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Misreadings and stuff

Suicide Squad as Justice Squad

EDIT: I've misspelled something recently by doubling a "v". And when I saw it, it reminded me of Homestuck.
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"Legendary" as "Butterfree". Of course, no one should be blamed for getting those two mixed up as they are so similar.
Misread a misreading.

when SV_01 said "A wild Meh appeared", I read it as "A wild Meh a paired"
Hey, i've been Quoted! awesome!

I once read dandruff shampoo as ''dauschand shampoo''.
The weird thing is, when i see that i don't think shampoo FOR dogs. no, that wouldn't be weird enough. I think shampoo MADE out of dogs. because i'm weird. =3
(my signature has randomized stuff, so sometimes you'll see the quote, =P)

Braving as Digging. I know, don't they sound soooooooooo similar?
I keep mishearing 'corn' as 'porn' and I still keep misreading/hearing 'Protestant' as 'prostitute'. Teenaged brain, please stop thinking these stupid dirty thoughts and let me learn about early US history in peace D:
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