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ArtMo 2010

I accidentally posted my stuff in the OS club ;_; I feel like such an idiot for missing this topic! I hope no one makes the same mistake I did.
Reposting everything here...

I've already completed my first two pieces, with my third one sketched up.
I made preview images for these, but everyone is posting links so I might as well do the same! :)
Day 1 - A Group of Pokemon Gijinkas.
Day 2 - Karkat Vantas of Homestuck (Possible Spoilers?)
Yeah my first picture is extremely crappy but I didn't have as much time to work on it. But I really like my second one!
CRAP! I missed the startses! I will do 2 drawings today in school and upload them. :D

(My way of saying I'm in!)
I'm in.

I'm probably going to post them like five at once, though.

Don't worry, I'll be doing the same. And I don't think I'll be posting them here, since the thread will probably get a bit crazy and I don't know if anyone's even looking at the pics posted. :\
I look at them. The ones that my computer doesn't stupidly block anyway. And I'm posting them in bulk too xD
I look at them, too! And Cloudsong, I don't think you computer will block mine. Does it block Picasa, or Google related sites in general? Or just DeviantART?
It blocks Deviantart and whatever it categorizes as 'Image/Media File Sharing Sites' Strangely it doesn't block Photobucket xD?
JOINING, though if anything I do is in my sketchbook I'd have to wait until I get home (around the 18th) so I can use my scanner. I can have digital stuff up in a timely fashion though! :>
It seems as thought I'll join too! :D

I will have to turn in quite a few of them wwhen I get the chance.
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Day 1
Day 2

I know the second one is horrible, but it was quick. The first one took 20-30 minutes however, and I'm quite proud of it.
I can do like...crit and stuff if people want it! and redlines! Just ask me and I can do it. I'm not so great at putting my thoughts into words, so redlines are what I'll be better at tho.

Also, day two! (warning; you can see boobs.)
@Saith: Love your Steiner picture! Aah, I don't see much FFIX fanart on here, so it's awesome to see a fan. :3

Love Rai-Ch's gajinkas too. They are actually quite well-designed. Look like believable humans, you know? Rather than just people with Pokemon parts tacked on.

Really like Cherry's alien thing too... it's cute.

As for mine? I'd rather not show it until it's completely finished. I did a really big picture for Day 1 and after I finish it, I will work on Day 2. It's totally drawn, but I want to colour it first... it's a surprise for a certain someone who goes on here. So I don't want to ruin their surprise until I finish it.
Hmm, I guess I got to upload some more Artmo stuff. Right. I'll get to that later, since I'll be bowling today and stuff.

Great art so far, everyone!
Haven't got my Day 4 sorted yet - I'll put two pieces up tomorrow.
Just a warning - it MIGHT be a little bit Yaoi-y~ Hehe~
Commisions again, they're the only thing that I'm guaranteed to finish.
On that note, anyone want me to do a commish for them for ArtMo?

EDIT/ > ///////<~ Thank-you Kai, I love your little Chibi-Sunny~
I've finished my first day, which is a Wooper. I'm currently working on both an Eevee and a realistic Momo (from Avatar.) This year, I'm attempting put a lot of effort into my pictures, but I'm kind of trailing behind because of it.
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