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When do you start school?

I move in on the 14th (my birthday; less than a week away!) and classes start the 18th.

...I really need to get cracking on my summer homework. But I need to watch Fox News for it, so I'm justified in my procrastination!

... for why?

Yeah. I hope to start then. I am hoping to go back to school for a bit before I sign up for the USAF.
probably at the end of September
next year

I hope to start an apprenticeship this year though
being out of education and unemployed for 6 months isn't very fun
Two weeks. :c But I am bored out of my skull and I want to see my friends. Also, cool classes (socio and psychology). But also this is college fun year and I am nervous as fuck. I do not want to leave my parents :c but at the same time I know it is important to be independent and stuff btu STILL
I start on the August 18th, but we always get out in late April/early May, so it's kind of justified.

My schedule practically does not change at all teacher wise, which is pretty good. I once missed fifth period because I went to the wrong lunch after my schedule changed.
August 15th. I'm probably going to get lost because IDK where 2 of my classes are but otherwise I can't wait!
August 23rd. Really irritating because they keep moving the start date back every year, but the day we're released is always the same.

Actually, probably August 25th. The first two days are just "These are the rules that are the same as every other school you've been to hurrhurr" And then a bunch of Gorillas wearing letter jackets beat their chests. :3
First day of September :O I'm glad I still have some time to sort out my things.

New school, new city, everything is new and none of my friends are going there! I am gonna stress my eyeballs out aaaaa
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