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urgh urgh i'm old and decrepit

Vladimir Putin's LJ

your blood flows through my veins
It's my birthday.
toot toot

I'm fifteen. Which kind of blows since I gain no new rights whatsoever.
Man the minute I'm eighteen I'll celebrate by drinking, driving, voting and getting laid at the same time.

you only just turned 15?

christ i thought you were like 17 or something.

anyway happy birthday and stuff. the british empire sends thirty sheep and twelve cows as tribute.

you only just turned 15?

christ i thought you were like 17 or something.

anyway happy birthday and stuff. the british empire sends thirty sheep and twelve cows as tribute.
Don't do it! British cows are mad! And they'll infect you!

...Happy birthday. Enjoy it.
Well, Happy birthday, President Putin. Just don't celebrate by declaring Cold war 2.

I'm kidding. Once again, Happy birthday.
Happy birthday! :D

I wish you the contents of Elton John's wardrobe and an Oscar Wilde plushie.

If ruled the world, I so would.

you only just turned 15?

christ i thought you were like 17 or something.

anyway happy birthday and stuff. the british empire sends thirty sheep and twelve cows as tribute.
~I'm so mature 4 my age lol~
Hell yes I can start my own clothing and leather business.

Don't do it! British cows are mad! And they'll infect you!

...Happy birthday. Enjoy it.
Thank you for you concern, but being the Prime Minister of Russia I have trained my stomach to handle even arsenic, I'll be alright.

Well, Happy birthday, President Putin. Just don't celebrate by declaring Cold war 2.

I'm kidding. Once again, Happy birthday.
Hey now don't be silly
I just want to wrestle your leaders, not fight them in some boring, long-ass war :)

Happy birthday! :D

I wish you the contents of Elton John's wardrobe and an Oscar Wilde plushie.

If ruled the world, I so would.
If I ever get those things I can die happy.

Thank you, young lads, run along now.
Freaking god. o_o You were as old as me until just recently.

This gives me inspiration! If you can be as funny as you are at 14, then surely I can too. =D *whoosh*

Happy birthday. ^^
I'm fifteen. Which kind of blows since I gain no new rights whatsoever.
Man the minute I'm eighteen I'll celebrate by drinking, driving, voting and getting laid at the same time.

X3 In a year and 11.5 days, I will be 18 and able to rub all that in your face :D

Anyways, happy birthday!

Also, I thought you were in your late teens early twenties O.o
To be fair, you're an absolutely amazing artist; very few 15-year-olds have half the drawing skills you do.
Or knowledge of politics, let's be honest.
Like I said in that one other thread, It's great you're slowly turning eighteen.
Please become a politician and kill Palin.
To be fair, you're an absolutely amazing artist; very few 15-year-olds have half the drawing skills you do.
Or knowledge of politics, let's be honest.

HEY!!!! I sorta have a knowledge of politics and i get no praise!!!

ah well, happy birthday vladimir, i'm gonna be 15 in febuary so knowing your in the same age group as me makes me not feel too young!!!

С Днем Рождения Владимир
Yes, I do believe I missed your birthday. Better late than never?
Happy birthday Vladimir!

In all honesty, I thought you were a lot older than you actually are to. Well, even though you have no new rights, at least you have less of a wait to go until you DO get some rights.

Once again, happy birthday!
Thank you everyone!
Or, erm, Спасибо?

Haha people want me to become a politician :v Is political cartoonist good enough?
I aim to be the next Steve Bell.
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