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(one that actually works well on Mac, called Pixen)
ahahahahahaha 8DDD Beware of spontaneous crashes. They piss me off.
So I finally got a new spriting program (one that actually works well on Mac, called Pixen),
Very original. The (our) right eye seems droopy, though, and the middle back part doesn't blend well with the back of the body, if you know what I mean.![]()
I noticed the similarities between Espeon's tail and Deoxys' arms and went to work. Any comments or criticism?
Goldeen chao. C+CC?
Threw this one together out of boredom:
Someone mind telling me what the hell I just created? :|
Why not just use GIMP? It's like a CLONE of Photoshop, it's free, and it can work with macs.
Pixen is better suited to pixel art than GIMP is, and it's the only pixel program with layers.
Bleh, you don't need layers. Just give me a decently sized canvas, a couple of selection tools, a paint bucket, and a pencil tool. Anyone else agree with me here?
Pixen is better suited to pixel art than GIMP is, and it's the only pixel program with layers.
GIMP has layers >:/
A monsteh, as far as I can tell. It's good, although the eyes clash badly with the face's color.