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The "Fwee" Thread III

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Skyward Sword, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, AND Thanksgiving break are just around the corner! And I got a Drillbur plush in the mail from a cute girl I met at Oni-Con. OH YES!
I have a computer and a laptop at my house. The computer got struck during a thunderstorm one night. It still worked, but the Internet was blown. Six long months, the only source of Internet I had access to was my iPod, DSi or the laptop.
Yesterday my dad took the computer to one of his AWESOME POSSUM friends and he fixed it. FOR FREAKING FREE. THAT'S A FLIPPING ALLITERATION, GUYS. That important and awesome.

So yeah, I'm in a happy-go-lucky mood. :3
Today makes two months with my boyf! Hopy shit! And no problems so far, so yay~
I have a computer and a laptop at my house. The computer got struck during a thunderstorm one night. It still worked, but the Internet was blown. Six long months, the only source of Internet I had access to was my iPod, DSi or the laptop.
Yesterday my dad took the computer to one of his AWESOME POSSUM friends and he fixed it. FOR FREAKING FREE. THAT'S A FLIPPING ALLITERATION, GUYS. That important and awesome.
So yeah, I'm in a happy-go-lucky mood. :3

I found out that my mom plans to give me an allowance to help me cover the rest of the money I need to get a 3DS.

(I have $100 but it costs $170)

love ya mom
I just had my first job interview today and it went fantastic. At the end of it the interviewer told me, unless my references think I'm a downright awful person, I'll be getting the job. I'm really looking forward to the job, too. Minimum wage, here I come!
I HAVE A DATE ON SATURDAY I CAN'T WAIT thanks to his friends I know he actually likes me back but I HAVE TO PRETEND TO NOT KNOW OH GOSH I'M SO EXCITED OH MY GOSH
We're going to watch the Lord of the Rings movies and eeeeeeeeeeeee

oh yeah, and I guess I'm getting Skyrim later today too!!
Homestuck updated! My expression when I read it was: 0_0 But it updated! Life has meaning again! Yaaaaaaaay!
date with mah boyfriend todayyyyy

also i'm slowly beginning to realize and appreciate how awesome my mom is. my friends' parents are all like "AAAA MY KID IS DOING THINGS WITH HIS/HER BOY/GIRLFRIEND THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN ANGER RAGE" and my mom's just like "you're a senior in high school. you're seventeen. you're a virgin, and i'm willing to bet at least 50% of your fellow seniors aren't. I trust you. Just make sure you're responsible about what all you do." and i'm like "Eh fair enough. Yeah no you know I'm responsible, I've been raised to have good morals about this kinda thing ^^" and she's like "all right. Just do me a favor and don't tell me what all you do cause it's kinda hard for any parent to think about their kids getting sexually active. o.e" and i'm like "All right fair."

it's fukken awesome
Bought epic new clothes at Goodwill. Modernist shoes and really cute strapless/sleeveless dress.

Rewrote a scholarship essay, almost ready to send my $60,000 scholarship in (just need some legal information and a counselor page). Thankfully writing the essays has gotten easier now that we are halfway through November. I have a feeling that maybe I can really make it to my dream college. Maybe...

Seeing an opera tomorrow. :D Always wanted to... and fun at de mall on Sunday. Wee. All I am missing is my ex... and speaking of which...

Only two weeks until Thanksgiving, where I am going to just humiliate myself by talking to him. It is totally not time and I could not give a fuck if I tried. Desperation is just perseveration or some crazy shit like that. Maybe we will be friends or lovers or whatever but I really just want to talk to him again, even if I cannot touch him anymore.
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