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Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Hello my ponies/cronies/bronies. This is mainly a "Hi, I'm active" post. Yep.
Anyone have anything interesting to add? I sure don't!

Since I'm a pile of inexperience, I'll leave suggestions up to the other players for now, I guess. But I'm thinking of abstaining. No surprise there right?!
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

If you have seen my previous post, please disregard it - I made an error regarding night actions, and I apologize to all people involved in this error (you know who you are).

Here's the real day post.

The citizens of Ponyville awoke that morning to realize that one of their number was missing. They breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that it was a mafia member. However, there were signs that this was a sabotage - someone had misdirected the mafia head by giving false information, and so the mafia head had inadvertently killed his underling.

Mai is dead. She was Hydia and a mafia member. You have 48 hours for discussion/nomination.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Oh dear. Sounds like a bus driver effect, or perhaps a party host-esque role? Still, one mafia down!
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Could be multiple factions? Just enough people to be plausible. Let's count our blessings for now.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

I feel empowered. This is my first mafia day post :D. I say abstain

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Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Vixie ♥;468953 said:
Could be multiple factions? Just enough people to be plausible. Let's count our blessings for now.

Well, the flavor text said the mafia had killed "his underling". Wouldn't that imply they're in the same faction?
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

...Slightly suspicious.

Just checking in. Doesn't sound like a bodyguard kill. Maybe a bus driver or a prankster.

Suspicious? How? And if it IS his first day post (first game?) then it was probably unintentional, anyway. ...I guess there's no harm keeping an eye on him though.
Also yes, what Alraune/Spike said, (and Tailsy/Applejack,) probably a bus driver.
Also abstain until further notice.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Only slightly. Only the third or so post in the game and already choosing to abstain.

But yeah, probably overanalyzing and trying too hard to find a lead. Sorry.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

I don't think there would be two mafia factions. Spike's point about the flavor text saying "his underling" pretty much assures that. I have no evidence towards anything right now, and hey, a mafia's dead. so... I Abstain unless I see something mind-blowing.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Apparently, not the brightest pony in the world.

I agree with the bus driver logic, seeing as it would redirect their attack...so abstain.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Well, the flavor text said the mafia had killed "his underling". Wouldn't that imply they're in the same faction?

... right. I'm not really used to flavour text actually meaning anything. So whoever caused the redirect might know who mafia is? I'm not familiar with bus driver.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Vixie ♥;469175 said:
... right. I'm not really used to flavour text actually meaning anything. So whoever caused the redirect might know who mafia is? I'm not familiar with bus driver.

I think they swap what happens to two people of their choice. (eg. Player 1 is targeted by mafia, bus driver swaps player 1 and player 4, player 4 is killed instead)
So, the bus driver might know who the real target was. It'd be kinda helpful to know, but it'd probably make them way too large a target...? Ehh, so not worth it! It's day one anyway!... yeah.
I don't recall our gracious host saying the flavour text would be important, actually, but considering how specific it is, that's probably the case.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Erp well. Couldn't it also be a bodyguard? I mean it doesn't fit the flavour text as well, but. Ah well.

So we're abstaining, right?
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Couldn't it just be that the mafia don might not know who their underlings are, and happened to hit one of them? I guess it depends on how precise the flavour text is, but it would still make sense.

I guess it could be bus driver, or something similar, but considering how non-standard and uncommon the bus driver role is, not especially likely. If nobody's willing to give any information they might have, then we have nothing to lose by abstaining.
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Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Presumably there are only two or three mafia left, though. Since it's unlikely we have an activated alien, this is the perfect opportunity to lynch. By abstaining, have nothing to gain but everything to lose.

All it takes is for one person to call "abstain!" and then everyone else just blindly follows. :|
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