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Are you a virgin?

Are you a virgin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 228 87.7%
  • No

    Votes: 32 12.3%

  • Total voters
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I have a lame run-of-the-mill English accent... until I get angry. Apparently then I go back to being Scottish and ~manly~. :D

...okay so it's a borders accent. But still!
so's mine jeez

it's only southerners who have gay accents lmao
i really wanted to get angry and racist against northerners (GET BACK TO YER WHIPPETS AND ALCOHOL ABUSE) but in all honesty this is true.

i sound like a gay public school boy. :(
I'm confident. I've been told by many people I'm attractive (had a high school friend comment on my looks and basically hit on me constantly at a party a week ago. Too bad he already had a girlfriend...). I have money and easy access to contraceptives now, so fear of pregnancy is no longer an issue. I feel really, really ready to not be a virgin anymore. Time to go get lai-

Oh, wait. I'm still single. Dammit.
I wouldn't recommend that - to me it's quite odd to get laid just because you can, that's pointless. I'm 20 and taken, but this is the first relationship I've had any meaningful sexual experience in and I can tell you - it's much better if you wait. It makes everything a lot more real if you're together for a long time and work towards the goal together instead of just humping like rabbits. I think having worked for sex in a relationship is a lot more rewarding.
Yeah, don't worry, I understand that (the post was partly a joke). It's just that in my last relationship I kept putting it off and putting it off, and ended up waiting too long (five years!) because I was too scared of everything. I finally feel like I'm in a point in my life where I could handle it, and that's what I meant to express with my post, not that I wanted to go out and randomly get laid.
Yeah but most people aren't ready before 16 or even 18. My girlfriend is 19 (18 when we met) and she wasn't ready for a loooooooooong time.
I will give you three guesses.

((Although my friend says he knows people who weren't at like 12/13. I was like .______.))
Sorry, ace advocate moment!

Just because you haven't become attracted to anything yet doesn't mean you should just assume asexuality -- just like how, I don't think, parents should assume their children are straight from the moment they're born.

So many people claim to be asexual, isn't it supposed to be like 1% of the population who actually are? Not saying everyone here who's 'asexual' are wrong, just... seems to be a lot of people saying it. :/

You might notice this forum has become a place for all queer people to group towards. There aren't more ace people here than there are, say, any other quiltbag people. In fact I'm pretty sure there are less. But I don't see you questioning the honesty of gay members or bi members or any other members.

I almost want to think maybe you crazy kids are jumping the gun on assuming you're asexual-
like maybe you just haven't been attracted to anything like that yet, or in an environment where sex is frowned upon so you just go with it...

But, you guys know yourselves better than I do. I guess I'm just hoping that you're not or something. ... In a not creepy sort of way.

That said I'm still a virgin but that's mainly because my other half is too far away ; ; that and it's not really legal anymore since her last birthday

Again, why is it jumping the gun when someone says they are asexual but not when they say they're gay or straight or bi or anything? Do you think that, for some reason, it takes more self awareness to know you're not attracted to someone than to know you are?

Kids know all the time that they're gay or bi or trans when they're so young as 6 or 9 or god even knows. Why is that completely normal but knowing you're ace isn't? I don't get it.

Also, why would you hope we're not? :| wat. I could just as easily say I hope you're all asexual because ew sex gross I feel so bad for you. But I don't think it's right to inflict my opinions of anything onto other people. So. Wat.

Anyhow as for the thread er, topic, I refuse to answer because of ew. :D

EDIT: OH AND WTF IS A GAY ACCENT? >| ARG what is with all this homophobia and generalizing and uhg! *kicks something*
EDIT: OH AND WTF IS A GAY ACCENT? >| ARG what is with all this homophobia and generalizing and uhg! *kicks something*

Calm down! I'm pretty sure that most of the people who've even mentioned that in this thread, myself included, are gay (or something else Quiltbaggy), and hence were joking about it.
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