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The "Fwee" Thread

so playing Sims right

well my female sim had triplets and when she went home she picked up pancakes and instead of placing the triplets in the cribs there are three plates of pancakes and missing children

I laughed so hard I cried
I can FINALLY talk to my Jakey in three days! Which is still too long! But I am excited. AND TODAY HAS OFFICALLY BEEN TWO WEEKS WITH HIM!!!! I AM SO HAPPY YOU HAVE NO IDEA THESE HAVE BEEN THE BEST TWO WEEKS OF MY LIFE!!!!!!! I wish I could share it with him, but oh well!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I met my baby nephew today. Felt all the good feels.

Of course when he woke up and saw me he started crying and now every time he looks at me he gets fussy. Still, he's cool.
I have three sleepovers this week. Yes. YES.
And I finally re-dyed my hair so it is no longer blonde but ~purple~
And my parents both said I could get a second piercing.
Thank you Nintendo. You gave me just what I wanted most. A dragon sheep. Thank you so much. This is perfect. At first I hated mega evolutions. Then I saw dragon ampharous and now I'm so glad they exist.
So if my schedule for school doesn't get any big changes (at which I would be thoroughly pissed), looks like I'll have a pretty AWESOME year. Three art classes and an off hour (so potentially a fourth art class), my chem and spanish teachers already had me once before, I'm in Media Productions with my friends... Feels good.
Today is the one hundred times per century centennial celebration of annual achievement of survival day for me! Also known as (in this year) instar 17. Or birthday day whoo it's Christmas. Except without Christmas. Basically I'm happy because its my birthday!
I had the best sub of my life today.

(in case you're wondering, it's at this coffee shop in Montréal called The Second Cup or something like that. Roast beef sub, toasted.)
My mom let me get my second ear piercing this is exciting :D
I can't fucking believe my luck hsghagf

so I just decided I'd go for a nice late-night walk since I've been sitting in my room all day doing pretty much nothing

when I get outside, I notice something flashing in the horizon; soon it becomes clear that it's THUNDER!
The other half of the sky is covered with this massive dark cloud and the other side is almost completely clear and a sweet dark blue, not to mention the FULL MOON sitting in the middle of all that blueness !

the full moon just sits in the opposite direction being yellow and mysteriously aloof, and I'm sitting in a pile of wood chips and other stuff that is comfortably warm and soft, with my eyes wide open and mind completely blown by the absurd juxtaposition of the calm yellow-on-blue moon scene blurred by almost transparent, gentle clouds and the roaring dark mass, throwing around its writhing tentacles of purple energy while hovering above the city.

the clouds cover the moon at some point so that there's only a yellow beam of light coming from under the gold-lined grey cloud and it's super pretty !

then it starts raining and I make my way back and my clothes get completely wet from the front and my hat is dripping with water and the clouds completely cover the moon and the moment is gone

but it was SO GODDAMN AMAZING and I could have missed it SO EASILY by being a lazy piece of shit or just opening a browser tab with a perfectly innocent little tumblr blog and accidentally wasting 25 minutes of my life by trawling through a bunch of pointless text posts by a person I don't even know or care about

may this be a reminder to all of you: nature is beautiful and it doesn't give the tiniest shit about your pathetic little existence yet it unknowingly gives amazing displays of its true grace to those who care to look. good night, everyone.
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And after Equinoxe's awesome inspiring post about nature, I'm just going to show up like

"I just beat Dishonored yaaaaaaaaay" because I got that game a couple days ago and it was awesome and now I want the DLCs why must they make me so broke aaaaaaaaaagh
Just hatched a Shiny Sunkern while just hatching one for a random 'mon to trade with a friend since she was giving away some of her own.

Like really.

My brain exploded.
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