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The "Fwee" Thread III

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Sang "Friday" live with a band at a friend's birthdays.

Ignoring the fact that today is Saturday, things couldn't be better.
As of today, I have all of the Pokémon that you can get in Pokédex 3D without the aid of Spot Pass! :D

Of course I'll never be able to get those last ones but
was at my boyfrand's place for seven hours yesterday just sitting in his basement in his lap watchin movies and south park

and gettin' a bit physical~
ever since i confessed to her and got over it, my insomnia has progressively faded, i've become less moody, and i've just been more happy for no reason. :D

in other news, the lion king in 3D last night was amazing, and walking around in the mall afterwards was pretty awesome considering everyone in that group was a ponyhead and we went on a carousel.
My hair is nice and straight.
Oh Bay. My hair is never as wavy as I want it.

Sticking to the "fwee" theme here, I'm so glad it's warm here in SF. Indian summer is the best, peoples. Also, texting is fun :3
I've been cast as Babette in my school's production of Beauty and the Beast. You have no idea how excited I am.
I found my pencil case again :D A friend picked it up after I left school so it turns out I didn't leave it on the bus. I'm glad I've got my nice gel pens back~
I've been at uni for three days (... I think) and I'm exhausted, but it's going well and the people are nice. There's a girl in my hall who watches MLP and RENT and Doctor Who and Torchwood and I was singing Time Lord Rock and she was all ARE YOU SINGING TYPE FORTY and I'm all YES and it's excellent. :D
I got my Halloween costume today. I know it's early, but I still love it! I'm wearing it right now so I can get used to it. I was afraid it would be too cold but it's actually pretty warm. And it fits, too! I was afraid it wouldn't.
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