• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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  • Uuh flag? I don't think it's showing up for me (but don't mind me, my internet is absolutely terrible; I can't wait to go home so I can actually watch things on Youtube so I don't have to wait half an hour for things to load).

    Interesting? It's CHRISTMAS soon! :D I've been putting decorations up in my room this afternoon, so I'm very excited about it. And I have a High School Musical advent calendar, which is the most hardcore thing ever.
    And the December Art-a-Thon starts tomorrow, which I'm really, really looking forward to.
    How about you?
    that is why i have rejected my crab-body and have had my head transplanted onto some georgian dude's body
    it's made my life a lot easier, surprisingly enough
    i mean you try reaching the cookie jar with tiny claws
    your icon scares little children

    and people who don't like rape

    gant/byakuran gogogo
    D8 that is awful! are you going to step in and stop that thread from dying, Byakubutt?
    A very special sign indeed!

    I don't know. Maybe because my life is such a failure. Perhaps I needed to be unique and have a username that could've just as easily been written in English. Perhaps I take some sick, twisted pleasure form the fact that most people don't know what it means.

    Most likely because the username Raichu was taken, though.

    And no, it isn't easy to type. That doesn't matter to me though, 'cause when I'm logging in I just copy and paste from one of my recent posts. I never have to log in though, because I just tick the Remember Me box. Makes life much easier.

    May I ask why your username is surskitty? The last part is pretty self-explanationary, but sur?
    I expect you'd be good at the Piano. Are you ever going to actually try to learn?
    Ooh, get you?!

    I myself have never done any of these activites! I'm happy with my musical instruments and school.

    ...Yes, I am dull.
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