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What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

SO I figured I should comment on more people, huh?

Arylett: You're pretty awesome, I must admit.

Barubu: Kinda have to agree with Lett and Zeph on the "childish" thing, but you are a very nice person in my experience.

Blastoise: I already told you I will not sex that guy You're very awesome too.

Dannichu: Awesome :)

Ketsu: I don't talk to you that much but we did have a good conversation after that one CC thread of mine about how I thought I was depressed. :)

Mike: I hate you Do I even need to comment?

Rasrap Smurf: Didn't we have that one conversation about how my cats killed your fish so the remaining fish killed my kitten? That was a very interesting conversation and you are quite awesome XD

Zeph: Wow I haven't talked to you in forever. I should fix that. You're quite awesome (and I love your hats XD).

Zim: I vaguely remember talking a while ago. Don't know you as well as I could but you seem alright.

Zora: I've roleplayed with you a few times and you seem awesome :)
asdfg I hate you you all for not saying whether you like me or not.

I get the feeling a lot of people here actually hate me because of my wierd opiniond and crap.
....... I have noticed that my antisocial attitude has seemingly caried over to the internet. Which I think is a good thing, because nobody has stated yet that they hate me! :D
I haven't been here long (2 months, I think), but I have opinions. :P

Pwnemon: I don't like people who are conservatves (I'm a huge liberal :P) or who actively try to make a point about theism on these forums, but you've stayed long enough to make me think that you're an okay person. Plus you don't seem to be all "THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE AND IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT THEN YOU'RE A RETARD" like one or two member's who I've seen while browsing old threads. :D I kinda like you now, for some reason.

Mewtwo: While I don't talk to you much, you seem to be a very nice person and your the only person listed as my friend! :D

sreservoir: You are an intelligent person, and you rock at competitive battling. :D


Not sure if I've been here long enough for people to know me much. :/
I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of opinions about me. And here I thought I was still a notable part of this community!

you should probably be more active! i barely see you around and you never posted in your safari zone area again.
departuresong: I'm sorry, but I hardly know what to say about you. I am glad you're still here after so many years. I know I'd miss you if you left for good. On the other hand, you seem much sourer now than you did when I first met you, half a decade ago. You should lighten up a bit - other people might be nicer to you then.
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what only two people have said things about meeee :< Seriously, I need opinions.

Barubu: Is an awesome dude with an awesome avvie who is an awesome consoler =D

Zim: i hate you When you're not dissing me in Forum Games (which i think we need to do thast again that was funnnn) you're a pretty nice guy.
Alright, I guess a couple more:

Zim: I feel like I should know you, but I don't. However, I discovered Trololo a few days ago and I thank you for bringing back those happy memories of watching it uh a few days ago.

Castform: Yeah, I pretty much feel the same way. XD I do recall agreeing with you a lot.
So like. I pretty much like everyone unless they do/say really dumb things repeatedly.

But as far as people I am especially close to or talk to a lot, there sadly aren't a ton on here! That's probably because I go through long periods of not coming here so probably(?) people don't think much of me, either. I think most of the more aloof, older forumgoers are super cool, but would be too worried to talk to them. The only two exceptions for that are really surskitty and opal, who I sometimes talk to and who I am not so frightened of anymore. I'll shout out to the couple of people that come to mind immediately...

Dannichu; yeah you're pretty much the biggest irritant in my life and basically every day I wish I never met you.

Nah. You're really great. You're like... my Mhals. I think you know how great I think you are (even if I'm STILL lazy at writing you proper letters, dammit), so I'll tell you an embarrassing story; for some reason when I first started coming here I thought you were massively awesome and totally hero-worshiped you and was super-nervous about writing the very first PM in a long chain of them to you. In fact, I plotted to befriend you by drawing things from fandoms we shared and everything. And I feel it actually worked reasonably well! Visiting you was probably one of the best trips, if not the best trip I have ever taken in my life. <3

surskitty! I do not talk to you enough. Obviously I must think you're pretty cool because I made you a squid hat. I guess I'm still a tiny bit nervous, talking to you, because I'm always worried we won't have anything to talk about! But then we usually do.

opal, not gonna lie, even though I talk to you every now and again, I'm still kind of terrified of you. You just always sound so intelligent! For some reason I'm always taken aback when you say things to me like how you liked the poems I wrote and how you were sad our visits to England didn't coincide. I guess I shouldn't be like that, but I must just be easily intimidated. You're pretty much the coolest, though, so I should get over myself and talk to you more, maybe..?

Arylett and Cirrus; I'm putting you two together because with both of you, I liked you pretty well in my earlier days here, because you were both nice and Arylett especially was wonderful about drawing-related things, but I don't think I talked to either of you *too* much... but I actually got to know both of you better while I wasn't here for the longest time, via twitter and facebook. Funny how that happens.

If I didn't mention you, seriously, no offense meant or anything, you probably came to mind and I just thought "oh yeah, they're pretty cool, but I don't really have any interesting story to tell about them so..?"

Most of you are usually fairly excellent.
Flora: I've never quite talked to you that much, so I don't know bunchloads about you. But you seem pretty awesome and seem to know and like a lot of the people that I know and like.

Mhals: Your plots to get Dannichu amused me for some reason. XD Anyways... I still love your art. Seriously, illustration, agree so much with Cake. But that is funny how that happens, on FB/Twitter. Aha, I thought all I posted was weird random things about nothing on there. We should, to say something totally generic, talk more. 'Cause from what I've seen, you seem awesome in this quirky cool way.
I've read alot of posts so far, and here are the people I think are awesome: Mewtwo (is very thoughtful. Yay for thoughtfulness!), Blastoise (is generally helpful), KronoGreen (is very active on the forums so it's hard to miss him) and Flora and Ashes (an interesting person).

I haven't been mentioned once, but I just registered in April, so it's not very strange.

The ones I haven't mentioned yet are people I don't really think about so much, so I don't really have an opinion on them.

I'm sure that I forgot someone...
I haven't been mentioned yet but I'm not surprised tbh, since I only hang around the Non-Pokémon section and I'm not in #tcod.

I don't really know anyone here that well, the only people I've spoken to off-site are (iirc) Kindling Queen and Lorem Ipsum, who both seem pretty cool, though LI's Conservatism kinda irks me because David Cameron is shit.

I have tremendous respect for the wit and intelligence of what I always call in my head THE BIG 10, who are Butterfree, opaltiger, Ruby, surskitty, Tailsy, VPLJ, Music Dragon, Verne, departuresong, Dannichu and Dezzuu. I don't even know what makes you guys THE BIG 10 but you seem like people I'd like to get to know if not for the fact that (for some probably unhealthy reason) your disapproval scares me. I have serious fucking issues clearly.

Also, Zephyrous Castform is a really nice guy. I enjoy those rare occasions when I speak with him.

EDIT: Fuck me, there's eleven people in my BIG 10. It would take me.
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Kratos Aurion is afraid of lots of social contact! You really need to talk more or, so I feel. Life is for fun and living. Don't be afraid of making social contact with any of us beyond leaving the occasional post. :P

But I'm genetically predisposed to hate everyone! Trufax!

lol I can't believe I spent time reading this thread even though I knew ahead of time that I had nothing worth saying and no one would have anything to say about me. I imagine this is due primarily to the fact that I more or less stopped posting everywhere except ASB. Everyone has subsequently forgotten the other posts I made anywhere else and thus their "this person seems smart"/"this person is actually an idiot who should probably shut up and gtfo" opinions without me making my half-asleep/riddled-with-other-problems-posts-when-I-shouldn't-have (guh) to reinforce that.

...okay actually I do still post while half-asleep and when I should be doing other things, but at least because it's all upkeep stuff in ASB/wi-fi there is less reason for people to have a negative opinion of me other than "lazy"!

I... don't hate anyone here (except when I do; genetically predisposed and all that)? There was a time when several people branded me as an idiot and I was marginally upset by this, but... now that I am actually attempting to exercise some self-control I find that I agree wholeheartedly with most of their assessments and see no reason to hold it against them, so. Genetic predisposition prevents me from socializing much and so I can't form much of a worthwhile opinion on anyone other than the occasional "please do not post ever again gawd". There are several people I find pretty cool or at least respect, but that's just generally speaking and I don't have anything specific to say about most of 'em. The only people I really talk to regularly are Negrek, Kusarigamaitachi and Whivit (and Prairie Chicken, whom none of you know because she is both new here and never posts), and that's a whole bunch of non-TCoD stuff about murder and exploding towns and metronomeophobia that is not worth bringing up here. Especially since I doubt they'll even bother with this thread in the first place.

I guess I do owe the resident metalfags for inadvertently introducing me to the genre, even if I do only listen to a limited subset and really would not be as interesting to talk to about it as some of you seem to think. Give up, AKdeparturefurret, I'm actually really boring.

Oh, and Espeon and Vixie (and Midnight and a few other people to a lesser extent) need to leave me alone. >| I refuse to succumb to your peer pressure! Hell, I refuse to have peers!

MY VAGUE OPINIONS IN A NUTSHELL (teal deer: I DON'T ACTUALLY HATE ANY OF YOU). YOU ARE WELCOME. I'm going to go back to my corner now.
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ok my opinions are as follows, but this can be based on old experience since I talk to only two or three members regularly:

Ruby - is a generally intelligent quiet guy. He is also very British. I like him, for he is intelligent and whatnot. He listens to Bach and Jimi Hendrix. I am lost for words at his ability to conceive word jokes out of nowhere.

Ultraviolet - I love you. You know that. You must know that. You are extremely cool.

Tailsy - I wish I still talked to you. I miss the old days.

opal - also been a while. I unfortunately only use MSN these days. I don't go on IRC or anything so yeah, I'm out of touch with you and most others unfortunately.

AK - former whineboy, kinda cool

surskitty -- You're weird. In a kinda cool way. In a kind of bad way. I forget about postcards. You're generally cool.
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