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The IM Thread

michael says:
I'm in a really good mood today =)
michael says:
But I am also tired and hungry
Liz says:
Invest in sleep and lunch.
michael says:
lunch is in an hour
michael says:
sleep is for the week
michael says:
Liz says:
invest in a lot of caffeine then, that'll wake you up
michael says:
been drinking lots of water today!
michael says:
needing the toilet loads is a real downside though
Liz says:
work closer to a restroom or get a bottle to pee in
michael says:
I can go whenever I liek
michael says:
michael says:
it's just there --->
michael says:
but that also means getting and going
michael says:
and I ache from exercise yesterday
michael says:
getting up*
Liz says:
the second suggestion helps that
michael says:
bottle eh
michael says:
Well I have a bottle of water
michael says:
so if I finish drinking the water
michael says:
I can pee in it
Liz says:
problem solved
michael says:
Although I may forget i pee'd in it...
michael says:
and then drink it again.......
Liz says:
Get a marker and write "PISS BOTTLE" across the top, then you won't drink it
michael says:
michael says:
Or I could... just go to the toilet
michael says:
seems like it's the option with less hassle now
Liz says:
Yeah, that works too.

(michael = my boss on Aleveria)
These are in no particular order. I'm Frosted Flame in all of them.

The first three are with Shadowpulse from this forum.

Frosted Flame says:
Sort of off-subject, but have you seen the movie 'The Princess Diaries'?
[c=#1EB54F] Giant Maiyutic[/c=3] says:
[c=#1EB54F] Giant Maiyutic[/c=3] says:
oh wiat wrong movie ^^()

[c=#1EB54F] Giant Maiyutic[/c=3] says:
my cat is fat and lazy and flops evcerywhere
[c=#1EB54F] Giant Maiyutic[/c=3] says:
she will literally for five hours then get up , take two steps and then fall over and for another five hours
Frosted Flame says:
Frosted Flame says:
Garfield the second.

[c=#1EB54F] Giant Maiyutic[/c=3] says:
<<I starts juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle singing lalalalalalalalala
Frosted Flame says:
[c=#1EB54F] Giant Maiyutic[/c=3] says:
<<I falls on his face
[c=#1EB54F] Giant Maiyutic[/c=3] says:
owwie ;_;
Frosted Flame says:
At least you didn't drop any chainsaws on yourself. XD

^ All that because I asked for a distraction.

The next person isn't on this forum.

Frosted Flame says:
... I'm down to ranting about my spirit guide to give me material.
Flynaito says:
Spirit guide?
Frosted Flame says:
My animal spirit guide. And you'd think he'd be something huge, dangerous, and impressive... but no, I'm stuck with a freaking squirrel.
Flynaito says:
Heh, how'd you find out about that?
Frosted Flame says:
A couple years ago, I found a book about animal spirit guides. I can't remember what I did, but I think it was some sort of meditation... next thing I know, I have a hyperactive nut-gnawer as my God.
Frosted Flame says:
I had been hoping for a tiger.
Frosted Flame says:
Animal spirit guides are meant to reflect the inner personality of the person they guide... do I seem like a squirrel to you?
Flynaito says:
*refrains from making a nutty joke* Hmmm, *thinks about her personality*
Flynaito says:
Maybe his hyper nature is a way of telling you to calm down and take things slow?
Frosted Flame says:
Frosted Flame says:
... ahem...
Flynaito says:
... *chuckles*

The one below is with Saffire Persian, on the subject of Philosophy classes.

Frosted Flame says:
They're currently trying to convince me I don't exist. I've learned that the human mind can experience more confusion than I previously thought possible.
One equal temper of heroic hearts,//Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will//To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield says:
They're trying to convince you that what? ..That's.. odd.
Frosted Flame says:
Brains in jars are even more so. (Last lesson.)
One equal temper of heroic hearts,//Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will//To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield says:
Yeah, that.. would be, too.
One equal temper of heroic hearts,//Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will//To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield says:
I can handle brains in jars, I suppose.
Frosted Flame says:
That gives me a strange image.
One equal temper of heroic hearts,//Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will//To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield says:

Next one is obvious.

Dragon_night says:
*Blushes and laughs* Until you hear my attempts at singing.
Frosted Flame says:
*Laughs* It can't be as bad as I am.
Dragon_night says:
Oh? You wanna make a bet? XD
Frosted Flame says:
I make myself cringe when I replay a recording of myself singing.
Dragon_night says:
My friends scream everytime I star humming :x
Dragon_night says:
Everytime one of my friends annoy me, I sing until they stop >D
Frosted Flame says:
Maybe we could record a duo some day and terrify the world.
Dragon_night says:
*every time
Dragon_night says:
Yes! >D
This was a while back, when I was playing Harvest Moon.

Me and GF0 said:
Ice the frosty cat says (21:08):
I'm right at the end of the first chapter of Harvest moon
Badgerduck says (21:08):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:08):
Does the chapter end right at midnight?
Badgerduck says (21:09):
The original or some other one?
Ice the frosty cat says (21:09):
A Wonderful life
Badgerduck says (21:09):
Because the original doesn't have chapters o-o
Badgerduck says (21:10):
GC/ Wii, rite?
Haven't played it
Ice the frosty cat says (21:10):
I fail at farming
I planted Strawberries in Summer and they all died D:
Badgerduck says (21:11):
I laugh at your failyre
Ice the frosty cat says (21:12):
Bear in mind that I hadn't played for several months and I'd forgotten that they were no good in Summer
Badgerduck says (21:12):
I laugh more at your failure
Ice the frosty cat says (21:14):
Chapter's ending
*character exits house*
*runs forward*
*running to hotel*
Badgerduck says (21:14):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:14):
*meeting Fiance*
Badgerduck says (21:15):
... lol
Ice the frosty cat says (21:15):
Nami: Good morning, Frosty.
Tim: Please take care of Nami for me
Tim: She is like my precious daughter
Badgerduck says (21:15):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:15):
Name: Tim...
Tim: Take care of yourself
Badgerduck says (21:15):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:15):
Badgerduck says (21:15):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:15):
Tim:It was nice to have you here
Badgerduck says (21:15):
That's what she said
Ice the frosty cat says (21:15):
*Me and Nami walk off*
Ice the frosty cat says (21:16):
Nami: Thank you much for everything Tim
Badgerduck says (21:16):
[Insert sexual innuendoes here about EVERYTHING]
Ice the frosty cat says (21:16):
Nami: Thank you too Ruby,all the food was delicious
Ruby: I can cook for you any time, oh good, you can stay in Forget Valley now
Ice the frosty cat says (21:17):
Nami: I'm in your debt Frosty (quite literally because she has no money)
Ruby: Frosty, Take care of Nami, since she came here she's been unruly
Badgerduck says (21:17):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:17):
*I nod*
Nami: Bye Tim and Ruby
*Tim walks back into the hotel with Ruby
Ice the frosty cat says (21:18):
*At bar*
*People coming*
*caveman runs into guy's house and takes his stuff*
Badgerduck says (21:19):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:19):
*At old people's mansion*
Badgerduck says (21:19):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:19):
I seriously lol'd at that
Badgerduck says (21:19):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:19):
Fuck no
Ice the frosty cat says (21:20):
He just ran into my farm
Badgerduck says (21:20):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:20):
And after I gave him 10coins so he could go home
*Me and Nami, with uncle, going into my house*
Ice the frosty cat says (21:21):
Takakura: What are you going to call Frosty now?
Nami: Why can't we just go along as before?
Yes, why? >:l
Badgerduck says (21:21):
Because you suck
That's why
Ice the frosty cat says (21:21):
*enters Frosty*
Badgerduck says (21:21):
Who's Frosty?
Ice the frosty cat says (21:21):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:22):
Badgerduck says (21:22):
I thought it was-
Ice the frosty cat says (21:22):
*A few years later*
Badgerduck says (21:22):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:22):
"How are you?"
"I guess it doesn't matter to you anymore"
"Your son is doing well. The farm is in good shape too"
Badgerduck says (21:23):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:23):
*In kitchen which wasn't there before*
Badgerduck says (21:23):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:23):
"A new kitchen motivated Nami to learn how to cook"
Badgerduck says (21:23):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:23):
*Nami cooking*
*little baby boy opening toybox*
Badgerduck says (21:23):
I call feminism on this bull shit
Ice the frosty cat says (21:23):
*He falls over and sucks his thumb and cries*
Badgerduck says (21:24):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:24):
"Your son is very cute, what was his name?"
*Enters "GF0"
Badgerduck says (21:24):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:25):
My finger is hovering over the OK button
Badgerduck says (21:25):
Seems more liek a Brew to me
Seems moar like a Brew to me
I'd be the dog or something
Ice the frosty cat says (21:25):
The dog is called Woody
Badgerduck says (21:25):
That's a stupif name
Geefo would've been better
Ice the frosty cat says (21:25):
It's my friend's dog's name
*clicks OK*
Badgerduck says (21:25):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:25):
"Is this name Ok?"
Badgerduck says (21:26):
Fuck yoooooooooooooooooooooou~
Ice the frosty cat says (21:26):
*GF0 drawing*
See? I told you he was a GF0
Badgerduck says (21:26):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:26):
"GF0, Yes, GF0, looks like Nami"
*Door opens*
*Nami comes in*
Badgerduck says (21:26):
... Fuck D:
Ice the frosty cat says (21:27):
"All parents expect something from their kids, but I wonder what they are dreaming of"
*pan of my house
*Dog chasing Caveman*
Badgerduck says (21:27):
Fucking Caveman
Ice the frosty cat says (21:27):
GF0: Daddy, carry me
Badgerduck says (21:28):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:28):
*I pick GF0 up*
Badgerduck says (21:28):
Fuck you, Ice
Ice the frosty cat says (21:28):
*and toss him into the air*
Badgerduck says (21:28):
Dropping me will result in instant death
By lazah
Ice the frosty cat says (21:28):
Nami: Aren't you the lucky one to play with Dadddy, GF0?
GF0: ...Hee hee...
Badgerduck says (21:28):
Don't be dissin' me, woman
Ice the frosty cat says (21:29):
Nami: Hey, Frosty, I want GF0 to grow up with as broad a perspective as possible, don't you?
*agrees with her*
Badgerduck says (21:29):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:29):
Nami: I guess you're right, he has to determine his own path in life
Nami: Time for bed, GF0
*I put GF0 down*
Badgerduck says (21:29):
Fuck you, woman
Don't be dissin' me
Ice the frosty cat says (21:29):
GF0: Goin' night-night...
Ice the frosty cat says (21:30):
Nami: Oh yeah, I forgot
Nami: The fridge is almost out of food. Will you restock it, Frosty?
Nami: Thanks, goodnight
Badgerduck says (21:30):
Yeah, Ice
Fill that fridge
Ice the frosty cat says (21:30):
GF0: Nighty-night
*I go to bed*
Ice the frosty cat says (21:31):
*Has control of game again*
Badgerduck says (21:31):
Whut D:
Ice the frosty cat says (21:31):
And what do you know. GF0 sleeps on the floor
*steals GF0's drawing pad*
Ice the frosty cat says (21:32):
GF0: Zzzzz Zzzzz Zzzz Zzzzz
Badgerduck says (21:32):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:34):
My cow doesn't give milk anymore ;-;
How will I feed my family D:?
Badgerduck says (21:34):
Your organs
Ice the frosty cat says (21:35):
Hugh's grown up
Well not quite
But he's older
Hmm, what about Lumina?
Badgerduck says (21:36):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:36):
Nope, no noticeable difference
Badgerduck says (21:36):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:36):
Lumina: Please don't go into my bedroom
Badgerduck says (21:37):
She keeps naughty things in there, Ice
You should've married HER if you wanted that
Gees, Ice
Ice the frosty cat says (21:37):
You can't marry her
She's a kid
*Tries to steal a cat*
Badgerduck says (21:38):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:38):
*it jumps out of my hands leaving me with a silly surprised face*
Badgerduck says (21:38):
It hates you
Ice the frosty cat says (21:38):
Who is this stupid kid
Badgerduck says (21:38):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:38):
I've never seen her before D:
Badgerduck says (21:39):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:39):
Hardy: Hey!? Are you ok?
Ice the frosty cat says (21:40):
Hardy: Are you awake?
Badgerduck says (21:40):
"No, fuck you."
Ice the frosty cat says (21:40):
*I nod*
Badgerduck says (21:40):
"No, fuck you"
Ice the frosty cat says (21:40):
Hardy: It looked like you pushed yourself a little too hard*
Lucky for you it happen in my house
You'll be fine
This Doctor is never wrong in his diagnosis
Badgerduck says (21:40):
Yes he is
I demand a second opinion
Ice the frosty cat says (21:40):
Is that why you have a metal robotic eye then =D?
Badgerduck says (21:40):
You manwhore
Ice the frosty cat says (21:41):
Hardy: Ah yes, you probably already know this, but I just moved here. I've got things to attend to so I can't stay and watch you get home safely
Badgerduck says (21:42):
"No, fuck you"
Ice the frosty cat says (21:42):
Who is this Samantha?
Badgerduck says (21:43):
Your real wife
Ice the frosty cat says (21:43):
Where are those old people who used to live here?
Badgerduck says (21:43):
Who you accidentally got married to during one of your many drunken romps
They went to a farm
A farm
in the sky
Ice the frosty cat says (21:43):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:44):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:45):
Celia: GF0 is so cute. He'll grow up healthy and happy on the farm, that's for sure
Badgerduck says (21:45):
Fuck you woman
I'm not with this square
Badgerduck says (21:46):
Now get me a Milky Way, mother fucka
Ice the frosty cat says (21:46):
It's that old person
Badgerduck says (21:46):
No, Ice
Ice the frosty cat says (21:46):
Why did he move to this place?
Badgerduck says (21:46):
Because he's old
Ice the frosty cat says (21:46):
Galen: ...oh, if it isn't you.
..Would you just leve me alone for now?
Ice the frosty cat says (21:47):
"Nina is smiling in the picture. There's a note"
Badgerduck says (21:47):
Yeah Ice
Ice the frosty cat says (21:47):
"a Tomato milk and an Egg make a good desert"
Badgerduck says (21:47):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:48):
GF0's awake
GF0: Ah, Dad
Ice the frosty cat says (21:49):
*picks him up*
GF0: Noooooooooo!
Badgerduck says (21:49):
Reacting like me already
Ice the frosty cat says (21:49):
GF0: Mommy said Mommy loves me
Ice the frosty cat says (21:50):
*picks you up again*
*throws you in the air*
Badgerduck says (21:50):
I'mma fly kick you
Ice the frosty cat says (21:50):
"Cawwy me, snuggle snuggle" Said GF0
GF0: Want down...
Badgerduck says (21:50):
Snuggle... snuggle?
Badgerduck says (21:51):
Why can my mini me not talk?
Ice the frosty cat says (21:51):
GF0: Want down!
*continues to toss in air*
GF0: Daddy is warm
Badgerduck says (21:51):
Badgerduck says (21:52):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:52):
*puts you down*
*you go into the kitchen*
*I go into the kitchen*
Badgerduck says (21:52):
Ice the frosty cat says (21:52):
*Nami comes in the kitchen*
GF0: *steals watermelon*
Ice the frosty cat says (21:53):
You greedy bastard
Badgerduck says (21:54):
Indeed I am
Ice the frosty cat says (21:54):
*shows drawing pad*
GF0: ...mine...
Badgerduck says (21:54):
Gimme mah drawing pad
Ice the frosty cat says (21:54):
*puts it in the toybox*
Ice the frosty cat says (21:55):
*goes wandering*
Ice the frosty cat says (21:57):
Is...is that a gravestone?

"Nina is resting peacefully here"
Badgerduck says (21:58):
Holy crap
Who's Nina?
Ice the frosty cat says (21:58):
The old guy's wife
Badgerduck says (21:58):
Ice the frosty cat says (22:02):
Ok now I'm bored with this game and will likely never play it again
*goes to save*
Badgerduck says (22:02):
k lol
Harvest Moon can be silly
Ice the frosty cat says (22:02):
And there's you sleeping on the floor
Badgerduck says (22:02):
I want the Orange Box
Ice the frosty cat says (22:02):
Curled into a ball and sucking your thumb
Oh and now you've woken up
Ice the frosty cat says (22:03):
But still thumbsucking
Badgerduck says (22:03):
I said
Ice the frosty cat says (22:05):
There's that caveman again
Ice the frosty cat says (22:06):
Badgerduck says (22:06):
Ice the frosty cat says (22:06):
Badgerduck says (22:06):
Ice the frosty cat says (22:09):
GF0: Wooking for sister
Badgerduck says (22:09):
Whut o-o
Ice the frosty cat says (22:09):
That's what you said
Badgerduck says (22:10):
Ice the frosty cat says (22:10):
And now I really am bored
No direct quotes, but I just had this awesome conversation with my two best friends in which that adjective was confirmed. And I'm happier than I've been for a long time~

So, yeah, nothing to laugh at here. Move along.
Boss gets bored at work, invites me and one of the other GMs into a group chat, then tells us to invite whoever might be interesting. So I pulled one of the actual non-staffers in. xD

Alaraose says:
Exactly why I wanna keep it, it's useless until lvl 40 anyways.
Jaime says:
Yeah i've killed that damn old chest like 80 times and haven't gotten shit...
Ali says:
Alaraose says:
What chest? o.O
Jaime says:
Though, I know where a second one is ;)
Jaime says:
And everyone gets quiet...
Jaime says:
Ali says:
waiting fvor u tot alk
Ali says:
talk rawr
Jaime says:
Psh. That would be cheating.
Mike says:
Work sometimes means I have to work
Mike says:
Alaraose says:
Gimme #'s bish, I wanna see D:
Ali says:
pwning me with yer staff chr is cheating :P
Jaime says:
I don't have the numbers....I'll get them in a sec
Ali says:
i cant take those hits for 500+
Ali says:
Ali says:
Jaime says:
Alaraose says:
it's only cheating if he keeps doing it after you tell him to quit
Ali says:
ala does it to >.>...wait till im lvl 50 <,<
Alaraose says:
Jaime says:
Still wondering how I got the extra 12 dex...
Jaime says:
Impressive...I logged on to 5 error 5's....
Alaraose says:
12? Jesus boy, who'd you have to blow for an extra 12? O.O
Mike says:
Mike says:
James open you config.ini
Alaraose says:
Had to ask -.-

This.. I have no idea what this is, but it was amusing.
Alaraose says:
And I've got a pdf file of the next Dark book if you want it now :P
Jaime says:
I'll show you a pdf ;)
Alaraose says:
Leave it to a guy to turn a file extension into something sexual lol
Mike says:
I shouldn't lol
Mike says:
I'll show you a file extension ;()
Mike says:
Jaime says:
Alaraose says:
Why am I not surprised -.-
Jaime says:
You really shouldn't be...
Alaraose says:
Got a bunch of other books if you'd rather read something that wouldn't give your superiors an eyeful of Carpathian sex, and a couple manga
Mike says:
I'll give you an eyeful of Carpathian sex ;)
Mike says:
Wait what
starting a new post to add to this year

<Furret> you guys I really want to murder my dad
<Furret> apparently now I'm a godless heathen
<Furret> and he sent me to my room to talk to god
<Furret> Eevee are you here
<Eevee> yes my child
<Eevee> I am always here


<Tailsy> you guys have really big stomachs or something
<Tailsy> I would never be able to eat that much pizza
<Tailsy> I have to share 12" with my mum rofl
<Tailsy> ...
<Tailsy> pizza
<Tailsy> dammit


* Harlequin rocks out to Queen
* Harlequin just killed a chocobo accidentally :(
<H-land> Another one bites the dust.


<Tailsy> whoa what the fuck
<Tailsy> that glass of water+paracetamol
<Tailsy> has suddenly stopped glowing ominously
<Tailsy> should i drink it
<Harlequin> yeah go for it

<Tailsy> gross
<Tailsy> why do i always take other people's advice
<Tailsy> why am i still drinking this
<Tailsy> blaaaaaargh
<Harlequin> Tailsy: you're like the cat that curiosity killed
<Tailsy> mrow :(


<Midnight> what languages do you speak?
<Furret> English
<Furret> German
<Furret> Leet
<Furret> also I am fluent in Gay
<Harlequin> but how's your Fag?
<Furret> I don't smoke.
<Furret> (See, I can speak British too!)


<Tailsy> HEY
<Tailsy> this is the paracetamol water from yesterday!
<Tailsy> should I drink it??
<Harlequin> yeah
<Harlequin> do it
<Tailsy> :D
<Tailsy> k
<Tailsy> auuuuughhh
<Tailsy> whyyyy
<Tailsy> urgh this is awful
<Tailsy> it's actually worse
<Tailsy> I finished it
<Tailsy> D:
<Tailsy> never again
<Midnight> tailsy you're on your seventh life now you realize
<Tailsy> mrow :(


<Eevee> I also saw a carpenter ant outside wandering around under the drain
<Eevee> and I was like "oh hello"
<Eevee> and doc was like "well fuck you buddy" and whacked it with a broom
<Eevee> but let it live
<Eevee> so it could return to the hive
<Tailsy> ...
<Tailsy> :(
<Eevee> and tell the other ants what it had seen
<Harlequin> ...hahaha
<Tailsy> awww
<Tailsy> ;w;
<Eevee> spread word of Doc, Destroyer of Ants
<Eevee> the mighty beast that guards the oddly-rectangular tree


<Verne> facebook says i'm disabled, whut.
<Verne> "If you believe your Page was removed in error and you can confirm that you are or officially represent this entity, please use this form." The form takes you to a login screen, to which you cannot login given that your account is /disabled./


<Zhorken> every assignment should have an implied "Alternatively, argue why the assignment is stupid."


<Furret> you know, I wonder if there is any relation between the fact that my last name means "tailor" and my huge suit/fancy men's clothes obsession/fetish
<Harlequin> no
<Harlequin> you're just a fag
<Furret> I'm just a faggot. ;_;
<Harlequin> and fags love fashion
<Harlequin> yeah ; ;
<Furret> ; ; maybe it's genetic though!
<Furret> maybe the first Schroeder was a faggot suit fetishist!
<Furret> in which case
<Furret> I am doing him PROUD
<Furret> and he is looking at me from heaven and smiling
<Furret> or maybe he was a fucking Catholic like all the fucking Germans of the time were :(
<Harlequin> he is very probably a faggot
<Harlequin> ...
<Harlequin> wtf
<Harlequin> I meant to write "Catholic"
<Harlequin> but my mind overrode it with "faggot"
<surskitty> same thing


<surskitty> and I think Eevee would be willing to sleep with Butterfree maybe even though she's probably not the type to sleep with people other than her boyfriend
<Eevee> :3
<Butterfree> :o
<Eevee> ~_~
<Butterfree> Threesomes for the win.
<Xikaze> ~_~
<surskitty> threesomes ALWAYS for the win
<Zhorken> of course!
<Eevee> I kinda doubt butterfree wants to boink me 83
<Feralig8tr> are you kidding
<Butterfree> Who doesn't want to boink you?
<surskitty> ...
* surskitty handraise
<Butterfree> Well, surskitty is a special case. :(


<Eevee> everyone do everything
<Eevee> go


<Dewgong> my mom's at the store getting me a pink cookie
<Dewgong> they're my favourite.
<H-land> What does pink taste like?
<Dewgong> well there's this cookie at this store in this town. called a pink cookie. and it's not just any pink cookie.
<Dewgong> it's a rocket pink cookie.
<Xikaze> can you ride it to space
<Xikaze> or is it rocket-shaped
<Dewgong> when you eat this cookie, it makes you really happy. and you blast off into a magical land with a magical feeling. like a rocket.
<Xikaze> oh
<Dewgong> that's why it's called the rocket pink cookie.
<Xikaze> like an orgasm
<H-land> What kind of pink is a rocket?
<Dewgong> i knew you were gonna say that.
<Xikaze> you're the one that described it that way
<Espeon> A pink orgasm. Interesting...
<opaltiger> it's orgasm flavoured?
<opaltiger> that's what I got out of the last few lines
<Dewgong> not just a pink orgasm! a rocket pink orgasm!
<Espeon> ... Right.
<H-land> And is a pink rocket anything like a pink torpedo?
<Dewgong> no.
<H-land> Aww.
<Xikaze> pink torpedoes are some sort of vibrator, right
<H-land> Also cocktails.
<Dewgong> sure.
<opaltiger> I bet pink rockets are, too
<H-land> Vibrators or cocktails?
<Dewgong> and the cookie crumbles very easily.
<opaltiger> vibrators
<Dewgong> so you have to be careful with it.
<Dewgong> it's easy to wreck it.
<H-land> ... Edible vibrators.
<opaltiger> man out of context I totally thought you meant a cock that is also a tail
<opaltiger> fragile, too
<opaltiger> it strikes me this is something of a design flaw
<Espeon> ... Fragile orgasm rockets.
<Walker> how did we end up here


<opaltiger> by the way how is public transport in scotland
<Tailsy> eeehh
<Tailsy> do you hate drunk people shouting at nothing in particular
<opaltiger> not really
<Tailsy> it's excellent


<Harlequin> Tailsy is a hat
<Harlequin> remember
<Harlequin> she sorts things
<Tailsy> :( wha
<Tailsy> fuck you guys i'll be the scarf of sexual preference next if you're not careful


<Zhorken> the fish is in the oven
<Harlequin> hooray
<Zhorken> how do I tell when it's ready?
<Xikaze> if it becomes any shade of black, you should go back in time and take it out


<Eevee> http://farm1.static.flickr.com/190/480558827_17288abb5c.jpg
<H-land> Man, that looks amazing.
<H-land> I'd say that I'd like one, but I'm thinking that it'd make everything on my screen look all fuzzy, so I may just have to stick with my current hardware.
<opaltiger> ... wow
<opaltiger> you have
<opaltiger> outdone yourself


<Eevee> no way glaceon is cool
<Eevee> I would bang a glaceon
<Renee> ....
<Zhorken> Renee: that happens every so often
<Midnight> what happened?
<Zhorken> Midnight: people express desire to bang things
<Midnight> ah
<Xikaze> like toddlers
<Zhorken> not toddlers
<Xikaze> I mean
<Geight> not toddlers
<Midnight> hahahaha
<Zhorken> never toddlers
<Midnight> hahahahahahaha
<Xikaze> no I didn't mean
<Geight> you never go full retard
<Xikaze> I didn't mean *banging toddlers*
<Xikaze> I meant toddlers banging on things
<Geight> it's okay Xikaze
<Xikaze> similar to that
<Geight> there's a place for your kind
<Geight> we'll call it hell


<Midnight> "'President Jefferson wondered what the land west of the Rocky Mountains was like he knew some of it was Mexico’s land but he could not help wondering if there was a route by the river that would lead to the Pacific Ocean.' This is a really long sentence. How do I seperate it? Make it too sentences? Add Comma's?"
<Midnight> says mom's friend
<Midnight> oh that missed the best part
<Midnight> "(Pretty bad when I will be a teacher in 1 year and can not do this. Good thing I get the answer sheet :)"
<Harlequin> oh my god she's going to be a teacher
<Harlequin> why is that allowed
<Tailsy> ... oh dear :(
<Harlequin> oh my god that's
<Harlequin> that's terrible
<Harlequin> Midnight. you have to kill her.
<Harlequin> This is your mission.
<Harlequin> GO.


<Xikaze> a few weeks ago, as Ben and I were walking around the city (as we do), this twenty-something black dude started talking to us
<Xikaze> he's like "I think I'm smarter than you" and we were like "huh"
<Xikaze> and he says "what was einstein's theory of equation"
<Xikaze> and I was like "relativity?" but then I said "E = mc^2" which is what I assumed he was looking for
<Midnight> ha
<Eevee> black dude huh
<Xikaze> I was just kind of afraid of getting shot
<Eevee> hahahaha
<Xikaze> but anyway the story goes on I am just trying to remember it
<Xikaze> and he's like "oh ho! you are smart! the second question is, what was Carl Sagan's law of Epthicracy?"
<Eevee> that's not a thing
<Zhorken> neither is Einstein's law of Equation
<Xikaze> and I'm like "... um. wat"
<Xikaze> and he's like "HAHA! I *am* smarter than you" and goes on to point to a building across the street to explain that every structure, every entity, has a weak point, a single point of failure, that can cause a catastrophic collapse
<Xikaze> I don't know if that's a thing or not or what it is called but it is certainly not Carl Sagan's law of Epthicracy and at that point I started to assume he was a terrorist and the building was going down momentarily


<Xikaze> I am making a parody of The Raven for my english class in which Poe is visited by a bird with a letter from Kanye that says that Lewis Carroll is the best poet of all time
<Dezzuu> ...
<Harlequin> ...
<Harlequin> thank you
<Dezzuu> I
<Dezzuu> I don't know if that's great or terrible
<Xikaze> I picked up the tiny letter, and I peered to see it better,
<Xikaze> and I read it; "'Ey yo Edgar! This is Kanye, think no more,
<Xikaze> Now I know you're really into this and I'll let you continue,
<Xikaze> but to Through The Looking-Glass you are a very wordy bore.
<Xikaze> Lewis Carroll, bless his brilliance, makes your verses quite a bore.
<Xikaze> He's the poet I adore."


<Harlequin> England sucks
<Harlequin> you pay full tuition fees
<Harlequin> you have to pay for prescriptions
<Espeon> Only if you're under 60!
<Espeon> D;
<Espeon> I have a fake ID for that.


<Xikaze> http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/1166/ee5f54ced93ee8036e336e1.jpg
<Xikaze> wow
<Xikaze> uh
<Xikaze> what
<Xikaze> this is probably the worst IQ test I've ever seen


* Butterfree gets yet another e-mail from Turbo complaining about being banned for being a communist
<Butterfree> "I have some friends who could help me file a huge lawsuit against you for banning me due to my political views (Communism FOR THE WIN!), unless you decide to let me back on for good (or until I get banned for a totally different reason) before December 6 (aka Stalin [my freakin' idol]'s birthday)"
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me: kick one leg
kick another
Andrea: Okay...
Risa: zz
Andrea: zz
Risa: zz
Andrea: rr
Risa: rr
Andrea: rr
Risa: zz
Andrea: rrr
Risa: rr
Andrea: opps
Risa: zz
Andrea: rr
Risa: zz
Andrea: zz
A few things from #tcod that come to mind from the past few days:

<Harlequin> what the hell is wrong with this website
<Harlequin> jesus motherfucking cuntmunching arse fucking titting christ on a fucking technicolour unicycle
<Harlequin> fucking hell
<Harlequin> ugh piece of motherfucking shit
» Zhorken changed the topic of #tcod to: <Harlequin> jesus motherfucking cuntmunching arse fucking titting christ on a fucking technicolour unicycle
<Zhorken> I know this is usual Harle but all the same, I'm giggling like mad
<Feralig8tr> isn't it delightful
<Harlequin> it works out more anger than just repeating "cunt" over and over :(
<Xikaze> I am not sure what titting entails
<Xikaze> but I am not opposed to finding out

<Zhorken> :333 bunniesssss
* Zhorken just turned his baby animals calendar to July
<Xikaze> :333
<Xikaze> rabbits are weird looking when they're adults
<Xikaze> especially like
<Xikaze> have you ever seen one hairless?
<Harlequin> zhorken that is really gay
<Zhorken> noooo they're ado-- yeah that'd be weird.
<Harlequin> I love that you have one of those
<Harlequin> Xikaze: most furry animals look weird hairless
<Zhorken> I always get a baby animals calendar! this is the fourth year running, I think.
<Harlequin> it is gay but it is very adorable!
<Xikaze> omg harle have you seen a hairless bear
<Harlequin> ...no
<Harlequin> what does it look like
<Xikaze> satan
<Harlequin> I see
<Harlequin> where have you seen a hairless bear
<Xikaze> http://paranormalbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/ours-maladie.jpg
<Harlequin> that is
<Harlequin> terrible
<Zhorken> it looks okay to me
<Harlequin> it looks so thin :(
<Zhorken> I mean it looks horrible as in saddening
<Zhorken> but not terrifying
<Harlequin> and unbearlike
<Zhorken> yeah :(
<Xikaze> oh shit I didn't even notice the other bear in the background
<Xikaze> also I got this very interesting image on the first page of the "hairless bear" search
<Xikaze> [WARNING: boobs] http://www.indymedia.org/images/2008/03/901903.jpg
<Xikaze> I have no idea what is going on
<Xikaze> man those are odd tits
<Zhorken> those are some funny-lookin' tits
<Zhorken> ^5
<Xikaze> ^5
<Xikaze> we are similar judges of tits
<Zhorken> top hat guy is what makes the picture, though.
<Xikaze> definitely
<Harlequin> ...hahah I love those tits

<Zhorken> "Dear Zhorken the Ocelot,"
<Zhorken> it's always amusing when Microsoft sends me fancy emails that open like that
<Zhorken> "Mr. the Ocelot" is even better
Epic convo I just had like... an hour ago. It made me giggle. XD (Floof = My crazy hair. Injokey type thing.)

Arylett Charnoa (2:31:54 AM): Oh, which is your favourite Pokemon, by the waay?
“Cherish” (2:32:01 AM): Pikachu <3
“Cherish” (2:32:12 AM): My sister's is Psyduck.
Arylett Charnoa (2:32:19 AM): XD
Arylett Charnoa (2:32:24 AM): I thought you'd say Pikachu.
“Cherish” (2:32:27 AM): We used to have stuffed animals of them both.
“Cherish” (2:32:28 AM): Why?
Arylett Charnoa (2:32:33 AM): I dunno.
Arylett Charnoa (2:32:36 AM): I just predicted it.
“Cherish” (2:32:48 AM): Physiclett
Arylett Charnoa (2:32:53 AM): Psychic-type Lett. =O
“Cherish” (2:32:57 AM): :O
“Cherish” (2:33:04 AM): Lett......is a Pokemon?
Arylett Charnoa (2:33:12 AM): Yes.
Arylett Charnoa (2:33:14 AM): I am.
“Cherish” (2:33:26 AM): *throws master-ball at Lett"
“Cherish” (2:33:29 AM): **
Arylett Charnoa (2:33:34 AM): NOOO-
Arylett Charnoa (2:33:40 AM): ;;It shakes once;;
Arylett Charnoa (2:33:42 AM): ;;It shakes twice;;
Arylett Charnoa (2:33:46 AM): ;;It shakes a third one;;
Arylett Charnoa (2:33:50 AM): Wild LETT has been caught!
Arylett Charnoa (2:33:53 AM): POKEDEX DATA:
Arylett Charnoa (2:34:20 AM): Be wary of a LETT's floof, it has been known to move around, and sometimes devour Pokemon as large as Dragonite whole.
Arylett Charnoa (2:34:36 AM): Would you like to nickname LETT?
“Cherish” (2:34:55 AM): No.
Arylett Charnoa (2:35:06 AM): LETT has been sent to BOX 3.
“Cherish” (2:35:26 AM): BEAT THAT ASH. I BET YOU DON'T HAVE A LETT, bitch.
Arylett Charnoa (2:35:44 AM): Ash: ;_;
Arylett Charnoa (2:35:54 AM): Ash: I GOTTA CAPTURE A LETT!
“Cherish” (2:36:34 AM): Too bad. You're not on TV anymore.
“Cherish” (2:36:41 AM): Or maybe you are.
“Cherish” (2:36:48 AM): Are you in the new seasons?
Arylett Charnoa (2:36:53 AM): Ash: Yeah, I am.
Arylett Charnoa (2:36:56 AM): Ash: Diamond and Pearl.
“Cherish” (2:37:01 AM): ......
“Cherish” (2:37:18 AM): How many years does it take for you to catch them all?
Arylett Charnoa (2:37:23 AM): LETT: ;;In Box 3, would like to be freed;;
“Cherish” (2:37:27 AM): Seriously, it's been like, a decade.
“Cherish” (2:37:29 AM): Too bad Lett.
Arylett Charnoa (2:37:50 AM): Lett: Why not? 3= Are you gonna be an abusive trainer and leave me in here all day? ;_;
“Cherish” (2:37:55 AM): I'm not.
“Cherish” (2:38:01 AM): I'm arguing with Ash. Be patient.
Arylett Charnoa (2:38:04 AM): Ash: It takes... surprisingly long to catch them all.
“Cherish” (2:38:24 AM): I'm sure Gary will catch them all first.
“Cherish” (2:38:28 AM): He's just that epic.
Arylett Charnoa (2:38:35 AM): Ash: AAARRRRGGH! Don't you mention GAAARY!
Arylett Charnoa (2:38:45 AM): Ash: I WILL catch them FIRST.
“Cherish” (2:38:52 AM): Doubt that.
“Cherish” (2:39:13 AM): My brother used to watch you in his childhood. He's 22........
“Cherish” (2:39:24 AM): You're terse now.
Arylett Charnoa (2:39:36 AM): Ash: ...Oh what do YOU know?
Arylett Charnoa (2:39:43 AM): Lett: I WANNA GET OUT OF HEEEREE.
“Cherish” (2:39:53 AM): *letts Lett out of box*
Arylett Charnoa (2:40:02 AM): ;;Is in Master Ball;;
“Cherish” (2:40:43 AM): Is Professor Oaks still alive?
“Cherish” (2:40:53 AM): He was like, 83, in the original.
“Cherish” (2:40:59 AM): He needs to pass on.
Arylett Charnoa (2:41:23 AM): Ash: He still lives... and he's... kinda got a thing for my mom.
“Cherish” (2:41:32 AM): ...
“Cherish” (2:41:35 AM): That's nasty.
Arylett Charnoa (2:41:41 AM): Ash: You're telling ME that.
Arylett Charnoa (2:41:52 AM): CHERISHU, LET ME OUT OF THIS BAAALL.
“Cherish” (2:41:58 AM): SILENCE.
“Cherish” (2:42:01 AM): I KILL YOU.
“Cherish” (2:42:26 AM): :O Ash and Gary could be cousins if Oaks and Ketchum unite in matrimony.
Arylett Charnoa (2:42:39 AM): Ash: NOOOOOOOOO!
Arylett Charnoa (2:42:54 AM): Lett: Don't killinate me. 3= I just wanna be ouuut.
“Cherish” (2:43:46 AM): *throws master-ball dramatially at Ash*
“Cherish” (2:43:51 AM): *dramatically
“Cherish” (2:44:16 AM): ....you are out of your ball.
Arylett Charnoa (2:44:23 AM): ;;Comes out dramatically;;
Arylett Charnoa (2:44:25 AM): LEEEETTT!
Arylett Charnoa (2:44:29 AM): ...Sorry... it's a habit.
Arylett Charnoa (2:44:54 AM): Ash: I WANT THAT LETT! D<
Arylett Charnoa (2:45:01 AM): Ash: You caught it... before I could.
“Cherish” (2:45:41 AM): Sucks to be you.
“Cherish” (2:45:53 AM): Guess you will never catch them all.
“Cherish” (2:46:02 AM): You will grow to be old and disgusting.
Arylett Charnoa (2:46:09 AM): Ash: STOP IT! GRRRR...
“Cherish” (2:46:15 AM): With only Pikachu to comfort you.
Arylett Charnoa (2:46:19 AM): Ash: I challenge you and your LETT to a Pokemon battle!
Arylett Charnoa (2:46:25 AM): Ash: If I win... I get the LETT.
Arylett Charnoa (2:46:32 AM): Ash: If you win... you get Pikachu.
“Cherish” (2:46:50 AM): :O You're willing to give up your Pikachu so easily?
“Cherish” (2:46:58 AM): You're wagering your best friend.
Arylett Charnoa (2:47:01 AM): Ash: I know you're not going to win.
Arylett Charnoa (2:47:07 AM): Ash: It's an easy wager.
“Cherish” (2:47:12 AM): =/
“Cherish” (2:47:14 AM): Okay then.
Arylett Charnoa (2:47:26 AM): Hey wait a minute... I never said I wanted to battle.
“Cherish” (2:47:38 AM): ....Lett, you're a pokemon...
“Cherish” (2:47:43 AM): You have no choice.
“Cherish” (2:48:06 AM): You force you to fight, much like children in Iraq.
Arylett Charnoa (2:48:16 AM): D=
Arylett Charnoa (2:48:28 AM): Ash: GO PIKACHU!
Arylett Charnoa (2:48:37 AM): ...I'd better win this, I don't want to belong to that whore.
“Cherish” (2:48:53 AM): Lett, just kick his ass.
Arylett Charnoa (2:49:01 AM): How? I need commands.
Arylett Charnoa (2:49:11 AM): Ash: PIKACHU, USE THUNDERBOLT!
“Cherish” (2:50:37 AM): ...I'm trying to figure out how to spell. Hold on.
Arylett Charnoa (2:50:52 AM): ;;Holds on;;
“Cherish” (2:51:02 AM): FOUND IT.
“Cherish” (2:51:18 AM): Okay. Lett, dodge that, and use Floofinate.
“Cherish” (2:51:31 AM): Dodge....is an amazingly hard word to spell.
Arylett Charnoa (2:51:58 AM): ;;Manages to dodge the Thunderbolt, floof grows bigger and wraps itself around Pikachu;;
Arylett Charnoa (2:52:09 AM): Ash: Noooo! Pikachu, try another Thunderbolt!
Arylett Charnoa (2:52:20 AM): XD Dodge.
Arylett Charnoa (2:53:19 AM): ;;Is zapped by Thunderbolt;; Auuugh dammit, my HP's getting low. =/
“Cherish” (2:54:15 AM): D:
“Cherish” (2:54:26 AM): Just go and hit Ash.
“Cherish” (2:54:36 AM): I play dirty. ^_^
Arylett Charnoa (2:54:41 AM): Pikachu won't let me. D=
“Cherish” (2:54:48 AM): Screw Pikachu.
Arylett Charnoa (2:54:58 AM): ;;Throws Pikachu into a corner with floof;;
Arylett Charnoa (2:55:01 AM): ;;Attackinates Ash;;
“Cherish” (2:55:05 AM): Yay
Arylett Charnoa (2:55:09 AM): Did I win?
Arylett Charnoa (2:55:15 AM): Ash: AAARRGH! That's CHEATING!
“Cherish” (2:55:17 AM): You did.
“Cherish” (2:55:27 AM): Forgive me, o' ashy one.
Arylett Charnoa (2:55:39 AM): Ash: No fair, you play dirty. D=
“Cherish” (2:55:44 AM): D:
“Cherish” (2:55:46 AM): I sowwy.
Arylett Charnoa (2:55:52 AM): Oh my God, I grew to level 21~
“Cherish” (2:55:56 AM): YAY
Arylett Charnoa (2:56:02 AM): What...?
Arylett Charnoa (2:56:06 AM): LETT is evolving!
Arylett Charnoa (2:56:12 AM): DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN NA!
“Cherish” (2:56:15 AM): Oh My Gawd.
Arylett Charnoa (2:56:21 AM): Ash: =O
Arylett Charnoa (2:56:28 AM): CONGRATULATIONS!
Arylett Charnoa (2:57:45 AM): Your LETT has evolved into a FLOOFTRESSLETT.
“Cherish” (2:57:58 AM): ....O;
Arylett Charnoa (2:58:09 AM): What happened...
Arylett Charnoa (2:58:12 AM): I feel weird.
Arylett Charnoa (2:58:36 AM): POKEDEX DATA:
Arylett Charnoa (2:59:25 AM): Although a LETT's floof is dangerous, a FLOOFTRESSLETT's floof is even larger and more vicious, it is known to be able to contain large amounts of static electricity in it, which it uses to stun its prey into submission.
Arylett Charnoa (2:59:47 AM): Ash: ...I WANT ONE. ;_;
“Cherish” (3:00:08 AM): ....you can't have one.
“Cherish” (3:00:14 AM): Because you've failed.
“Cherish” (3:00:36 AM): You started out at age 11, when my brother was a kid. How old does that make you now?
“Cherish” (3:00:40 AM): 20s, right?
“Cherish” (3:00:42 AM): Creep.
Arylett Charnoa (3:00:46 AM): Ash: 3=
Arylett Charnoa (3:00:53 AM): I feel so much floofier.
Arylett Charnoa (3:00:56 AM): What happened?
“Cherish” (3:01:11 AM): You just grew in epic proportions.
Arylett Charnoa (3:01:19 AM): I... grew?
Arylett Charnoa (3:01:33 AM): Ash: You're mean.
Arylett Charnoa (3:01:42 AM): Whoa... OH MY GOD.
Arylett Charnoa (3:01:46 AM): Aaaaaah, my floof...!
Arylett Charnoa (3:01:48 AM): I can't control it...
Arylett Charnoa (3:01:51 AM): It's going WILD!
Arylett Charnoa (3:01:56 AM): ;;It goes wild and eats Pikachu;;
“Cherish” (3:02:13 AM): D:
“Cherish” (3:02:18 AM): Pikachu. D:
“Cherish” (3:02:39 AM): You can't eat other Pokemon!
“Cherish” (3:02:44 AM): Children watch this show!
Arylett Charnoa (3:03:11 AM): I didn't do it!
Arylett Charnoa (3:03:14 AM): My floof did!
Arylett Charnoa (3:03:27 AM): I lost control of it...
Arylett Charnoa (3:03:35 AM): Ash: ...DDDD=
“Cherish” (3:03:40 AM): If thy floof cannot control itself........I shall trim it down.
Arylett Charnoa (3:03:50 AM): ...Cherishu, that is a dangerous mission.
“Cherish” (3:03:53 AM): Now get it to reguritate Pikachu. D:
Arylett Charnoa (3:04:02 AM): I'm TRYING.
Arylett Charnoa (3:04:05 AM): But...
Arylett Charnoa (3:04:09 AM): It won't listen to me anymore...
Arylett Charnoa (3:05:01 AM): POKEDEX: Sometimes, when a LETT evolves, it loses control of its floof.
Arylett Charnoa (3:05:04 AM): ...=O
Arylett Charnoa (3:05:06 AM): I evolved?
“Cherish” (3:05:18 AM): You did.
“Cherish” (3:05:33 AM): Does my Pokedex get a name?
“Cherish” (3:05:38 AM): Like Dexter.
Arylett Charnoa (3:05:46 AM): I think you called it Larry.
“Cherish” (3:05:54 AM): ....
“Cherish” (3:06:02 AM): I must have been high....
Arylett Charnoa (3:06:06 AM): You were.
Arylett Charnoa (3:06:10 AM): You took too many of those Pokemon herbs.
“Cherish” (3:06:13 AM): Ah.
Arylett Charnoa (3:06:53 AM): NYUUGH!
Arylett Charnoa (3:06:59 AM): ;;Floof spits out Pikachu;;
Arylett Charnoa (3:07:02 AM): Ash: Whew....
Arylett Charnoa (3:07:07 AM): Pikachu: >>
Arylett Charnoa (3:07:28 AM): That was hard.
“Cherish” (3:08:17 AM): Yay Pikachu
Arylett Charnoa (3:08:33 AM): Pikachu: D<
Arylett Charnoa (3:08:38 AM): He looks angry, he does.
“Cherish” (3:08:53 AM): D:
...Yeah you probably won't get these but they're still hilarious. (i'm Hyper Icestorm, just so ya know.)

oOMelody MarieOo (7:44:46 PM): HEY
Hyper Icestorm (7:44:52 PM): Hello~
oOMelody MarieOo (7:44:52 PM): Fashionably Late 101 =D
oOMelody MarieOo (7:45:14 PM): sum sum summerrrrrrr, t's like a merry go rounnnnnnd

oOMelody MarieOo (7:45:45 PM): who made you a fan? lol
Hyper Icestorm (7:45:49 PM): Jess.
oOMelody MarieOo (7:45:54 PM): COOL i'm taking credit then

Hyper Icestorm (7:50:22 PM): Like for my b-day, she made me a Pokemon-themed card.
oOMelody MarieOo (7:50:30 PM): OMG
oOMelody MarieOo (7:50:32 PM): love haha
Hyper Icestorm (7:50:34 PM): Which ended in a proposal from Brock.
Hyper Icestorm (7:50:36 PM): Odd.

oOMelody MarieOo (5:41:01 PM): but I just can't figure it out, im not over youuuuuuuu
oOMelody MarieOo (5:41:07 PM): haha sorry, it's an impulse xP

Hyper Icestorm (5:46:18 PM): We were waiting to buy our lunches and she was like "I saw your schoolbag but you weren't there, where were you?" and I was like "You'll see~"
Hyper Icestorm (5:46:56 PM): And when I got back to our table she was like "There was just this balloon there!" and I was like "Yeah, that's where I was."

Hyper Icestorm (6:00:24 PM): See U in the Dark popped into my head during Theology.
oOMelody MarieOo (6:00:49 PM): haha how appropriate
Hyper Icestorm (6:01:32 PM): Mrs Kennedy randomly started talking about how the world is God' sartwork and asking who our favorite artists are.
Hyper Icestorm (6:01:38 PM): And someone said Monet.
Hyper Icestorm (6:01:52 PM): And since I looked up those lyrics last night the song popped into my head.
oOMelody MarieOo (6:02:18 PM): haha
Hyper Icestorm (6:02:24 PM): Yeah.
Hyper Icestorm (6:02:44 PM): And about two seconds beforehand I thought "if someone says Monet I'm gonna start laughing."

Hyper Icestorm (8:04:14 PM): She says they sound a bit like the Jonas Brothers.
oOMelody MarieOo (8:04:26 PM): NOT REALLY Dx

oOMelody MarieOo (8:30:49 PM): its funny
oOMelody MarieOo (8:30:59 PM): they were like "hmmwe have oneeeee song left. I cant remember,,,hmmmm"

If you only get the first one, that's understandable.
Yeah despite how low the forums have gotten I will not let the same happen to the channel, fuck that noise.
Weird conversations occured this morning:

oOMelody MarieOo:
what was loud?
Hyper Icestorm:
...This requires a bit of explanation
Yesterday I finally realized that I HAVE MY OWN ROOM
oOMelody MarieOo:
? it took you that long?
Hyper Icestorm:
So I decided to wake up to the song that prevented me from using my iPod as an alarm clock
Of course, I forgot to make sure the volume was alright
So I woke up to See U in the Dark
and it almost gave me a heart attack :-(
oOMelody MarieOo:

And then:

oOMelody MarieOo:
Hyper Icestorm:
...Do I even want to know what it is?
oOMelody MarieOo:
but watch it
Hyper Icestorm:
oOMelody MarieOo:
Hyper Icestorm:
I'm scared
oOMelody MarieOo:
Hyper Icestorm:
Alright that's it
They are officially the goofiest band I will ever know

I highly suggest that you click on the link. XD
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