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Valentines' Day.


Probably shouldn't be here.
What are you guys up to?

As per tradition, stay in my room. Not like anything's gonna come up.
I'll probably end up doing nothing, other that going to my cousin's house (His birthday is the same day as Valentine's). I mean, there is somebody I could send a card or whatever the tradition is nowadays, but I procrastinate, I'm impossible to motivate and I get far too nervous about things like this, so I doubt I'll do anything, as I said.
Steal everyone's chocolate and eat it.

There's probably a reason I don't get any Valentines. :P
I am actually going out! I think this is the first Valentines Day that I am doing anything. I might get the person I am going to see a card, but I'm not sure yet; I most probably will though.
Uh, well, I'm going to Germany on work experience. :D Which has nothing to do with Valentine's Day itself other than that it's happening then. Umm, I'm giving my crush a box of chocolates tomorrow, but that's not an admission of me liking her - it's just as a thank you for something she's done.
I've made my girlfriend a little something :v
and then 2 days later we get to see eachother for the first time in FOREVER.
I'll do nothing. Have the rugby on in the background even though I'm not watching it. Then I'll probably notice that google has changed their logo to hearts or something. Then go to bed.
someone asked me to be her valentine but she doesn't live anywhere near me so :(

i'd be her valentine any day though
Working for most of it, TCoDing in the evening, and not at any point observing the purposes of the holiday.

No girlfriend, and nobody likes me and vice versa. :3
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