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What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

That conversation we had on 'You're Banned'. But, nonetheless, I do think that we should talk more. And, the immature thing is probably because I'm twelve.:grin:
Ooooh. Sorry. I can't remember it. XD It was a while ago, probably. And yeah, I think I assumed you at about that age.

Doing people from my contacts and some others.
Arylett- You are a nice person to talk to because you're pretty cool.
Thank you. ^^ You seem like a rather unique person, but really eager and helpful, and I like that in someone.

Also, um... could you please not call him Castycal? That's sort of like... my special nickname for him and it just doesn't seem right when other people use it.

D: I know I've taken a poke at you before but sometimes I just can't resist making a joke no matter who said it. It's more of a "it had to be said!" thing, like a really bad your mom joke. It wasn't because I didn't like you at the time or anything. Don't think I interacted with you since then/before the thing thing. I never would've thought I intimidated people... hm. And it's not like I thought that badly then either, but everybody was posting the people they didn't like/were annoyed by and since I'm usually pretty mellow, that vibe I had of you guys (and the other two groups I listed) was the closest thing I had to disliking anybody here. :B

... and besides that I like most of the people in your posse |:C You guys are a posse, right?
Oh, who hasn't taken a poke at me? Ahaha. It's not really that you intimidated me though. Not you yourself. I tend to be intimidated by negative feelings, perceived or real, so I was intimidated by what I thought you felt about me rather than your actual personality. On actual personality wise, I knew you were quite intelligent from some detailed posts. It's all right though, really. ^^ I understand now.

...Uh. No? I wasn't aware that I still had a "posse"... I was just quoting this phrase that seems to be used. I was pretty sure most of my "posse" died out a long time ago. But that's cool that you like people who I also think are cool.
Okay. I just saw you calling him that, so...
But I changed it.

Thanks for the compliments though. :J
Actually quite fond of Mawile, especially that really cute Toon Link avatar he (is that right?) used to have. What happened to that?

For some reason no one knows me, even though I visit every day and post pretty much everywhere except the Pokemon sections (Ironic; I love that stuff.)
Call me whichever gender~
Also, sometimes I get bored of having the same avatar, so I change it.
(this post turned out to be embarrassingly long)

I clicked on here by accident (I never pay attention to the Forum Discussion bit) and suddenly realized that people have been saying nice things about me and I didn't even notice! <3

Holy hell, I love you guys so much. I go long periods without being on the forums (bloody essays) but then I come back and I remember why I love it so much. I don't understand how the internet can hold so many great people in such a small place.

you're very much the Stephen Fry of TCoD, in almost every way.

THERE IS NO HIGHER PRAISE. I actually can't articulate how ridiculously happy this made me. You're fantastic and I love you and will you be my Alan Davies? <3

opal is love. I found most of the mods (except Butterfree, who's been my internet BFF for nearly a decade - we don't talk anywhere near as much as we should anymore, but you're the best damn thing since sliced bread) a bit scary for the longest time and I have no idea why - yes, everyone knows that opal's freakishly intelligent but he's also the most fun to be around ever. You're like the one thing I'd bring with me if I got stuck on a desert island, because it'd just never get boring. Having a DVD player and assorted geeky TV shows would be a plus, though.

I remember Arylett being one of my first friends on TCoD, and she's as fantastic now as she's ever been. I'd especially like to thank you on all your art-related encouragement and advice over the years :)
Zora too, actually. Again with the art encouragement, and also I remember one or two particularly fun mafia games with her. Good times :D

Espeon is also tremendous fun to hang out with. We should definitely meet up again (I'd happily come visit you if I had the funds D:) and yes, hanging out at the Expo and watching lots of Buffy were some of the Best Days Ever and definitely deserve repeating.

Kai is my very favourite PhoenixWright!buddy and I reckon when the two of us get going and start bouncing ideas (for cosplays, art, whatever), one day we'll keep going and come up with something resembling a world domination plan :D

Mike's one of my very favourite people and excellent fun to talk to (you, like me, enjoy everything that is great in the world. Mostly QI. <3) and he puts up with me even though I'm terrible at replying to things DX Your comments on my art make me ridiculously happy <3

Ruby is lovely. Our late-night chats are, without fail, fantastic and don't happen enough (which is entirely my fault and I should do something about that). I would love to do a meetup again, and I promise I'll leave the dinosaur hat at home this time.
(I think that you and opal not only should, but could, team up and take over the government. Please make it so.)

Dinru is one of my absolute favourite people on here. And off here (you don't Tweet enough anymore D:). And in life generally.

Spoon is just about the sweetest person I've ever met. You're so nice and helpful (again, I can't thank you enough for your help with art-related things over the years) and we don't talk as much as we should, but your PMs and comments make me smile so much :)

Salamander is not only one of my favourite people to talk to on both the forms and MSN, but my go-to person for music. Seriously a freakishly large portion of my MP3 player is made up of stuff you've introduced me to. And your taste in games is fabulous, and I could talk to you about stuff (especially shipping! I don't have nearly enough people to talk to about shipping!) for days.

Massive shout-outs to PK and Mhals, who aren't on here much, but are more than aware of how much I adore the hell out of them <3

Unspeakable amounts of love go to FMC, Grim, Ice, surskitty, Castform, Kratos, Kinova, Midnight, Typh, Shadow Serenity, Vixie, Spaekle, VPLJ and so many other people (I know I've forgotten loads of people, but it's late D:) for being so damn fantastic.
I haven't been here for very long, and thus I don't feel I'm qualified to post opinions on everyone else here ......

... but with the exception of a certain user who was banned recently, everyone I have met, I hold in high regard. ^^
Zora too, actually. Again with the art encouragement, and also I remember one or two particularly fun mafia games with her. :D

hnggg I remember those the Mafia forum needs to hurry up and come back so we can do that again D:
BUUT DANNICHU IS AMAZING she is the source of half my icon collection and HAS ADORABLE ARTS and is COOL and NICE and RAINBOW and all that good stuff.
Generally speaking, I like everyone just fine, unless I have a strong feeling that they're trolling.

I'm sure no one has an opinion on me, and if they do, it's bad because of my age and the stupid posts I made before the Crash of '08.
ketsu! you're one of those people who likes anime and stuff i know nothing about but you're pretty damned awesome.
My ego! It is growing!

Quick, to my old fanfiction before I go insane!

Seriously though, thanks for liking me even though I'm such a terrible nerd. And, lol, I'm not that good with anime. I just find odd fandoms through TV Tropes and get addicted.
I remember Arylett being one of my first friends on TCoD, and she's as fantastic now as she's ever been. I'd especially like to thank you on all your art-related encouragement and advice over the years :)
You are so awesome that words cannot even express. :3 D'aww Danni, you have no idea how much that made me smile. Really. I feel pretty much the same about you.

Oh, I forgot someone looking at Danni's list:

Kinovacakes: One of the most awesome people on here. I love all the insane conversations we have and just how sweet and kind you are. You have this particular quirkiness that I just cannot explain properly, but I love it so much. And you helped me out with this one time where I just was feeling so down and alone, and I won't ever forget that. I really wish we could talk more; because I really enjoy your company. :D

Ketsu: I don't know you very well, but you give me good vibes for some reason. You seem cool and intelligent, which is a generic statement, but I feel it's true. You're like the type of person I'd like to talk to more, maybe get to know. I have the feeling we could be friends.
Our late-night chats are, without fail, fantastic and don't happen enough
I agree, although I still can't understand why our conversations perversely refuse to even start before about 2am. We live in the same timezone for goodness' sake!
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surskitty - basically my AU twin :) I love her and her blue hair and her crazy adoration of Team Rocket. Especially that you remember all the bits with Rocket in the episodes but nothing else, haha. You also have a really laid-back, charming writing style that I really admire.

opaltiger - IS A BIG DERP INSIDE THAT ~SMART EXTERIOR. We always cause a lovers win in Mafia, ok. He is also very very tall, no matter WHAT he says about me just being short!! I AM PERFECTLY NORMAL HEIGHT OKKK

Espeon - is adorable :> He always seems so shy about things and he shouldn't be because he is a bro. It's always fun talking to him on IRC~

Zuu - is the best douche ever. :D

Zhorken - LIKES R.E.M. SO HE IS AUTOMATICALLY AWESOME :)! And he has good cuteness sensors.

Cirrus - plays awesome video games and is probably much better than me! Her tweets are fun and interesting to read, especially when it's about Persona 3 and I'm like OMG I WAS THERE TOO!!! until I got annoyed because December is the worst month ever. So yes. Cirrus is awesome.

OK I got bored /ADD
OKAY SO I LOOKED THROUGH THE THREAD, and here are my thoughts on everyone who has posted that i have an opinion of:

flora and ashes:
i feel like we might have talked once or twice on aim several months ago or a year ago or something. and i think i liked you. but we haven't really talked enough for me to have much of an opinion of you. but you seem pretty cool.

i don't know you too well because i don't think we've ever had a single conversation but your posts tend to amuse me and you seem pretty cool. you used to intimidate me but then i realized that being intimidated by anyone for any reason on a pokemon website is stupid so now you don't.

you are awesome, first off. you have some haters because people tend to think of you as being the most LOLRANDOM person ever, which you aren't at all. you aren't even as random as you used to be. you can definitely be quirky and you are a fun person, but you are by no means immature. a lot of people seem to think you are, but you really aren't. if you were as ;;Awesomenocity~;; as so many people assume you are, then i wouldn't talk to you as often as i do. we have been known to have arguments, more often than i do with a lot of other people as a matter of fact, but still you are a fairly kickass individual, and i think that the reason why a lot of people assume you're so random is because on TCoD you can be overly random.
TL;DR: You are less random and more awesome than a lot of people think you are

our conversations, on average, last 15 minutes max with few exceptions, and we rarely ever talk more often than once every 1-2 weeks (when i have regular internet access at all, that is). but when we do talk i enjoy it because you are a pretty fun person, and as soon as my laptop gets fixed and my internet bill gets paid off we have so totally got to talk more.

mike the foxhog:
we've talked a very small amount but you seem to be a really awesome person who i definitely want to get to know more because i feel certain that i wouldn't regret it.

another person who i think i'd like if i'd had more than about 3 conversations with them. we talked a little bit last summer and i remember it because i remember thinking you were pretty cool before i ever talked to you, based just on your posts. then when i talked to you - SURPRISE! - you actually were really cool. however we have not talked since then. you either blocked me on msn (HOPEFULLY NOT) or you got a new e-mail; if it is the latter, let me know what it is because you are someone who i think i could be awesome friends with if i got to know more.

zephyrous castform:
you sir are amazing. we should talk more often than we do. because we rarely ever do. but if we did i have a very good feeling that you would make an awesome friend. i remember having some random crush on you or something in like 2008 also. i think. it could be someone else but i think it was you even though we had never talked up to that point. so yeah, i'm a creeper.

you seem like a totally amazing person just based on your posts i've seen, but i don't think we've ever had a single conversation. mostly because whenever i attempt to get to know someone i end up having like 5 conversations with them and we never talk again. so i never really tried with you because i have observed that you have a FUCKTON of friends on here so i figured that it wouldn't really go anywhere anyway because i would fail to stand out because i am, at least in my opinion, an incredibly uninteresting person.

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! YOU GET TO RATE ME! how do you do it, you ask? it's simple! just comment with "zim:" or "russ" or "zim del invasor:" or something to that effect! after the colon (or hypen, if you prefer), simply type what you think of me! then post it as a comment! it's that easy. don't have an opinion of me? add me on AIM or MSN! but, if you do already have one, just follow the above steps and post your opinion! ready... set.... GO
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OK, I've only been on here for a few days, but these are my first impressions:

Alruanne, and Saith: I've really enjoyed debating you guys about theism. You guys have made me consider lots of things in new ways, but been respectful about it at the same time, without coming off as trying to "win" the debate. You both seem intelligent and I hope we can be good friends.

Sreservoir: I don't know what it is about you. I think it's a mix of the broken Shift key and the short posts, but something makes me feel like you don't care. Like you almost don't want to be here or something.

Opaltiger: Hm. How to describe you. You and your modly power seem almost inseparable, and I can't tell if that's a good thing or not. As in, with say Butterfree I can imagine her being the same way if she wasn't an admin. But with you, it's almost like there would be no opaltiger if it was just a regular Joe forumgoer. You're probably reading this and wondering what I'm smoking, so I'll stop.

Christian Yami or whatever: You're nice to have around as the forum games will never get stale, and that "N" gag is sorta funny. Although I hate to break that you lack the creativity for the "lie about above poster" game. But the odd thing is even though half my posts have been directed at you, nobody including me even knows who you are. If you would come out and make a post somewhere a little less superficial than forum games, I think you would be more respected.

And thus end my probably horrible misjudgment by first impressions.
@pwnemon: i can't tell whether i like you or not yet but you seem interesting so i want to get to know you more
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This is just people who come to mind and/or have posted in the past couple of pages of this thread, arraged in alphabetical order.

Alraunne: I don't know you too well so I can't say much, but you give off the air of being somewhat... intelligent, I guess? Or at least your posts do.

Arylett: Very kind and amusing, and probably the person with whom I can have the most creative conversations. Also one of my longest tCoDfriends.*

Barubu: Don't know you much either, but I'm going to have to agree with Arylett and say that you do sometimes seem a little... childish. At the same time though you seem quite pleasant.

Blastoise: One of those people I don't talk to much but like anyway. Kudos to you.

Cirrus: Same as Blastoise, sadly XD You're nice though!

Dannichu: Obligatory remark on your general awesomeness and rainbow whatever. I'd also like to point out an odd fact taht, unbeknownst to her, the LGBT club, especially Dannichu herself, were pretty much what made me come to terms with my sxuality, so I thank her for that!

Dezzuu: I approveof you to - To be honest a few months ago I would't have as you always seemed a bit harsh and critical and such but you've definitely improved since then. Yeeaah!

Ketsu: Once again, somebody I don't know but generally like. You also tend to have rather nice avatars.

KronoGreen: I've talked to you a little and had somewhat interesting conversations but I can't say I know you very well, sadly. You seem to be generally nice though. (I am beginning to overuse the word 'nice'.)

Mawile:All I know is that Iwas in love with your Link avatar. Your new one is also quite nice though.

Mike the Foxhog: My favourite person with whom to have conversations that revolvearound sequential changing of words and letters! I also thank him for suggesting I become president of everything; I should try that some time. Mike is fun.

Music Dragon: Idon't know you too well but I remember when your age was 100, which was rather amusing. Other than than you seem to have strong opinions which I pretty much agree with so that's good, but the way you express them in debates and such sometimes seems a little... condescending? You seem to be pretty intelligent though.

Rasrap Smurf: Another rather old friend; I like talking to him as we share a lot of interests and such. Also probably the active member who lives the closest to me, despite it being about 200 miles and across a country border.

superyoshi88888888...: ...88888... Um, yeah. Once again I can only fit you into the "I don't know you very well but you are cool" category. Sorry...!

surskitty: I used to be pretty scared of surscary, but that's pretty much worn off now. I don't know enough about you to have much of an opinion though, sorry!

Tailsy: Probably my favourite mod (Sorry, other mods) for her, uh, amusing posts and lovability or something. Also she is Scottish which automatically makes her about 300 times better than the average human being.

opaltiger: My opinionon you's pretty similar to mine on surskitty. Probably because of being a mod and having an all-lowercase name. Anyway, you've always stood out for some reason as the most 'mysterious' of the mods. I have no idea why so please don't ask me to explain.

Pwnemon: To be honest all I've seen of you is your posts in the Homosexuality debate so all I have to say is that you have rather conflicting opinions to me. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, I'm sure you can be a perfectly nice person!

ultraviolet: Once again - I don't really know you, but you seem pleasant. I also have always liked your username for some reason.

Zephyrous Castform: I hate that guy.

Zim Del Invasor: Yeah, I think you told me about the whole crush thing, I can remember it. Anyway yeah, we used to talk a lot more and I enjoyed it - we should do it more!

Zora of Termina: Argh. Yet another "Don't know but like". Sorry, this is boring to read!

*I'd also like to point out that the whole 'lol random' thing died about ages ago after everybody started to bully her for it. Besides, it was never the typical sort of "lol pie haha im so random" thing that you see in 12-year old kids, it was more just... spontaneous conversation that occasionally didn't make a lot of sense. Anyone who still thinks her 'posse' is about has probably not actually been paying attention for the past year and a half, because unconditionally disliking her for something that happened at least that long ago isn't really very logical or fair.
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