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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Kay, I finally uploaded it.

I've noticed the lopsided shoulder already by the way. I'm really bad at drawing curves symmetrically.

A cookie to anyone who can guess what the logo on her shirt is from :D

I know! It's from a band, frogot the name though...

And a dragon
What do you think?
say what

How do you know he is?
Because his username has part of his name in it and because my stepdad asked me how he could explain to his dad how to add people on deviantart. He was supposed to only add his own granddaughter but er I guess he thought he'd watch his step too?
Oh my god I hope he hasn't looked through my gallery yet. I mean he's crazy liberal but I don't want him to get the wrong impression.

jesus christ if he reads through my old journals he'll know i read victorian porn fff this is so embarassing

Hmmm. I liek(of course it's a dragon what do you expect), but the tail is wonky. I love her wing <3

Ooh. I liek. But it hurts my eyes when you do scales like that ;_; Her eye's a bit hard to see that way. ANd what's the wing doing?

In case you haven't noticed, to Dragon, all dragons are female. Unless either pointed out or blatantly shown.

Dragon should upload more often ;_;
Mwahahaha. ^ It's a he, actually, because, well I don't know. And I was experimenting with positions, so I don't really know what the wing is doing >.>
And another dragon~
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My Sonas!Link

Errr, if for some reason you want to represent me, use the dragon. You know, the highest left...

I know the wings are bad, and the person is wierd. Meh. >:/
OSland needs a batcave or something so Danni and I can be superheroes. :]

Ohmygod, YES. I go away for four days and I miss this?

So! My housemate now has a scanner, so I'm going to steal and use it... sometime in the near future. Once I start drawing again, because going back to uni and things ("things" here meaning "reading excessive amounts of L&O:SVU fanfiction") has meddled supremely with my drawing time :/

The drawings en masse look fantastic, and I'll try and comment when I'm less brain-dead :)
Ohmygod, YES. I go away for four days and I miss this?

Why look, it's the Rainbow Defender and Ultraviolet, two light knights from the sun realm!


EDIT: Oh~ also I'm going add a comic since I actually y'know, have an idea for a comic now. :3
I've got like a 5-page one based on a song lined up, but I'm a lazy-ass procrastinator and haven't got even the first page done yet. ><
I've not posted here in a while, so have a carbon dog and a diamond dog from EarthBound.
I've never drawn a diamond dog before, and it wasn't very easy. I seem to find angular things like crystals and machines quite hard to draw. The carbon dog was just drawn quickly to go with it.
They both look better in real life, especially the diamond dog.
I'm also working on colouring them both in Photoshop. It may take a while. Outlines are here and here if you care.
Ahaha, you guys fail at comics :D
I on the other hand, am awesomely productive despite the fact that these are just backlogs of month old comics

Well well well, who's this? The rabbit in this comic is a friend of mine called "Princess Darknight II", but we (being me and GF0) only ever called her PDII. However, my representation of her sucks, due to the fact that the only reference I had seen of her was nowhere within reach when I drew this.

Anyway, this comic came about due to the many times PDII starts rambling about stuff (usually Sonic), leaving me completely dumbfounded with no idea about what to say. Her dialogue in the second panel is random garbage I wrote, with intentions to change it to an actual quote when I went over it in Photoshop, but I ended up not doing that


You see, Linkin Park is one of my favourite bands. I don't care if you think they're emo, or that their songs are all the same because they follow a pattern, I don't care.
However, GF0 seems to feel a need to voice his opinion on everything he doesn't like everytime I mention it, even indirectly (like with Runescape. He hates it and everytime he mentions it, he calls it something like "Crapscape", which is annoying)

And don't worry, I wouldn't go to such lengths to defend them.



I had no idea concerning what to draw for a comic, so I used a gag from Ctrl - Alt - Del. Shoot me.

Not with an arrow though D:


A friend of mine used to have a jumpy connection, which often caused him to disconnect from msn at the worst moments.
Tha Thumperizer is robot built in Robot Arena 2 by some guy who was apparently one of the best builders ever


In my early days of playing Runescape, I met a very random guy. He kept a cabbage, which he called Callie (To replace Egbert, the egg he had to give up for the Cook's Assitance quest). Years later, he logged on, much to my surprise, so I asked him to add me on msn. It turned out that he was a girl and was even more random that I expected.

Momosexual, as I wrote in the comic, is attraction to cabbages. Allegedly, at least.

I can't draw skirts at all :D


I cannot stand this overrated series at all >.<
People obsess over it far too much. Disney is just milking the fucking cow.

Also I screwed up Ice's mouth while inking. Go me ^_^


The fact that Joe thought the wings looked like Rabbit ears, and the fact that there's a rabbit character in my comic is mere coincidence.



Inspired by an msn conversation where I wrote GF0's name in the Death Note, and he stabbed me right after I did it. I was going to have Ice falling over in the fourth panel, but I fail at drawing so I gave up :D


Yeah, this happens. I get up early and do a ton of stuff before GF0 comes online in the early evening, having only just woken up.

This new box style arose from constant badgering from my Form Tutor, who's also an Art Teacher. He said the panels shouldn't be seperated by mere lines.
I gave it up after a few comics :D

Incidentally, this is the last comic I've scanned in, at present. I need to get a scanner of my own D:

Comment on the humour, not my crappy drawing ability plzkthx :D
Aww, come on. The writing isn't -that- small.
Eh, if you really need to, just look at the fullsized version on my DA (ignore the fact that it looks even worse in full size. My Dad's scanner is horrible)
I don't care if some people like it, I just wish they would shut the f*** about it for once >:[

Inactive Linoone is more inactive than usual.

But. She made a picture ofOSland! It's still in the works, but if anything needs to be fixed, go ahead and tell me while it's still in pencil. Bat cave is on the bottom.

And this is one of the reasons I've been so inactive. I blame Dannichu.

But have a random Linoone.
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