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Black & White

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One thing I've noticed which makes me very happy is that so far, of the 14 Pokemon that have been revealed, none of them are related to older Pokemon! :D Rejoice!

Has that actually been confirmed though? A few people have mentioned that that "dream eating" pokemon possibly is a Drowzee baby. D: I do hope that's wrong, but that doesn't mean it's won't be... right?
Has that actually been confirmed though? A few people have mentioned that that "dream eating" pokemon possibly is a Drowzee baby. D: I do hope that's wrong, but that doesn't mean it's won't be... right?

I kind of hope not. I mean, it's kind of lame that they're recycling the "dream-eating psychic tapir" concept but at least this one is actually pleasant-looking. :<

At any rate, I'd think if that were the case they'd have gone ahead and said so. I don't see any point in keeping something like that a secret.

I'm also totally happy about the lack of add-ons to existing evolution chains. :]

D: That is backwards! Yin is dark/female/cold/night, and yang is light/male/hot/day. But most people get it wrong.

That adds some reasoning to the /fire of Reshie, maybe.

:v; oh yeah, I thought maybe I had them backwards but couldn't be arsed to check. I'm getting everything mixed up with these games. :<
Has that actually been confirmed though? A few people have mentioned that that "dream eating" pokemon possibly is a Drowzee baby. D: I do hope that's wrong, but that doesn't mean it's won't be... right?

Drowzee and Munna really don't look anything alike. Plus, in one of the pics, Munna is shown to be levitating in battle, which would, by Pokemon's standards, mean the Drowzee would levitate, which it can't. It's possible, but I really don't think that the two Pokemon are related at all.

EDIT: Black and White rumors on Pokebeach!

Some of the stuff seems kind of farfetched. Tauros is powerful enough that it really doesn't need and evo, but then again, most of the Pokemon that got evos in Gen IV didn't need evos either.

Well, anyways, rumors are always cool.

Let's see what we got here..

Female professor? HELL YES!

Chiramii: OH. MY. GOD. THOSE EARS. DAT TAIL. This level of cuteness can kill. The fact that it's a chinchilla is even better. If this is the Route 1 rodent, it'll be the only one I've loved.

Munna: If this thing wasn't pink and covered in flowers, I'd call it a Drowzee prevo. Still, it's kind of neat.

Gear: Interesting...Like someone said before, it's more of something I'd expect to see in Digimon, but it's still pretty cool. Maybe its evolution will be a little more exciting.

Mamepato: Well, he's a cute little feller. Kind of like a cross between Tailow and Starly. And I like the heart on his chest.

Hihidaruma: A flaming daruma-ape? I actually really like this guy, even if he is yet another fire-monkey. (Hey, at least he's not part-fighting...yet) His design is one of the more creative out of these IMO.

Shimama: HOLY SHIT HE'S GOT DAMON GANT'S HAIR An electric zebra is not something I would have expected, but I really do like it. I also like that he's not yellow/orange like every other electric type ever.

Meguroko: Hey, look, it's Hippopotas...if he were a crocodile with awesome shades...or had a shiny new type combo...okay, so maybe he's not much like Hippopotas.He seems pretty cool, but again, I'd like to see his evolution before I get too excited.

Overall, I'm very happy with the new pokemon. They're actually not nearly as derivative as I thought they'd be. It's looking so far like this gen's gonna be pretty awesome.
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Pokebeach rumors said:
Black and white, good versus evil, and yin and yang are going to play a major part in the plot. However, unlike previous Pokemon games, the decisions and choices you make will “influence” the plot of the game. If you make “good” choices, you might get certain help or items, whereas “bad” choices could have negative effects. The point is that the plot will not be as cut-and-dry as previous games, changing depending on the player’s actions.

> Earthquake Spiral (じしんかじょう) which raises its attack when the opponent is Knocked Out

I smell a new standard OU. I:
...Thought honestly that's pretty cool I'm gonna need to try it. Hope they don't utterly botch it.

> Pidgeonmon


> Good/Bad thing


If this is true, this could be the best gen yet. :O

Also... the rumors seem a little... far-fetched for me. And I've never even heard of the guy who gave them these supposed "spoilers".


...That's it, I don't care if I wanted to do that Harry Potter run, I'm catching a Shimama and naming it Gant.


I wouldn't be surprised to have a third counterpart to the new dragons, though I fail to see how a large green cobra relates to either of them...

I kinda hope there isn't a Tauros evo, though since I've never used one, I can't really complain about it ruining Tauros.

The field things sounds pretty cool, perhaps this is the new battle mechanics they were talking about. But unless they're hold items, they'll be pretty useless in competitive battles.

I also find it a little hard to believe they'd alter the plot, but the idea of player's choices affecting the plot certainly has my attention.
IDK, I hate morality-based choice systems. They always seem very... polarising. I don't want to be told I've picked the 'wrong' option and that I'm supposed to pick another one so that I'm 'right'.

I'd like a choice system that didn't consist purely of good/bad choices, but I don't think it's likely to happen :V
Gone back and looked at the actual Pokémon and...outside of Chiramii and Mamepato, I don't like any of the newly revealed Pokemon.
Pokebeach said:
Tauros will have an evolution: Minotauros. It stands on two legs.

this automatically screams bullshit to me because why on earth would this random evolution have its english name released when the starters haven't had their english names released?

morality-based storyline etc might be good but not if it's just good/bad. That's not what yin/yang is. :c I will be mighty pissed if that's how it is.
this automatically screams bullshit to me because why on earth would this random evolution have its english name released when the starters haven't had their english names released?

The guy was claiming to have insider info(which he supposedly had given to other gaming sites before). Remember that Reshiram and Zekrom were revealed simultaneously on the English and Japanese sites. They very well have already created the English names for a number of these Pokemon, so it isn't too farfetched to say that there's a Tauros evolution with the name of Minotauros. Anyways, Tauros's Japanese name is Kentauros. So Minotauros could easily be its Japanese name as well.

Hmm....Good and Bad? I really hope that if this is true, they don't implement Black and White Morality but instead have some gray in there.

I find this tidbit of info to be rather interesting.
Somebody mentioned it on the Acanthite forums already. Interesting...

I wouldn't like a Tauros evo unless they had a Miltank evo to go with it. They're counterparts; making one more powerful than the other is just stupid.
Eh, only in the eyes of the fans are they counterparts. I've only just found out today that you cannot breed Tauros from a Miltank...

But a Miltank evo would be nice to go along with Tauros. Hopefully they won't repeat the mistake that they did with Pinsir and Scyther and Banette and Dusclops.
Grass Starter Man better evolve into this:

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IDK, I hate morality-based choice systems. They always seem very... polarising. I don't want to be told I've picked the 'wrong' option and that I'm supposed to pick another one so that I'm 'right'.

I'd like a choice system that didn't consist purely of good/bad choices, but I don't think it's likely to happen :V

Furthermore, what's the point? If you're playing through the game unspoiled then maybe you don't know what the consequences of saying "no" to helping that old lady will be, but as soon as you realize that those consequences are entirely negative you'll never want to pick that option again. Unless they're running some sort of perverse challenge, no one is going to deliberately pick a debilitating option. The morality system will matter to a player on all of one playthrough, after which they will deliberately ignore the feature; a spoiled player will probably avoid it entirely and never see its effects at all. The negative choices might as well not even be there.

Now, if the choices could be overtly morally "good" or "bad" but the good choices still had negative consequences and the bad choices had good ones, that'd be okay. But that's not how it was described. Sure, there's more detail to come so the system could be more complex if it is actually there, but... meh.

Just because yin and yang don't have anything to do with morality doesn't mean the game won't though. Maybe "Team Plasma" (ugh) doesn't realize that Reshiram and Zekrom stand for something other than good and evil, and when they try to control them for good/evil purposes the dragons are like "rawr lol no" and it all goes horribly wrong and you need to intervene and the plot is original etc. etc..

Xikaze you are a god, btw.
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