, in x8 gravity, the water rises out of the pool and the rocks float, in low gravity, the water is like a brick wall, and the rocks are more fragile.

Other: Logic fail.

Dragon's profile of doom, death and destruction :o
2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: A week and a half, or 10 days.

Damage Cap: 30%

Banned Moves: 8 chills/Pokemon, 5 recovery moves/Pokemon, anything that might completely destroy the stage, moves that rely on sun/moonlight

Arena: Gravity Room

A rather large room, about three Wailords could fit side by side, and stacked on top of each other. The floor, walls and ceiling are covered with tiles, and three alcoves on opposite walls provide places for the Trainers and referee.

About a sixth of the stage is covered in water, a pool, there are rocks to the opposite side, and a smallish platform in the middle. Light is artificially provided by fixtures, which cannot be broken in any way. No natural light is in this room, but it's hard to tell.

When the battle starts, the stage is at normal gravity, but after the first round, the stage is always either in x8 gravity or low gravity. Flip a coin or something.

In x8 gravity, jumping is higher and faster, flying takes 2% less energy, and levitating Pokemon spend 1% more energy to keep from smashing into the ceiling.

In low gravity, jumping is lower and slower, flying takes 2% more energy, and levitating Pokemon spend 1% more energy to keep from smashing into the floor.

The water and rocks are also affected, in x8 gravity, the water rises out of the pool and the rocks float, in low gravity, the water is like a brick wall, and the rocks are more fragile.

Other: Logic fail.

Dragon's profile of doom, death and destruction :o

Logic fail indeed. x8 should make jumping hard, low= easy and levitating in low should be free IMO, but whatever, I take your challenge!
Profile! :D
*Siiiiigh* Well since my first battle ditched on me after finally getting a ref, I suppose I'll re-issue my challenge, just a few tweaks to the map. >_< Uck.. Wonder if we're allowed to swap opponents in posted matches with an inactive opponent~

2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 Days (Standard Week)
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 3 Chills / 1 Recovery
Arena: Foggy City

The setting for this "Arena" is the town centre of a small-scale city - which is currently coated in a deep, soupy fog. Various manmade obstacles litter the city square, such as railings, ramps, stairs, fountains and statues; but the very centre is essentially flat ground all the same. Small 10 story office buildings and apartments surround the square and offer dim beacons as the sporadic lit window illuminates the dense fog, and the moon overhead catches the mist eerily giving the entire city a soft glowing illumination. The fountains hold enough water to support aquatic Pokemon, and can be used for small the medium-scale water moves. More intensive moves however such as Surf or Hydro pump are unusable. (Or at least, at anywhere near full power)
Due to the thick fog, vision is nearly completely obstructed, and unless at point-blank ranges Pokemon and competitors will be unable to see eachother. Ranged attacks suffer a 50% accuracy penalty. Melee moves at point-blank range suffer no penalty.
Due to the damp, foggy conditions; Water and Electric attacks travel easily and gain a 1% boost to damage. (After all other calculations.) Conversely, Fire and Poison based attacks will struggle to not dissipate and thus suffer a 1% penalty to damage. (After all other calculations)
Every round, there is roughly a 25% chance that disgruntled inhabitants of the surrounding buildings (Whom were unaware a rather disruptive Pokemon battle was to take place in the middle of the night) may poke their heads out their windows to shout obscenities and insults, throw objects, or both. Although there's next to no chance they can score hits in this weather, the distractions of shouts and crashing objects is likely to tick off competing Pokemon and has a chance of causing the effects of Taunt or Torment on either competitor.
The Fog also acts as a Haze of sorts, and disallows Stat-Up moves of all kinds. However, Defog can be used to remove ALL fog effects for 5 turns. Resident shouters however will continue, and now have a 50% chance of scoring a hit with their flung objects for between 1-5% neutral element damage. (Ghosts are an exception, and are immune to this damage - after all shoes and terracotta pots will just fly right through them)

Other: Summary notes:
- Ranged Attacks have a 50% Accuracy penalty
- Water/Electric have a 1% Damage boost, Fire/Poison have a 1% Damage reduction
- 25% chance per round of citizen causing disruptions that may Taunt or Torment either Pokemon
- Fog acts as a permanent Haze
- Fog can be cleared for 5 turns using Defog, which removes ALL penalties and boosts and essentially leaves the field neutral. Residents continue to shout however and gain a 50% chance of scoring hits with their thrown objects when they appear.

Once more~ This time with feeling~
*Siiiiigh* Well since my first battle ditched on me after finally getting a ref, I suppose I'll re-issue my challenge, just a few tweaks to the map. >_< Uck.. Wonder if we're allowed to swap opponents in posted matches with an inactive opponent~

2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 Days (Standard Week)
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 3 Chills / 1 Recovery
Arena: Foggy City

The setting for this "Arena" is the town centre of a small-scale city - which is currently coated in a deep, soupy fog. Various manmade obstacles litter the city square, such as railings, ramps, stairs, fountains and statues; but the very centre is essentially flat ground all the same. Small 10 story office buildings and apartments surround the square and offer dim beacons as the sporadic lit window illuminates the dense fog, and the moon overhead catches the mist eerily giving the entire city a soft glowing illumination. The fountains hold enough water to support aquatic Pokemon, and can be used for small the medium-scale water moves. More intensive moves however such as Surf or Hydro pump are unusable. (Or at least, at anywhere near full power)
Due to the thick fog, vision is nearly completely obstructed, and unless at point-blank ranges Pokemon and competitors will be unable to see eachother. Ranged attacks suffer a 50% accuracy penalty. Melee moves at point-blank range suffer no penalty.
Due to the damp, foggy conditions; Water and Electric attacks travel easily and gain a 1% boost to damage. (After all other calculations.) Conversely, Fire and Poison based attacks will struggle to not dissipate and thus suffer a 1% penalty to damage. (After all other calculations)
Every round, there is roughly a 25% chance that disgruntled inhabitants of the surrounding buildings (Whom were unaware a rather disruptive Pokemon battle was to take place in the middle of the night) may poke their heads out their windows to shout obscenities and insults, throw objects, or both. Although there's next to no chance they can score hits in this weather, the distractions of shouts and crashing objects is likely to tick off competing Pokemon and has a chance of causing the effects of Taunt or Torment on either competitor.
The Fog also acts as a Haze of sorts, and disallows Stat-Up moves of all kinds. However, Defog can be used to remove ALL fog effects for 5 turns. Resident shouters however will continue, and now have a 50% chance of scoring a hit with their flung objects for between 1-5% neutral element damage. (Ghosts are an exception, and are immune to this damage - after all shoes and terracotta pots will just fly right through them)

Other: Summary notes:
- Ranged Attacks have a 50% Accuracy penalty
- Water/Electric have a 1% Damage boost, Fire/Poison have a 1% Damage reduction
- 25% chance per round of citizen causing disruptions that may Taunt or Torment either Pokemon
- Fog acts as a permanent Haze
- Fog can be cleared for 5 turns using Defog, which removes ALL penalties and boosts and essentially leaves the field neutral. Residents continue to shout however and gain a 50% chance of scoring hits with their thrown objects when they appear.

Once more~ This time with feeling~

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