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  • Yeah, good point~ or maybe a seperate... discussion thread... whatever! Up to you. And the others involved >.O

    Mm, most clay sculptures I've made (all school related and rushed and not too good anyway.. stupid classtimes and expensiveness of clay ;P) have probably been about 15cm length/height and then (guessing) 6-10cm wide. Though you can fit lots of complexity into a small space sometimes! And you'd probably save lotsa clay too... ehehe.

    The time all depends on the artist really! It probably would take me (depending on size) 10-20 minutes to trace an outline, then uh... maybe add another 5-10 for each row of faces depending on how much you need to place them differently like! And another 20-30min at the end to tweak everything. Though that's all relative...

    If I was modelling a simple Pokémon, and keeping in mind I work fairly slow, I'd estimate 3 or 4 hours. I could probably fit basic colouring and texturing in as well provided I didn't have to create a texture for it specifically (using default textures). I'd hazard a guess that I would also spend the same (ish) amount of time if I was making a real life sculpture/figurine thing. (Minus blu-tack colouring time, that may take several hours of passive kneading so I usually just read something online while I do it!)

    Professional modelers might spend a working day to make a basic mesh (and rigging?) for a character model, and probably work two to four times as fast as I do ;o I wouldn't expect a huge number of models that complicated for ArtMo though... hmm~

    Skype is free! But nah you don't have to get it or anything if you don't think you should. My modelling program (blender.org) is also free if you are curious or learn best from practical experience o_ó (it's tiny too, so no fretting over a huge download or anything...?)

    I'll just mention, there are high-poly and low-poly models, so try searching for both for a good idea? (High-poly would utilise extra vertices to create a sort of "texture" such as wrinkles in the skin, where a low poly would just have a smooth surface with the wrinkles figuratively painted on via the texture. At least, that's my impression so far... essentially it's a measure of how complicated the mesh is and you might want to search for both when looking at videos to get some idea.)

    Also, you might want to create some kind of rule about the render... or not. That's when you kinda take a still shot of your model and "export" it to an image format... like, well, .jpeg or something. This puts all the high res effects onto the model as well (creating extra vertices for the render to smooth the model, putting the texture on) and for rendering a complex scene, it depends on how speedy your computer is, but some people need to leave the render going overnight!

    ...And if you wanted to include SCENES in ArtMo then you'd probably have to restrict it to 4 at the most (maybe 2-4 depending on the textures completed or something)

    But that'd be... well probably not so good. Ahem. Anyway Merry Christmas or something (I need to go out shopping now!)
    Hi, thought I would post here instead of spamming up the ArtMo thread (and so Kai Lucifer can look up the comments... maybe I should post on his instead? but anyway)
    If you could let me know what kind of clay sculptures you had in mind for the month that'd be helpful. Ten models seems like a lot to me but, of course, there's variations in complexity and all that! (Before I did it on the computer I made real life models... but with blu-tac -- the poor man's clay!) Things like the size, complexity of paint job... anything you may have thought of, however rough!
    I usually trace outlines (well, I have for almost all my models so far) if I'm trying to model a specific thing accurately, and then extrude it for the third dimension. I know you guys say that tracing is a no-no >; though there are many other different ways of going about modelling something, and if I was doing completely original models I probably wouldn't do that!... so if you wanna say no tracing over pictures for the start of an outline that's totally reasonable. Or tracing only your own sketched outlines.
    3D modelling programs also come with premade textures, and I'm not sure if you guys would approve of using those (they can be distorted easily through... various effects until they're unrecognisable). If you guys have used GIMP or photoshop it'd probably be the equivalent of using the brushes, textures or maybe the effects (like a gaussian blur or something) that come with it.
    Uhhh can't think of anything else right now, just ask if you think of anything >O I don't know anyone else on the forum who works with 3D but they may rock up to the ArtMo thread if you're lucky.
    Oh, if you want, I can kinda broadcast modelling over Skype (or any webcam kinda software) and maybe explain some things visually that are harder to explain via text. Though I'm sure there are tonnes of videos out on the Internet that could show you just as well. (:
    Got done with science (got a 98 :D), orchestra, and pre-alg today. Got english and geography tomorrow, then done :D Also I got to skip my gym final last Thursday because I already had a 200% in it o:
    Yes, after about 30 tries. Now I'm having trouble with Lance. Pryce is a dick and just gives you Hail.


    Arkeis has a list of them. A lot of them are ripped... still no lickilicky though. >:
    Try the jet pack! It'd be chaotic and full of derp!

    I guess....

    What levels were your pokermen?
    Float has promised to give him flying lessons when she evolves. :P

    I play non-stop whenever I'm playing a new game, or in this case file, so it goes by pretty fast. I'm also losing sleep playing. xD

    I'm in Blackthorn, ready to move on. I've only beat the first trainer.
    Oh, I constantly lose close friends... I've been doing it since I can ever remember, really. My longest friendship is only four years. Most of them die in about one year or two. Unfortunately, I don't have... many other friends. My friendpool is very very very narrow and I tend to take a large amount of time to become close to anyone. Nowadays, I haven't made a new close friend in... about a year or two. Personally, I think it was just because me and those people weren't compatible in personality and also... one of them got really busy and just stopped showing up. But I know how you feel about... dwelling and keeping your mind on what happened to a friendship, I really don't talk about it much to anyone and keep it from my thoughts most of the time. It kinda just feels... numb, I guess.

    But ah, I just completely cut off people I'm not friends with anymore. And that's easy to do since most of my friends are on the internet. (Only one real life friend.) Just ignore and don't talk to them anymore, which avoids conflict. Lately, I haven't really felt like spending time with other friends though... I tend to have this issue where I avoid anyone who I'm not really close to and keep my distance from them. Especially since I have one close friend who I've... latched onto, so to speak. Thank you though for saying that, you're pretty cool yourself there, Spoonie. :3

    Good to hear you're doing good! What's going on? Are they getting harder?
    Spoonie! It's been too long, indeed. Let us remedy that problem, yes.

    Well... somewhat. It continues to be a bit of a rough go. I mean, I did go see a psychiatrist, but it takes a long time and... I don't really have as many friends as I used to. I lost about two close ones. So it's been a bit rough, yeah.

    And what about you?
    It'll have to be something on my team since I'm only going to catch things for my team. :P

    I just don't.

    He attempted to bite Falkner's pidgey during the battle in an attempt to try it.

    He fell through the glass.
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