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  • Hey, Mhals, do you still have that photo of my Pokesona that you drew for my birthday? I seem to have lost it. (Argh, what happened to it... I thought I saved it!)

    Sorry to bug you. D:
    HELLO Mhalsy darling~ I figured I'd annoy you here instead of on Facebook just to mix things up.
    I think I had something to say when I started typing this, but I forget what it was. Hm.
    I hate it when that happens >.<
    Talking to you, denerving a few friends about their prom, you know, the usual "I'm your friend and I'm here for you" stuff. Do you enjoy running?
    I actually knew about the awesome fact that we share the same birthday :3

    It's not the same year, though....

    Ah, well expect delayed birthday arts.
    Hiiii and thank you. ^^

    Yours is adorable, by the way. In an ahhhh-it's-staring-right-at-me kinda way. :D
    (You need to PM when you can or else there'll be an ARMY of blinking Raines all over your wall. Uh, visitor-messages-thing (too much facebook for me D:). Also, one of the great things about having Rainie here is that she doesn't distort horribly on the profile pages :D)

    Also; huzzah for Mhalsarts~
    Hehe, you have a lakehouse. One of the many, many things I shouldn't find as funny as I do.
    Eeh, you said something like "I've been at camp" so, uh, I assumed you were still there (because I have no concept of the past-tense, apparently). Or something. But you're going home and the PW games might be there and aaaah that'll be awesome.
    Whoo, pictures~ I've been too busy playing SSBB to draw anything recently, but yaay~
    You can't tell me you've drawn something awesome (especially crossovery) and then not tell me what it is D:
    You are a cruel, cruel girl.

    Hehe, s'fine. I haven't been doing anything regularly either; I've spent every spare minute I've had over the last week reading a stupidly long Wicked fic, I've spent the last two days doing nothing but playing SSBB and have generally royally screwed up my sleeping pattern (I now sleep from 4am to 2pm). It's great fun :D

    Hope you've having fun at camp~ :3
    I'll tell you what I said to Dannichu! XD I'm just testing out some avatars I recently got, to see if I like them better than my old one. I don't, so I'll probably switch back.
    bored newt is bored - so he profilespams. your poems are nice and did I mention i'm bored? it's true.
    Oh, that's rather unfortunate.

    Well, that is really up to you. o: I'm not going to force you to do so.
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