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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"Oh no you don't! This one's mine!'

Mecha Sonic jetted up. He lashed out with a punch, sending the glwoing orb flying, and took aim with his missile launcher.

Wait for it...
Tails saw Mecha Sonic taking aim at the Smash Ball and knew that his only chance was to do the same. He pulled out his blaster arm and fired, hoping that the head-start could give him the edge over Mecha's lighting-fast missiles.

((She's still fighting Aggron and Pit, but neither of them are here now.))
The blast hit the Smash ball, sending it flying again.

"Now!" mecha Sonic yelled, opening fire.

The Smash ball cracked open, and Mecha SOnic glowed with power.

"If Sonic collects all seven Chaos emeralds, he goes super. I only need four to achieve Semi-Super form."

At these words, the seven emeralds surrounded him.

"I once killed five superpowered robots with four, just imagine how pwoerful I'll be with seven!"
Bowser should have thought twice about eating the egg, because he got shocked in the face and spit it out. "Too! Take this!" He breathed fire at Skylar, and then closed in, intending to swipe with his claws.
Tails looked up in horror and cursed himself for miscounting the number of hits it took to open a Smash Ball.

No time for that! he yelled at himself, I have to focus on staying out of his way until it wears off!
Mecha Sonic began to glow.

Power... he hadn't felt this pwoer in ages.

Too bad it's temproaray. I'll have to make the msot of it now

The transformation was compelte in a few seconds, and Mecha Sonic was ready.

Ready to destroy in his Master form.

He lunged at Tails with blinding spped.
Ash finished his game and went out to explore the place. He went to the training room and watched a battle going on.
((Where is Zamus right now?))


Aggron recoiled some from another shaft of light hitting him in the eye, no easy feat. He looked around. Not far from where he stood, there sat a wooden crate, with a cicle painted on the side, that was split by two lines, similiar to the glowing sphere of energy. He picked it up, and, feeling that it was fairly heavy, threw it at his two opponents.
Tails immediately broke his flight and dropped from the air, hitting the ground running at full speed in the opposite ditection. He threw a bomb behind him, hoping that the smoke would at least obscure his position for a moment.

((Did I mention that this battle is freakin' awesome? 'Cause it is. :D))
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Skylar attempted to backflip away, but then, when his face was in the fire, he stuck his tongue out and swallowed some, charging at Bowser by countering with his own flames. "Don't forget that I can eat whatever I want!"
"Okay," said Bowser, seemingly indifferent, and lashed out with a clawed hand. "I gotta get dunked..."
Pit jumped out of the way of the crate, and slashed at the Smash Balla few more times.

((But seriously, who wants the Smash Ball? I'm kind of interested to see what Aggron's might be, but I'm feeling greedy.))
((ZC, sorry for ignoring your thing. I just skimmed over everything and didn't notice your post D:))
Kirby finally got into his room, and unpacked all his things. He laid his video games out on his bed, and saw a pair of complementary slippers by the door. He quickly inhaled it, and suddenly donned a full suit of pajamas. "I'm tired..." he said. He went over to the next room, bored, and saw a familiar person: Link. But something was different about him; he looked much younger, but still wore his green hat and shirt. "Hi there," Kirby said. "Who are you?"

Mecha Sonic flew stragiht through the smoke and into Tails. Before anything mroe could be done, he flew again and slammed into the fox.

And again, and again. As much fun this is, I need to finish it.

He landed gracefully on the ground, and one of his hands flipped over to reveal another cannon.

This should finish you
"Dunked?" Skylar asked before he was knocked to the side. He stood up quickly, though, and stuck his tongue out, straight towards Bowser's exposed belly.
The force of the blows knocked Tails onto the ground. He struggled to get up.

Well, so much for that idea...

He looked up to see that Mecha Sonic had revealed yet another cannon and was aiming straight for him. Tails's eyes grew wide with fear. Oh, God, what am I gonna do now?

With all of his strength, he pulled himself up and forced himself into the air. He bobbed and weaved, hoping against hope that he could draw out the moment just long enough for the smash ball to wear off.
Too late.

A huge blue beam came from the cannon. Mecha Sonic aimed, not for tails was, but where tails would be by the time the balst reached there...
Holy sh-

Tails had greatly underestimated the size of the blast, and though it wasn't a direct hit, it was enough to send him flying. He spun his tails frantically, trying to slow himself down.
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