Open challenge!
Format: 3v3 singles
Style: Set
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO moves
Arena Description: Roulette Arena
The arena is located on the rooftop of the Bellossom Casino, one of the largest casinos in the Pokémon world. Originally the Rocket Casino, it was purchased from Team Rocket and renamed the Bellossom Casino by a wealthy entrepreneur from Goldenrod City. The battle takes place on a giant roulette wheel, with trainers standing on either side on raised metal platforms. As the wheel slowly revolves, large steel roulette balls roll around the arena, testing the battlers' reflexes. Looming over the arena is an enormous structure resembling a slot machine, with three bright slots featuring pictures of Pokémon. Around the arena, the rooftop is decorated with a garden of flowering shrubs and trees dressed in colorful lights. The rooftop offers a view of several other highrise casinos, their colorful flashing lights illuminating the night sky. The city below is abuzz with activity, tourists and high-rollers looking for the thrill of gambling.
As the slot machine spins, it has the power to produce a variety of effects that can change the course of the battle. At the beginning of each round, both trainers will spin the slot machine. When three of the same symbol line up on the slot machine, a reward is given to the trainer who spun it. Sometimes this reward is helpful, and sometimes it is not. The possible rewards are the following:

Jackpot! You just landed yourself a very nice payout! Unfortunately, the money comes out of the slot machine at very high speeds, and deals damage to your Pokémon as if it were the move Pay Day. Also, the money is in the form of Bellossom Bucks™, which are virtually useless to you. Sometimes winning isn't everything.

Your Pokémon gains the ability Super Luck in addition to any other abilities. The Bellossom Casino hopes that you will use this luck to give our many games a try!

Your Pokémon attains the power of a god! All of its stats will increase to +6, excluding accuracy and evasion. This power is only temporary though, as it will fade away after two turns.

Your Pokémon heals 10 health points. Lucky you!

A roulette ball collides into your Pokémon, dealing 40 BP Steel-type damage.

A tailwind comes into effect, doubling your team’s Speed for four actions.

An Unown floats into the arena, providing assistance to your Pokémon by attacking foes with Hidden Power. The Unown will leave the arena at the end of the round, or after it has taken 10 points of damage, whichever comes first.

The weather conditions will randomly change to either rain, hail, sandstorm, or intense sun for nine actions.

A Sticky Barb will latch onto your Pokémon. What was
this doing in the slot machine?

The roulette wheel becomes charged with energy, mimicking the effects of either Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, or Misty Terrain. The type of terrain is randomized from these three options.
The slot machine is of course rigged such that every spin will cause three of the same panel to line up. Everyone’s a winner at Bellossom Casino!*
*Note: not everyone is a winner at Bellossom Casino
Each round, trainers may choose to wager up to 10% of their current Pokémon’s health on either Red or Black. At the end of the round, a roulette ball will spin and land in one of the colored pockets. If the trainer guesses correctly, their Pokémon will recover 10% health. If they guess incorrectly, their Pokémon will lose 10% health. This does not contribute towards the damage cap.
(Inspiration for this stage comes from the Casino Park / Bingo Highway levels of Sonic Heroes, as well as Waluigi Pinball from Mario Kart DS and every other casino level from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.)