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What are you reading?

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'S because she's my little brother :D

And I'm reading the Gundam Seed manga at the moment. I'm not sure how much I like it; Evangelion was certainly better.
'S because she's my little brother :D

And I'm reading the Gundam Seed manga at the moment. I'm not sure how much I like it; Evangelion was certainly better.

Uh... She's my little brother? That's a little bit disturbing...

I'm wanting to read the third book of Warriors, but it's checked out at every library that I check.
Haven't played ToS, but I think she means their avatar-characters are related?

Salamander wins :D

I'm reading Flying Under Bridges by Sandi Toksvig, who is pretty amazing. She was one of the founders of the Comedy Store Players, who perform in London and do Whose Line-ish improv. <3
I'm sort of flicking through It's All Greek to Me! by John Mole, and The Odessa Stone by C C Chambers. I'm reading parts that interest me when I open up a page. I think I've read most of both books that way. :D; Not reading It's All Greek to Me! in order is pretty okay, because it's only kinda vaguely and basically in chronological order, and seeing as I enjoy reading things that way, it works all right for me with The Odessa Stone too. When I'm just reading a book in a mess-about way, I really don't mind about finding out what happens before I've read parts before.
The Mephisto Club by Tess Gerritsen.

I'm only a few chapters in so I'm trying to reserve my judgment for a little later, but I really don't think it's that good. Learn to pace, Ms. Gerritsen. Really.
This Is Your Brain On Music by Daniel J. Levitin. I've just started it so there isn't much I can really say about it. I've also got my psychology textbook nearby and I'm flipping through that a little.
The Sea of Trolls Series, on book two.

Been trying to get Warriors book three for almost a month now. I've been to three different libraries looking for it, and it's always out or on hold! ARGH!!!
I finished The Kite Runner the other day. God, that book was amazing ;;
And I went from knowing next to nothing about Afghanistan to wanting to know loads more~

I've just started Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland.
In addition to This Is Your Brain On music: The Science of Human Obsession which is really good might I add, I'm also rereading The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night-Time which I read over a year ago and really liked. So when I found it at the book sale at the library, I got it and just starting reading it today. It's just as good as I remember.
Finally got Warriors books 3 & 4 yesterday, finished this morning. Shows you how much of a freak I am when it comes to reading.
The Woman Who Walked Into Doors by Roddy Doyle. I'm doing it for my Personal Study in English and it's pretty good. :3
The Woman Who Walked Into Doors by Roddy Doyle. I'm doing it for my Personal Study in English and it's pretty good. :3

zfvdfzd I love that book. Roddy Doyle is an absolute genius and it's really freaky how well he writes from a female's perspective and deals with sensitive subject matter so well and aaaah~

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha is pretty good, too.

I'm still on Girlfriend in a Coma. From the guy who wrote JPod (awesome, awesome book), this is very depressing.
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