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  • I keep forgetting to tell you that I named my band in GH5 "Nine Vertical Pies" in honor of your former fanfiction-ite...tation...or something.

    Though I could have named it "The Bins Are Coming". xD
    you have awesome hair ;w;

    like. i want it.

    except my hair is awesome too. and i spray Axe in it. x3
    Hehe, don't worry about the lateness, I completely understand. ^^

    Yeah... it's been doing that a lot tonight, also. Though at least I can blame it on the thunderstorms. My laptop battery only lasts about an hour... I guess because my memory is so bad that when I first got it, I never remembered to plug it in when it got low, so I started just keeping it plugged in permanently and that killed it. So now I hesitate to unplug it at all. It's terrible when you're in the middle of something, of course... I know how it feels to cut out in the middle of a battle. Yay for terrible Wifi.

    Good luck with training your team. :D My HG team is only just able to take on the E4, round 2. Gah, I dread having to keep training to beat Red... I've taken a break and have spent today catching the legendary bird trio with good natures on SoulSilver so I can EV train them. You never appreciate the fact that you only have to capture them once until you try resetting for good natures...

    I forget which "main team" we were talking about and I really don't think I can bear searching the pages of comments you get. xD I assume we meant my general EV'd main team, since that's the only one that I can think of being actually remotely balanced. But believe it or not, it doesn't really function well together either. I guess you could say that I haven't come up with a team that works well together either. Closest thing would probably be my Trick Room team, but I have a bad habit of setting up most of my movesets so that the Pokemon can fend for itself. I guess that's just an application of how my personality is; I tend to like to do things on my own and don't work well in groups.

    Yesh, Starmie is awesome. <3 Totodile is one of my least favorite starters. That's not to say I don't like it, because I really don't dislike any starter so far besides Piplup, who I really only hold a grudge against because of the anime trying to turn it into the next Pikachu (even the newest water starter has grown on me already, even if it does remind me of a water-type Bidoof).

    I don't usually use any of my in-game team in actual battles against other people, unless someone specifically requests it. Even so, I usually do have an HM slave that I kick aside should I have to, though that usually leaves me without any replacement. Anyway, yes, Surf is sweet. Waterfall isn't bad either. Heck, I could even accept Rock Climb (despite better moves like Return) or Fly on a stall-moveset. But really, the rest of them are trashy. Why should a pokemon need to have a special move to cut down a tree if it has scythes, anyway? D:

    Yes, I'm quite proud of Depression. xD I would probably EV her and use her if I didn't dislike the thought of Blissey so much. Or rather, I hate having Blissey used against me so I'd feel like a hypocrite if I went and used one. Anyways, Fluffy sure is an odd name for a Salamence. I don't think anything in that family even has fur. xD And Pole is amazing. What made you pick that name?

    Haha, I don't think I like the idea of taking classes forever any better than working forever. :( Recently I've been writing a bit though, and I sorta maybe decided that that's what I want to do as a career. I figure I should at least have some plan. So I've been writing my own trainer fic as practice. I'm kinda surprised, I've gotten a couple good reviews, which I didn't really expect for only two chapters of a generally basic story from a novice writer.

    Well hey, if you'd really be up for that, then I'll totally let you know if I'm ever in the country. It's weird, I don't feel that odd nervousness when I talk to you that I do with most others that I'm not 'real-life' friends with. I warn you though, I'm an extremely boring and indecisive person.
    ...in a Mountie uniform? x3 I'm sorry, it's just that...it's a long story, but it involves a character that's really adorible in canon, and his actor is probably Canadian, and that though pops up, and suddenly Mountie uniforms make everything better.
    Now I have a Janitor costume AND a Gumshoe costume~ Well, I ate the noodles from the Gumshoe costume today. But I can get more.

    (Also you're awesome for being a pirate)
    ...Yeah, I forgot to reply too. Blame the exams. :(
    Lambing was amazing, thanks, though it's way too far back or me to remember too much about it. 8D;

    7:30 start isn't so bad. :x

    How's life?

    Haha, because the population size here is about 130, there's not a terribly mixed population, and most people don't really have time to keep up with politics, so mostly I hear one or two outspoken people, who are largely conservative and complaining about Obama's massive spending and whatnot. I mostly enjoy Critta (his real name is Chris, but people call him Critta because he decided his rapper name should be The Critta C), but sometimes his political rants piss me off a little. I think he has actually expanded my horizons a little, though, because in listening to him I realized that even though I really disagree with most of the stuff he has to say because it's incredibly one-sided, I realized that a lot of people here are exactly the same, just at the other end of the spectrum. I guess I've just gotten better at seeing how someone that disagrees would view our arguments, and I can see more flaws and how most people here really are incredibly biased and one sided in the things they think. (Not that that's necessarily bad... it's just impossible to convince your adversaries of your opinions if you argue that way, I guess.)

    At any rate, yes, Tales of Vesperia! I'm not very far in because I can only play it on weekend-nights when we have "interwing" (girls can go on guys' wings and vice-versa) because I don't have an XBox 360 either, but Trevor does! I am actually super psyched to play it tonight. It's funny how some of the characters fit into the same sort of roles as characters in ToS, but often they're not exactly the same as far as their personality/fighting combo. For example, the healer is a ditsy Colette-type, and the main character is the same fighting type as Lloyd, but he's more of a lone wolf sort of guy. The story's the same in some ways and different in others... but I won't tell you about it too much and hopefully you will get to play it sometime! Doesn't Sarah have an XBox 360?

    SoulSilver is fantastic (though I am not nearly far enough - stupid school ><) but AAAAAAA I WANT ACE ATTORNEY INVESTIGATIONS WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT BUT WITHOUT SPOILING THINGS OMG
    (I am so going to get it right away when I go home. Which is in one short week! Hooraaaaay!)
    I was a bit late replying, so you're probably getting reading for your exams already. Have fun (or as much you can) studying, and don't spend too much time on the internet. (I've made that mistake D:) But, at least they're spread out, which makes them less stressful.
    My grades are doing alright, except for Algebra 2, which I've been slacking off in. I procrasinate waay too much. I'm trying to come up with a topic for a research paper, but anything I want to write about is too obscure for references D: As for finals, they're twenty percent of our grade, so they're sort of a big deal. None of my classes have started reviewing for them, but we'll probably start this week. Also some kid at our school wrote a bomb threat yesterday, so I got out of school early because of that.
    Yeah, teachers tend to cram all their topics in, in the latter half of a term. I can only think of how much work college students have. Good luck on school stuff.

    I surprisingly haven't mistaken for a guy online, but on a school bus, the driver thought I was a guy because of my voice. My throat was a bit scratchy, but still. >: I used to think Danish was spelled Dannish, and I thought your name was Danny. So with my /amazing/ knowledge of Europe and /great/ powers of observation, I put two and two together and got that.

    My summer's looking really great. A friend and I are planning a bunch of great adventures, and I always go to a certain camp, where I meet up with a bunch of camp friends and have great fun for two weeks. My family has two vacations planned. (One's an annual trip that's a mix of a family reunion and a vacation, and the other one hasn't been decided.)
    I've only been to one anime con with a few friends, and it was a decent size. I cosplayed as myself, because I had little idea what to do. So who are you cosplaying as? I haven't seen Mhals around here in sometime. She must have some amazingly cool parents, if they let her go to another country to meet up with online friends. Good luck getting a job. I might have to get one, too, this summer.
    I'm planning on cosplaying as Yellow from Pokémon Adventure/Special. My friend is planning on either Maya Fey or Ema Skye, and hasn't decide which one. (I got her into the Ace Attorney. She's currently on the last case in the second game, but she's distracted by HeartGold and Bowser's Inside Story at the moment.)
    It sounds like you've done your fair share of cosplaying. What's some of your favorite cosplays of yours?
    That's really good. A few of my friends have played Final Fantasty XIII, and absolutely love it. I know a few characters, because another friend of mine draws them, especially Fang.

    It seems fairly interesting. I never seem to be able to finish a season of anything, lately. But I'll try watching a bit more. (Although my little sister made me watch some Glee, so I've been watching a bit of that.)

    I've been on some sort of female starter streak; my Cyndaquil (HeartGold), Mudkip (Ruby), Torchic (Sapphire), and I think I may have had another one in FireRed are all female, but I can't remember which Pokémon it was. (I feel bad for forgetting my starter D:) I'd think an all girl team would be difficult with Attract, but then I remembered that practically all the Pokémon with Attract are female. I haven't read any of the other books, but I've seen a certain musicial and another certain movie, if that counts!

    RBY was and was great, and the series was really popular then, too. I've re-watched some of the older episodes, and it's pretty great to look back at them. However, the Pokémon Christmas CD is definitely in one of the highest catergories of corny, which makes it one of the most amusing things ever to listen to. And RBY where the series started, so it should get credit for that. And Yellow was a great game (and getting all of the starters didn't hurt, either.) GSC is pretty darn good, especially Crystal. I don't know what exactly makes me like it so much, but the designs are quite creative and I loved the setting. I liked RSE because everything was nicely updated, and there were a few expectional designs in the mix. It seemed like you could explore a bit more compared the previous two titles. (And the Secret Bases were a nice touch.) DPPl, I agree wasn't the best, but it does have it's redeeming qualities. I really enjoyed Snowpoint City, and the weather changes. I'm super-hyped on the Isshu region, and I /adore/ the starters, especially the otter. (No one seems to like it, though >:)

    Aww, thanks. I switched their nicknames around a bit. Aftershock was Terra, but it didn't really fit her too well. And Syrup was Socks, but Syrup is just works better. I'm still leveling up for Red, and I'm try having balanced teams with Pokémon I like.

    I read in the Fwee Thread that you also got some more Flying and Surfing Pikachu. You lucky dog, you. D:


    ...In all seriousness, hi! I plan on poking around for a while because I need my fix of liberalness; there are plenty of people who have similar viewpoints on things as me at MSSM, but none of them are very outspoken. All I ever hear for srs bznz talk is my uber-conservative friend Critta's political ramblings. Which are pretty infuriating.

    I have been playing a new Tales of game! It is fairly excellent so far.
    ...Though similar to ToS.
    I remember reading it when I was like, in 3rd grade and I just saw that picture and it brought back sooo many memories. Aaah, I miss those simple times~ The pictures were very nice and colourful. ^^

    Oh, it's okay. I totally forgot what I even said. XD It was so long ago. I've missed talking to you too. Ahaha, I loved your Wicked rambles. XD And how you called me Certifibly Mad. But yeah, I hear you guys have some pretty tough exams... I just finished my hardest ones so I'm just coasting off, but man, it was awful before it. A big load off your shoulders once you're done though. So good luck with yours~
    I'm stupid that way ;v;

    Um... I've a wife, a sister, two nieces, a possible cousin, a possible baby grandniece, and... what do you wanna be?
    Really? I guess I have a good sense of timing, sometimes. I bet you're busy with uni stuff, too, since it's near the end of the school year. Which is a bajillion times harder than high school stuff. Actually, my older sister's in her first year of college, and she could afford to miss only two and half days when she was pretty darn sick. (She's better now, and she loves the college so it's all good.) So I bet it's crunch time for you. I don't know what reminded me, but I used to think you were Danish and.....a guy, when I was 9 or 10. (I've been at TCoD for a while, but I've been mostly a lurker with various username disguises.)

    I've been fairly good. However, school's gotten harder and I'm still lazy, which I'm trying to fix. A friend and I are planning to do various fun things this summer, and we just /might/ plan to cosplay for next year's con, but it's a tad dorky even for us.

    The UK gets the short end of the stick when it comes to video game releases dates. >: It's nice to see an exception (sort of) for such an awesome game.

    That's ironic, I pre-ordered and bought both games, but I was only able to get the Ho-oh figurine, because they ran out of Lugia figurines. >:

    I like your nicknames and themes, but I unforunately haven't heard of West Wing. Could you explain the series to me?
    I recongize some of the names and the books they're from. I read 'To Kill a Mocking Bird' this year in English. Are your Pokémon all female in HeartGold. GSC is one of my favorites, too, but I can't really decide which set of games I liked the best. So I go with Yellow, since it was my first game. (I was almost six when I got Yellow o.o;)

    I got a Surfing Pikachu, but I had to spend Watts like crazy to get one. It took me a few days, so good luck to you.

    My HeartGold team consists of Obsidian (Typhlosion), Rea (Lanturn), Syrup (Furret), Overcast (Umbreon), Mint (Xatu), and Aftershock (Sandslash.) I just beat Blue and I need to level up for Red.
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