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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
That sounds... quite wrong... to me.One random Bulbapedia Article said:That night, Tory met his friends again with a box of Pokémon cookies, and a fun night involving all the Pokémon followed.
Well, I was playing Animal Crossing, and a conversation between two characters went somewhat like this:
"Don't look! I've got a split in my pants!"
"Eehhh... you aren't wearing pants... so WHAT split?"
"Uh... gotta go!"
Anyone else find that a little disturbing?
Is that a coat hanger or are you just happy to see me?
Another one, probably intentional, but still hilarious, and subtle enough to still allow for a G rating...:
You'll never look at computers or The Brave Little Toaster the same way again.
Brisingr said:Never taking her eyes off Roran, Katrina stood and, with a shaking hand, touched his cheek.
“You came.”
“I came.”
One can never look at Pokémon the same way again.Pokémon G/S/C said:Oops, dropped my balls!
I don't think that'll ever stop being funny.
I don't think that'll ever stop being funny.
I don't think that'll ever stop being funny.
...if you've played it, you'll know.Trucy Wright in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney said:All kinds of things come out of my panties!