• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You know you've been at TCoD too long when

I don't think it's worse now than it was then. Having said that, I do feel that what we have now is a more fractured, splintered forum than what we had in 2007 or 2008. If the atmosphere as a whole has deteriorated, though, I haven't noticed it. And yes, I'll post if there's something interesting to post in (as well as my usual MLP thread/song rating thread/Mafia posts, which cumulatively make up nearly 200 of my posts).

(Also, I joined in November 2005, so it's coming up on seven years for me now.)
To be quite honest, I'm only here because of my responsibilities as a mod and the occasional interesting thread. Most people I actively talk to show up in #tcod (but not everyone!). I don't remember my exact join date, but this is either my sixth or seventh TCoD year.
Even though I rarely post anything on here, I do look at the forum pretty regularly... at least once a week, usually more often than that. Typically, I don't end up posting anything because nothing interests me or I don't have anything to add to the conversation. One thing is that I feel like I really don't have much in common with most people here.

So why do I still bother coming here? I'm not sure. Part of it is boredom. Part of it is definitely nostalgia. That was probably why I rejoined in 2010 after not having posted since 2005. But yeah, even though I'm not familiar with most people here, I still like to see what's going on.

It is impressive to me that this forum has been around for over 9 years. It's hard to believe that it was that long ago that I first became a member... and it is shocking to me that there are quite a few people who are still around from back then.
That being said, I don't really have any bestest buddies forever here, so like augment, I'm kinda in my own little world, too.

Sadness forever. I'll be your TCoDBFF! D:

I'm not around as much because my real life has been pretty busy of late. And surely the reason there are more younguns on the forum is because teenagers have (should have) more free time than grown-ups.

Although now I've finally finished my masters and have joined the ranks of the unemployed, so you might see me around a whole lot more.
Well, I've never been that active, or really got to know the regulars(sort of regret that), so I'm mostly the same as I've ever been, just... less active. Dropping by some times a week just to lurk and check if anything interesting is posted, and post something if I feel like it, mostly in the misreadings or dreams or other threads. yeah
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oh my god

my mind just got bLOWN OMG I never made that connection before

I was just browsing the old forums and I missed my TCoD 8-year-versary on Sept 4 oh well
you know you've been at tcod too long when you go to see wreck-it ralph and the phrase "going turbo" makes you think of *our* turbo before anything else

he really did succeed at what he wanted: becoming an integral part of tcod.........
you know you've been at tcod too long when you go to see wreck-it ralph and the phrase "going turbo" makes you think of *our* turbo before anything else

he really did succeed at what he wanted: becoming an integral part of tcod.........

Haha, I did the exact same thing. It just fit so darn well.
it's kinda hard to forget when he keeps showing up all the time
i mean if he joined once, made an ass of himself and got banned that'd be one thing but it's been like 25+ times in the past seven-odd years
you know you've been at tcod too long when you go to see wreck-it ralph and the phrase "going turbo" makes you think of *our* turbo before anything else

he really did succeed at what he wanted: becoming an integral part of tcod.........
omfg i was telling one of my friends all about turbo the other day and how the one in wreck it ralph reminded me so much of him
she said all the stuff he did was so much funnier when you imagine WiR turbo doing it

i fucking love turbo
my best friend/husbando
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