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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'AHH!' Eve screamed as she in a random hurry used Curaja on Cas which didn't help. Eve shot an arrow at the thing but it went right through. Her only offense was Lavender and the spell Holy.

'Lavender, lets try a Double Holy' Eve whispered to Lavender 'We mix our strength together and make a powerful attack'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((What happened to Raeneudd and Malbarad? They were with the others seeking the horrid thing.))

Malbarad sent a glowing arrow towards the hand gripping Cas, whilst Raeneudd, fully recharged, send a blast of green energy towards the creature itself.
"Take decay, thing!" she shouted.


"We have heard stories of spirits and some items known as 'Golden Shards', which are linked to Moon Land. However it seems these things may be the same as something which was mentioned in our own stories, and I come from my people in order to seek the information which would allow us to confirm or reject the idea," Timcyduch explained.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Thing held out his free hand and literally plucked the green bolt of magic out of the air, squeezing it until it dissipated. "Your ssssssilly magic is far inferior to me," he hissed, and suddenly felt one of those glowing sticks that another human had shot hitting the hand he was holding Cas in. It loosened his grip a little as a jolt of light-induced pain shot throguh his arm, and Cas managed to wriggle out of the Thing's grip - but there was a ten-feet fall to the ground. Luckily, at the last moment Spektra tightly gripped Cas' finger and flew him to safety.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Raeneudd stared in utter disbelief as The Thing destroyed her attack.
How...is that possible...that form...of magic...should corrupt...anything in contact with it
"Silly huh? Then maybe you should try...this!" she called, sending a series of white bolts of light, which arced around The Thing, closing slowly inwards.
Alongside, Malbarad began to send more arrows towards the creature, hoping that multiple attacks would let one get through.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Thing did some kind of Pirouette, waving his arms wildly in an attempt to block all of the light-arcs at once, but some still hit him, and he felt that horrible feeling of light magic pulse across his body. Some of the arrows him him, too, and he began to weaken - but did not show it. Instead, he readied a ball of darkness between his two hands, held it high in the air and then threw it to the ground, where it exploded like a bomb, releasing multiple rings of evil magic.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Raeneudd switched to defensive mode, and attempted to block the evil magic, but Malbarad's key, having been touched by The Thing before, drew in some of the energy, which sent the old ranger flying backwards and into the wall.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Raeneudd shouted, "NOW YOU DIE YOU *******!!!!" she cried, swinging her staff and pointing the head directly at The Thing's chest. She stood there, breathing hard. A very tiny speck of blue light began to glow just ahead of the staff.
"He's still alive, and won't die," she said, seemingly calm and composed, "but you will for that."
The blue light began to grow, very slowly.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"No, human. I cannot die at the hands of anyone but her 'Royal Arylettnesssss'..."

The Thing chuckled evilly, watching the spell on the end of the staff grow. "Even if it does remove me from the dimension of mortalssss, I can alwayssss return..."

His entirely pitch-black eyes flared, becoming large circles of darkness, and narrowed again to almost slits. "I alwaysssss do..."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"But if we take you out, you should think twice about coming back! NOW TASTE MY FURY!" KP yelled, charging at the Thing with his sword, and slicing at his bottom.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"One would think..." the Thing sneered, looking down at the King disdainfully. He winced slightly as he felt a blade cut across somewhere on his abdomen, but it did no real damage.

"Don't you realissssse," the Thing said, floating into the air creepily and allowing his arms to hang limp at his sides, "That I am much more powerful than anything your mortal mindssss can comprehend?"

The two Anti-Arylett eyes that were previously hidden behind his back blinked into view and glared, wide-eyed, at King Phillip. A beam of darkness shot from each eye, surrounding Phillip in a nimbus of light blue, torturing energy which would feel like a thousand ice-cold knives stabbing at every inch of his body.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The blue light had now formed an immense sphere, over 5 feet in diameter

"Now you suffer, creature. I don't care about your death, but you will pay for what you did with pain." Raeneudd was now calm. The rage had gone, but there would be a cold pleasure in what she was about to do. The light started to fire off as abeam of light, but, before it could get more than three yards it stopped dead, and strands of light began to twist around the energy tube.

Malbarad stirred, head pounding, and looked over at the battlefield.

What is that? What are you doing Rae?
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((What, he murdered the Akatsuki leader or something?))

After awhile of arguring, Somon finally stepped outside, holding Jackie, who jumped down to the pavement and slowly crawled over to the garden.

"What exactly are you doing?" he asked.

She sat in the grass.

((In case you didn't get it, Time Psyduck said "you will pay for what you did with pain." I know what that means, but then again, "you will pay for what you did with pain." In the joke, it's a misspelling of "Pein," the Akatsuki leader, so it changes to "you will pay for what you did with Pein."))
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Kinova sat down beside Arylett and glanced at the Queen; she looked exhausted. Thinking it would be better to save questions about the Thing for another time, Kinova drew her knees to her chest and stared at the ground, wondering what to say. Arylett spoke first - although the words were unexpected.

Kinova looked up and ahead of them to see the group of men advancing, kicking up a cloud of dust as they moved. What were they doing all the way out here? They were in the middle of nowhere. Maybe they were here for the Thing... or... Kinova looked at the Queen, considering.

"I think maybe... we should hide. Just to be safe. We can keep an eye on them from a hiding place..." she looked around as she spoke, searching for a suitable place to hide. She got to her feet, holding out an arm to help Arylett up.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"AAAHHHH!" KP yelled, as he was surrounded with the light. He collapsed to the ground, and the light moved closer in on him. With his last few ounces of energy he shouted "SAEVIO!" and stabbed his blade into the ground. A giant blast of shadows flew out from his sword and encompassed everything in the lair. The light around him disappeared and he fell to the ground, with a very weak pulse.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Arylett grabbed Kinova's hand and hoisted herself up, sighing. It was always something, wasn't it?

She could feel herself getting nervous as the men approached, getting closer and closer. They had better find a hiding place soon! Her eyes searched about frantically for anything, ANYTHING that they could hide in... But the land around the Horrid Lair was immensely barren and devoid of all life, no bushes, no trees, just... dirt. She assumed it was from the extreme darkness eminating from the place.

And the men kept getting closer and closer...

There was no escape now, the men had seen them. But hmm... the men's clothing... it looked... it looked...

Arylettopian. Official, even! It looked like the outfits the palace guards had worn. But she couldn't recognize their faces.

They stopped in front of her and Kinova, thwarting their attempts to hide.

"'Ello... you're Queen Arylett, aren'tcha?"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Oh, so you've come to learn about the golden shards, I see." Blade said, uteerly calm and unaware of anything happening outside the Secret Room. "Well, as the legends originate here, I have all the books about them, but I'm afraid I've misplaced them. All I know is they can not leave this room, er, library. So let's begin searching!" he said looking through rows of books faster than one has seen one search for a book.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'Magic does nothing to the Thing and my arrows simply shoot right through it, we need Arylett to kill it' Eve shouted while in Defense mode and raising her Shield.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

A light glowed from KP's ring. The shard activated, reviving him to full health. He got up and realized his final attack hadn't even phased the Thing. "Eve, you go and get HRA, I'll hold the Thing off!" he yelled.
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

She was at a loss for words... what could she have said to them...?

Should she lie? Or... should she just tell the truth? Well it WAS obvious that she was the Queen, the extravagant Battle Queenly Dress that she wore bore the colours of Arylettopia and symbols. Not many commoners dressed like that...

"Don't be dense, of course that's the Queen. My Queen, I apologize for how my companion has treated you." He bowed. "I am George and this insolent boy is Jeremy." The older man spoke, bowing and dragging down the snorting Jeremy with him.

"...Wh-why are you... here?" She said rather lamely.

"Well... we've been looking for you. There's something very important you should know..." And the man called George went into a long, long, LONG tangent. It was quite dizzying to Arylett, whose dull head at the moment was still reeling and processing even slower than usual due to the Horrid Events.

Ahaha... whilst he distracted the Queen and her companion... Jeremy took his chance. He chanted something, under his breath, a spell... a shimmering rainbow light seemed to have been incasing her... but she hadn't noticed. That was one thing George was good for, his ability to incase people in a hypnotic spell whenever he went into one of his infamous tangents. The Queen kept gazing at the older man, her mind becoming duller and duller... until it was blank, blissfully blank of all thoughts... he would even capture Kinova under his spell.

The rainbow light continued to incase her, until she was out of sight. Jeremy began to chant faster and faster, until she was in a coccoon of light. His spell was working... just a bit more...


The light surrounding her disappeared...

And in the Queen's place, all that had remained was a female Curly-Tailed Bird, its eyes still staring dully at the rambling George, a long mane of dark curly hairs upon its head and Arylett's gold chain around its neck. Arylett's Battle Queenly Dress and bag below at its feet.

As George continued his chanting, Jeremy ransacked Arylett's bag, taking her Queenly Dress and her Crown.

"It's done... let's get out of here before she snaps out of it!"

George ceased his rambling and the two men fled... ahaha, now they would be paid muchly!

The Curly-Tailed Bird still stood there, its eyes transfixed upon the spot where George had been standing.

(What a female Curly-Tailed Bird looks like.)
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Eve ran to where Arylett was but a female Curly-Tailed bird was standing there instead.

'Hey birdy, have you seen Arylett' Eve said before realizing that birds couldn't talk.

'KWEH!' Lavender ran over to Eve.

'~OK~Lavender~you~need~to~ask~this~curly~tailed~bird~if~she~has~seen~Arylett~because~we~need~her~to~defeat~the~Thing~' Eve said in Windian.

Lavender did a series of squawks and tweets to the curly tailed bird .
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

It continued to stare at the spot, transfixed...

But then it heard a noise... some squawking apparently. What... what was that noise?

She shook her head, shaking off the effects of the spell, coming out of her trance. Wha... what had happened? Had she fallen asleep? The bird groaned, reaching a wing to rub its eyes-


...A WING?!

"Whoa... whoa!" She tried to say, but all that came out was a series of chirps. Arylett had completely snapped out of it, looking at the wing in surprise. What... where was her hand?

...All she could remember was those two men... one rambling on endlessly until she had fallen asleep.

Oh no... she had known what had happened. They had transformed her, hadn't they...? She reached her other arm, which was also a wing, and looked at both wings in surprise and shock. What... what was she? A bird of some sort...? The wings looked familar.

She turned her head back as much as she could and caught sight of them.

Two curly tail feathers.

...Aha! She thought so! So she was a Curly-Tailed Bird...

And... dammit. She... she couldn't talk! Clever bastards!

She kept hearing these squawks... chirping... was that her?

No. It was something else.

She turned her head to face the source of the squawking, gazing at the chocobo and seeing Princess Eve standing there. Oh no... this was embarassing... she couldn't be seen looking like this...

But she had no choice, she had already been seen. "What... what's going on?" Was all she could think of to say, but the chirps kept coming out.
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