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How Tall Are You?

Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm 6'1". I guess that's pretty tall for my age. :P

After reading all these posts, I seem to be scarily tall. 5' 3'', and I'm a 10 year old girl! D:
Maybe if I cut off my feet I'll grow them back, but they'll be flat so I'll be shorter! Yeah!
*runs to get chainsaw*

You're not alone. My dad was nearly six feet by the end of 6th grade, or year 6, or however you guys see it.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

Tall, but not all that skinny. But I'm not fat. I'm reaching around 5' 9", but remember, that's for a 13 year old boy. I'm taller than most.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm kinda short, 5' 03" and a half (about.)

Yet people still mistake me for being up to 10 years older then I really am. Oo"

Still wanna be a bit taller though...
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

5' 7" Last I checked

And I am 16 going on 17

So... Am I short? My dad says I am, but looking at alot of the heights in here, I feel tall :D

Also, I am very flexible, allowing me to fit in places which you would normally have to be VERY short to fit in :D So that means I took away the one advantage really short people have! :D
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm pretty tall, I think, but I'm not as tall for my age as I used to be. Last time I was measured, which was a few months ago, I was nearly 5'6'', so I'm probably about 5'6'' now.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

5'1'' and not growing anymore. ; ;
I always feel very short, because most of my friends are much much taller than me.
Somewhere around five feet and eleven inches. I'm busy doing something with a riding crop and whipped cream at the moment so I can't convert the figures into metric.

Live with it.
I'm 5-foot 7 inches at age 14 but all my friends are taller than I am, so I feel short.
XS-Nitrogen said:
So for what it's worth, don't complain about being short. Especially you girls. Short girls are cute.

All the more reason for me to complain, then. :/ Attraction=eww.

5'4" and rather upset about it because for the longest time I was really tall for my age.
I'm a 17-year-old girl and I'm 5'6". I guess I'm taller than many girls (my mom, for example XD), but I don't think I'm extremely tall or anything.
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