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Open Triforms

((No, she'll get sent out inadvertedly, with everyone else >:3 Is everyone at teh Pogeyman centur?))
((Well, since nobody's submitting any Triforms, I guess I'll catch one later?))

Holly sighed. "Ariel, let's go down to Jubilife. We can rest and continue to Canalave tomorrow."

Ariel, her Honchkrow, squawked in agreement and spiraled down towards the city. Holly shrieked in delight. Flying was the best!

When they landed before the Pokemon Center, Holly returned Ariel to her pokeball and headed inside to see about a room for the night.

((I'm here. ^^)
((Mmm... sure.
Screw waiting. Commence epic action >:3))
The door to the Pokemon center burst open, and a tall, bulky man dressed in a black uniform walked in. He sat down at a table, and looked expactantly at the door. More people dressed like him started to pour into the Pokemon center, and soon the whole place was filled with them. Two men stood beside the door, blocking anyone from leaving, and some went to block the fire exits. Nurse Joy glared at the uniformed people, and looked around.
"What's the meaning of this? Who are you?" A woman stepped up to face her.
"We're the Releasers," she sneered. "And we're sweeping the Pokemon centers for Triforms, nobody leaves until we check your Pokemon." The woman motioned to the man who came in first, and he pulled out a gun. He whipped around and shot Nurse Joy, who collapsed. Someone screamed, and the man shrugged.
"Just a tranquilizer gun," he said with a grin. "But, we have worse."

Cerberus clenched his fists.
"Why are you doing this," he hissed.
"We're looking for Triforms," the woman said. "Now, line up so we can check your Pokemon."
((Ooh, a lame attempt at epicness :o))
Zyra nodded. "Kecleooonnn..." She said happily. I wonder who Charlie is? But she didn't bother to ask. Inside, she could feel the human part of herself, but for now, she didn't want to talk. She probably never would, as not to reveal her secret to her trainer.
Demur landed as a Togekiss, quickly changing back to human. She supposed she had better visit the Pokemon Center, since Spectre had to wake up and Drifty had been bruised just the tiniest bit by Spectre's Ghost type energy conflicting with his.

She slung the bag over her shoulder and tied the worn belt around her slim waist. She walked in to find that the building was filled to the rim with weird people in black outfits.

"Stupid alcoholics," she muttered, "it's crowded as hell in here."
Java ducked behind the Pokemon Center Counter in fear.


"Oh...the triforms." Dahlia hisssed, "Those filthballs....I have one....I admit it...she's a real fighter though."
Nasir turned around. "Who are you?" he mouthed, and stepped back a bit towards the counter. He knew his question had already been answered, but he bothered to silently ask it anyway. The Releasers? Why were they here?
Holly stepped into the Pokemon Center to find men dressed in black swarming the place, and Nurse Joy nowhere to be seen. She tried to back out of the door, but a large arm stopped her. She instead scurried into a corner and tried not to freak out. What the heck?

((This is epic. ;) Well, that and a bit weird.))
((Sorry if it sounds like I'm nagging, but I'd prefer to have a Triform controlled by someone other than myself. Don't feel rushed, just know that if you were thinking of making a Triform...))
((Okay, there's no hope of that not sounding like nagging. Sorry, again.))
((It was epic, but Darksong and I wasn't even in the Center yet, we was just heading there))

As Miles went off to the Pokémon Center he saw that every possible entrance was blocked, which made him go "What the hell?" as he was pushed away when trying to enter. "How am I going to get Charlie now?" He kicked away a stone on the ground, since he had nothing better to unleash his rage on.
((Random teleportation plot device~ Works every time. >:3))
The woman pulled out a gun and shot the floor a few times. Someone screamed again.
"Line up, and send out all your Pokemon!" She yelled. Then she took out some kind of device, and uncapped a sharp point.
"This is a blood tester," the woman explained. "We'll test your Pokemon, and then you can leave. Now, line up!"

Storm felt a shiver go down her neck, and pawed at Cerberus' belt, with the Pokeballs.
"Huh?" he asked. "You want to go back in?" Cerberus shook his head. "But, you're not a Triform, so you'll be fine!" Storm hissed.
"You're an idiot, you know?" Cerberus smiled.
"Yeah, it'll be fine." He stepped into the line behind a few people that stepped up already.
((Cerb is oblivious =D))
((Wouldn't it just be if the guards outside just dragged me inside I had a Pokémon with me ? I completely forgot the Triform character I had, by the way, Hank, so HE should be in the Center as well))

Hank sat on a chair in the Pokémon Center leaning his feet at the table in front of him, since he didn't have any Pokémon himself he didn't have to stand in the line, as there was no Pokémon to Triform-test in his case. "But what if there is a Triform here? Should I help? I don't like minding others business, but I can't let my own kind follow them for torture and death.." he decided to see if he could get more information before acting. He turned to the woman with the gun and said "And might I ask what will you do if you find a Triform here? Kill it where it stands?"
((Sure, whatever, you're inside nao >:/))
"That's not for you to know," she spat. "Next." One of the men dragged the kid in front of Cerberus outside, and yelled something. He came in with another kid(Miles), and pushed him behind Cerberus.
"Hey, you're Miles, aren't you?" The woman rolled her eyes.
"Family reunion later, send out all your Pokemon." She wiped the blood tester thing on a piece of cloth and looked expectantly at Cerberus.
((Meh, somewhat epic filler posts, you want a battle, don't you people? Huh? HUH? You'll get your battle in a bit >:3 *talking to herself*))
Miles brushed at the arm of his shirt, and went up the PC with relative quickness and took out a Poké ball out of storage, he threw it and another one at the ground. "If you want to do a blood test there's a problem here" He said, "these guys have no blood what so ever" out of the Poké balls came a Shedinja and a Probopass. "One of them are a empty shell and the other is made of rock, doing a blood test will be quite a challenge" he thought for himself "Good thing Barry isn't here, so that he doesn't have to be a part of this madness. How big is the chance there's Triform here anyway?" he looked around a bit to make sure Zyra got in with him.
Mysti walked into the Pokecenter.
((SOOO SHORT but I am at school again, and the bell is about to ring so I can go home! =D))
Elise flattened herself against the floor under the table. In this form, her black fur would help with hiding.. but what was happening? What on earth was a Triform? Whatever it was, she knew better than to come out from hiding here. The Weavile silently inched further into the corner, pressing her back against the wall. The humans wouldn't find her under here, they couldn't..
((*shrug* sure, w.e.))
The woman snorted, looking at Miles.
"Well," she started, reaching for Storm. "We'd use thi-"

Storm roared, and blasted her with a Flamethrower. She jumped to the side and shifted into a Salamence.
"You'll never get us," she hissed, and fired a Dragon Pulse at the other black uniformed people.
Cerberus watched in shock as the Charmander loosed a powerful Flamethrower, and exploded into a Salamence. Storm was.. a Triform?
((I just really wanted to kill something, have fun~ >:3))
Dahlia hand tsyla's Pokeball.

"Here's a Triform." Dahlia said, smiling, "Do wahtever you lie with it."

She had an evil glint in her eyes.
((Yes, apparently. Hey, I'm already caught by you guys - I shouldn't have to be killed when I'm helping you... XD))
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