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The "Fwee" Thread

Met with the school counselor. Feeling better, especially since it helped reinforce my feeling of being on top of things. Nice that she actually listened to me, too.
So today my school was on lockdown because somebody found bullets. I was in my second hour (Spanish) from 9:30 to 2:00, and I didn't go to the college today (I take one class there), and the result was I got to skip two difficult tests and basically do nothing all day.

We watched High School Musical and Bee Movie and I played Scrabble with my friend.
What I disliked most about that blog wasn't the blog itself, it was some of the loud fans of it who sadly remain adamant that "the vast majority" of MLP fans enjoy Molestia jokes, and anyone who isn't is just "whiny"

Whine (and moan, whinge, etc) is apparently a noun meaning opinion that is invalid because it is different to mine.

Those are awful too, I agree.

Sorry to be a spoilsport, but this isn't going to do jackshit against MLP rape jokes in the long run. There's endless amounts of porn ask blogs dedicated to MLP, including ones featuring much more explicit than the one that got taken down. I remember someone linked to me this bizarre ask blog that had pictures of a cute fuzzy legless pony that was placed in disgusting situations involving rape and guro.

Honestly, the molestia blog was tame compared to the other uncensored stuff out there. Kinda baffled as to why people seem to focus on that one as the worst.
I remember someone linked to me this bizarre ask blog that had pictures of a cute fuzzy legless pony that was placed in disgusting situations involving rape and guro.

Okay, I... really didn't need to know that.

Anyway, my response to this (and the rest of your post) is below.

Honestly, the molestia blog was tame compared to the other uncensored stuff out there. Kinda baffled as to why people seem to focus on that one as the worst.

Because it's the most well-known.

As an analogy, let's consider (yep, you guessed it) Blurred Lines.

Does it promote rape/rape culture? Yes.
Are there other songs out there which do the same? Yes.
Are some of those other songs even viler than Blurred Lines? Yes.
Are any of them as popular/mainstream as Blurred Lines? No.
Therefore, can they do as much to spread their negative message? No.

It's the same with APM.

Does it promote rape/rape culture? Yes.
Are there other MLP blogs out there which do the same? Yes.
Are some of those other blogs even viler than APM? Yes.
Are any of them as popular/mainstream as APM? No.
Therefore, can they do as much to spread their negative message? No.
Okay, I... really didn't need to know that.

I'm not even a fan and these blogs are ridiculously easy to come by. I don't know if people do it for the shock factor or what, but it'd be great if they'd at least mark their blogs as explicit.

Actually, I think that'd be a good idea in general. Try and encourage people to mark explicit work and don't make it easy for younger fans to come by. I would have appreciated a sentiment like this when I was a younger fan browsing for fanart of my favourite cartoons. (with the safe search on!)
Wow. It's been a while since I've been here

Two weeks ago I got out of a long, unhealthy relationship. I got a decent GPA for the semester. Made my audition for my school's jazz choir. Annnd yesterday my best friend asked me to Sadie Hawkins in a really cute way.

I'd say life's beginning to turn around for me.
Sometimes I happen across a youtube channel that makes really "good" youtube poops that I haven't seen before, is active, and is inoffensive.
It doesn't happen often but it makes me really happy when it does.
i got to time auditions for our theater program

so i know what they're looking for

and got to see some HELLA TALENTED PEOPLE (one guy sang Be Prepared and wowie boy)
walked in four inch heels and didn't die. achievement unlocked!
Spent an hour talking with the rabbi about various things and I have now begun the path to conversion. So, that's cool. I still have a lot of concerns but it's a step forward.
Tried scotch for the first time. It's pretty good.
I bought a blender, and made a smoothie. Yum.
i seem to have gotten over the bad puns and realized how koala-ty they are.

(they were a bunch of koala puns, by the way)
I actually seem to know what I'm doing for my Science Fair presentation. Consequently, I will know what I'm doing for the monograph thing later on. yussss
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