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Obsessive Scribblers~

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fff how do you guys get your sigs approved so quickly, I've been waiting for mine for like a month now.

Anyway, NaDecDraMo just 'round the corner, woop. Still trying to come up with an AIDS-themed drawing, and by God I'll come up with something.
Also a bit pissed off because I can't open any image uploading site, smackjeeves or deviantart due to my Internet being shitty (it gets super slow at the end of the month). I can't show you my awesome Hand Turkey, my drawing of Ivan all bruised and broked and I can't even upload this week's comic pages.
Urk, nothing's worse (except poverty and AIDS and things, obviously) than having a crappy internet that won't connect to the sites you need it to ): I've had some serious computer troubles the past week, but it seems to be alright now (if I randomly vanish for long periods of time, you know what's up)... I hope you get your pictures up soon~
Well, it doesn't have to be about AIDS, Strangy, there are a lot of awesome things that happen tomorrow.


Seriously though, if you need suggestions, I could help. Maybe one of your characters gets HIV.
So I had an epic battle in Red the other day, so I decided to make a mini-Manga of it :3
It was in the battle with the Shorts kid as well :D
It's not going to be part of the Art-a-thon though =P
Hahahahahha... So in the end I didn't get a sketchbook. BUT. I got a Kooh-I-Noor 47 pencil pack. :DDDD Now I can do traditional media again. <3
(This is either the worst or best day of my life, because my sister got a Prismacolor 120 pack. ;A; I'm so jealous.)
ETA: Forgot to explain. It's basically you do a drawing a day for the entire month of December. I'm taking part :D

Sweet! -pulls out sketchbook-
Seriously though, if you need suggestions, I could help. Maybe one of your characters gets HIV.
Oh god, that's a bit too heavy. I love all my characters and even though I inflict some pretty terrible tortures on them I don't think I could do that. And I'm not a good enough storyteller to incoporate that into a tale.

Oh, and happy birthday! Maybe I can doodle something for the occasion today.

Oh, and for the AIDS drawing I'll just have the generic 'people standing around with the little ribbons' thing. I'm wearing a little ribbon today too, actually :v
Yo, I know it's late, but any club that involves doodling on homework is a must for me.
Unless applications are closed, in which case I don't need you. D<

But yeah, I spend most of my class period drawing.
When I'm unlazy, I'll scan my stuffs. Most of it is Earthbound stuff and random unexistant people (oh and computers) but sometimes I have something interesting.

Eheh, sorry about that. But in all seriousness, I can't think of what to draw, and it's only the first day of ArtMo. Can anyone help, please?
Well, I have two ideas; I'm halfway through inking one and will draw the other if I have time. A pic for National AIDS Day and a well done pic for the NaNoWriMoers :3
GODDAMN I have a bunch of things to show, including my first NaDecDraMo submission (cliché AIDS pictures woot) and my internet refuses to load any site other than TCOD, Google and KhaosKomix.
ffff i really need to check my e-mail too ):
:DDDDD We really need more crackshippings in this thread, mainly due to the influence of this quote of Dannichu's (refering to why Kratos is amused in her OS group picture), "It's just that Kratos really likes Spoon." No really, we should a have a pairing fest of insomnia, and draw the crack shippings. It'd be fun~

okay obviously I am late to the party because slow Kratos is sloooow but for future reference:

It's not that I don't think you guys are awesome and all, but for serious if you "pair" or "ship" me with anyone you will be stabbed repeatedly with some sort of implement yet to be determined but most certainly very unpleasant. D: You guys can have your fun and all and I know it's a joke but quite honestly I'm sure I'll still find it rather annoying. :/ Kratos/alone-in-a-corner-and-swatting-anyone-who-comes-near-with-aforementioned-unpleasant-implement is canon and absolutely nothing else is allowed k?

...I don't like shipping/romance/sex/mushystuff how many times must I say that D:D:D: argh where is my "Kratos does not approve" avatar when I actually need it stupid school computers

re: drawathon: will probably just be drawing fake pokeymans all month because that's all I ever do these days anyway and a lot of them are just words in a document and need actual visual designs. I'm not planning to upload anything every day, so I'll probably just bum rush you guys/my thread with them come January.

I'd approve your sig myself, Vlad, but at first glance you seem to have done something awkward with the picture; it's displaying as a url and I don't think that's what you wanted. I am in too much of a hurry to figure out why that is so I'd suggest you just double-check it real quick and then I'll do it later.

...not that I know whether or not Butterfree really wants me doing stuff outside of Wi-Fi, but if it's for the club then meh. stupidly random assortment of modpowers ACTIVATE
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I'd approve your sig myself, Vlad, but at first glance you seem to have done something awkward with the picture; it's displaying as a url and I don't think that's what you wanted. I am in too much of a hurry to figure out why that is so I'd suggest you just double-check it real quick and then I'll do it later./QUOTE]
Er, maybe my User CP's being weird but when I preview my sig it looks fine to me. There's a little picture and that rainbow-bars thing from this thread under it.
I'd screenshot it to show you but I still can't access any image uploading sites so :v
Yeah, I can see the bars, but when I preview it the picture shows up as a link. If you're sure it looks how you want it to (and looking at it more closely, I can't see anything wrong with it HTML-wise) then okay. Maybe the "preview HTML signatures" thing is just retarded.

EDIT: It's showing up fine in your actual sig now, so yes, the preview in my control panel is, in fact, retarded. There you go, anyway.
Well, here's my picture for December 1st...

Oh wow, it's a Ceratosaurus!
When I got home from school today, I randomly decided to play with my toy dinosaurs. This is one of my favourite ones.
Awesome Ceratosaurus. I remember that one from my bigass book of dinosaurs I had when I was little. I loved that book. :V

Nothing too fancy for starters; I had a ballpoint pen on me in school and thought maybe I'd try some ballpoint amazingness, but I cheated and did a sketch first. :P This took about two class periods to do.

I really liked this until I tried giving it a background. :( Most of the background is cropped out due to suckage, because I'm a cheater. I really don't know what this guy is supposed to be; I'm guessing some kind of ManSnakeParrot? The left wing is messed up and the background sucks balls, as I said before. I might redraw this guy some day. I like the concept.

Half-assed disproportionate sketch of one of the horrible characters in my head on his couch. :V

MAGNEMITE AND TYROGUE: two pokemon that no one really gives a crap about. I kinda like them both. :[

This was just me playing with oil pastels. I might finish this some other time.

Based on a true story. Is it not totally fscking annoying when this happens?

I'm gonna edit this post to include all of my drawings in one place - just you wait and see!
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