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Walkers have gone too far...


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The Darksmith Legacy

Sorry I was gone, I got lost in the vortex again..
Hm... Haven't heard of the Onion Bhaji flavour. Builder's Breakfast just tastes like egg, Fish & Chips tastes like off fish, Cajun Squirrel tastes like chilli con carne and crispy duck & chili and chocolate are great.

I vote Chili & Chocolate
Onion Bhaji and Crispy Duck and Hoisin sound sexy. Fish n Chips and Cajun Squirrel might be a laugh. Fuck knows what a Builder's Breakfast is. I am staying FAR away from Chilli and Chocolate.
GQ said:
I am staying FAR away from Chilli and Chocolate.

Chocolate chilli (as a substance, not the flavour) isn't actually half-bad. Once you get over how downright weird it is. Can't imagine chocolate-anything-flavour crisps, though. o.O
These are all pretty damn nice, but my favourite one is Onion bahji, but Builders Breakfast tastes pretty good too.
Is it just me or does the guy in 'Builder's breakfast' look EXTREMELY creepy? O.O

I went for Fish and chips. XD Only one I can imagine that wouldn't taste absolutely disgusting...
Fish and chips flavour is awesome

chilli and chocolate though what on god's green earth
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