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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Tsukimaru continued towards the noise.

(Icalasari, feel free to make him appear wherever the god Pokemon is, but make sure it's the right time.)
"I do believe that... DA BIRD IS DA WORD!!!!" Ohayou yelled to nobody in particular, as Mecha-Patrick was nowhere to be found.
"Researchers HAVE found that the bird is greater than or equal to the word," Elle said, happy that Echo got the reference.
"This is going nowhere, is it?" Patrick said to Paul while walking.
"And I don't liek Mudkipz!" Ohayou yelled back.
"Are you sure the bird is greater than or equal to the word? You must run more tests!" Ohayou then yelled at Elle, even though she and Patrick were nowhere to be found.
Mysti gasped. "THEN FACE THE WRATH OF SKIPPER!" she yelled, calling out her Mudkip. Skipper just took a nap.
Ohayou twitched, then poked Skipper with his Nanab.
"Oh herro der, Skipper." He said, unexcited.
Elle ran to Skipper and painted it so it looked like a SOVIET RUSSIA-KIP.
"IN SOVIET RUSSIA, MUD KIPZ YOU!" Elle shouted. "And I did run more tests, and in fact the bird IS in fact greater than or equal to the word"
"Good god!!!" Ohayou cried at Elle, then held on tighter to his Nanab so he didn't lose it.
"Watch where you're flyin' you hooligans!!!" he yelled after Moon.
Moon stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I have not gained control over that Latias over there . . ." to Ohayou, "Uh, would you know how to wake up humans?"
Ohayou jumped up, clutching the bite, and took a golf swing at Skipper with his Nanab.
"FORE!!!" He yelled, sending Skipper flying at the Latias.
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