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How do you eat pizza?

I'm surprised at how many people pick off the toppings before eating the pizza. I thought I was weird for doing that. I pick off the pepperoni (and sometimes the cheese) and eat that before eating the actual pizza.
1) Remove the toppings I don't like
2) Pick the bits cheese that came off with the toppings and put them back on the pizza where they belong
3) Eat, starting from the tip and alternating with bites of the crust until the latter is gone
4) End up awkwardly holding the crustless pizza because I don't want to get my fingers overly dirty

Come to think of it, folding it like a sandwich would remove the last part. Hmm.
With a spoon.

I start at the pointy end, and progress my way to the crust.

I didn't realize how much of an art form it could be. o.0

Same with me for the most part. I will (albeit very rarely) use a fork if it's too hot or too messy. I'm a clean freak and hate getting pizza sauce on me. XD

Although sometimes I get overexcited, eat it too fast, and end up with blisters on my mouth the next day. :( That isn't fun.

1. take bite
3. irritating burnt skin flap on roof of mouth for next week

This is actually why I started eating pizza the way I do. I got tired of eating pizza and then having to be on what amounts to a cold liquid diet (if I didn't want to continuously harm the roof of my mouth) for the next longest time available. It's also part of why even though I don't like it for the most part I tend to drink lukewarm coffee. (it starts to taste like gross water after a while) Not cold coffee, though. Just room temperature.
I always eat the crust first because I took the save the best for last philosophy too seriously. It's a bit messy.

I apply the same philosophy, but for me the crust is the best part.

Oh and I remembered another quirk of my pizza eating. If it has toppings that I'm a particular fan of (kalamata olives come to mind) I'll begin by picking off the most delicious looking bit of said topping and putting it to the side, then when I have exactly one bite of crust left I'll take all the toppings I set aside and arrange them on the crust for the perfect last bite.
Ah, I'm glad it's not just me who has the whole mouth-burning thing going on :3

I also have a few traditional steps for the process of ordering my pizza:

1. Order pizza topped with mushrooms and/or pineapple and/or olives.
2. Recieve looks of absolute disgust from friends, dining companions, the wait staff and generally anyone in the vicinity.
3. Eventually pizza arrives, usually with a comment along the lines of "Well, this caused quite a stir in the kitchen!" in a tone suggesting I asked for a plate of human entrails.

aaaand then we move on to the aforementioned mouth-burning stage, after which it doesn't really matter what's on the bloody pizza anyway because all my tastebuds have melted.
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This is actually why I started eating pizza the way I do. I got tired of eating pizza and then having to be on what amounts to a cold liquid diet (if I didn't want to continuously harm the roof of my mouth) for the next longest time available. It's also part of why even though I don't like it for the most part I tend to drink lukewarm coffee. (it starts to taste like gross water after a while) Not cold coffee, though. Just room temperature.

I actually like to eat pizza that's been sitting out for an hour or two. I dunno, I just prefer room-temperature pizza to hot pizza. :v
Ideal way to eat my pizzas: Taking the whole pie, fold it in half and just munch the whole freaking thing.
Reality: New York Style or as we call it, eating pizza.
I start at the tip and eat the crust last.

I don't like pizza that much, but it seems like everyone else loves it. :/ And I've never burned my mouth on pizza, but that's probably because I always eat it at room temperature...
Fold it in half and chomp down LIKE A BOSS

Uh, I usually eat from the tip first, but it's really hard to hold a floppy slice of pizza especially when there's tons of toppings on it, so I often end up folding it in half no matter what happens.
I have eaten it various ways. I seem to use whichever one I feel like doing, I either fold it and eat, eat it as a piece, or pick of the toppings (not the cheese) and eat those seprately, then progress to the actual piece. I always eat it end first, crust last.

But, if I misinterpeted the title, I eat it with my mouth.
I eat the crust first, go on to the end, and eat until it's working it's way into my digestive system.

But if there's another way, i SET IT ON MAI FACE!!!!
I like eating pizza from the side. It's strange, but I get to enjoy the crust (which I like!) throughout the whole eating process. :D
I hold it in my hand, open my mouth, place a portion of the pizza inside, close my mouth in a manner that breaks off a section of the pizza, chew it until it becomes mushy and then swallow it. I then repeat the process.

From the tip, in answer to the question.
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