Re: Pokémon Registration Office
Ability: Stench
Signature Attribute: Dark Goop
Bruno grew up, and was in fact built, from particularly dark, nasty and pungent sludge. It's often assumed the sludge he was formed from was created by some nuclear plant, probably, or an illegal organization doing some sort of back-alley testing. Either way, this has affected him a bit too much - he enjoys the bit of black humour, and a bit more. He's a bit...
loopy. A bit crazy. A bit dark, shall we say. This is quite clear: Everything he touches seems to fade, covered up in shadow and his nasty stench. And he definitely enjoys it, the sickly effect he has on things, people and pokemon alike. Oh, boy does he enjoy it...
Effects: Every where he goes, instead of leaving just goo, a shadow is left as well. The shadow fades before the goo does (a few actions, usually 3, before a shadow fades), but it's more deadly; anyone who touches it has a 5% chance of flinching that action. As well, his Stench ability is boosted: any attacks that involve looking at him or him looking at his opponent receive a 5% flinch chance. He is also turned into a poison/dark type, receiving all immunities, resistances and weaknesses that come with that.
Signature Move: Sticky Harden
Bruno is
very affectionate. He likes pokemon a lot. Sometimes, he just wishes he could keep them forever. And he might have found a way to do that!
He slides over to his intended target and covers them up in... himself. Then he hardens real hard, using Sticky Harden, and he seems to solidify so much that whatever he's covered can't possibly get out without him letting them. In fact, the only way he'll let them is if he's ordered too, because he just loves his pokemon so much! However, he can only keep himself hardened so much for so long, and so after 3 rounds he'll have to let go.
Poison / Neutral / 95% / Single / 5% initial action, 1% keep-up / Until told to stop, or 3 rounds
For each action that the pokemon he's hugging is being hugged, there is a 5% increase of his ability's chances of activating, being activated (5%, 10%, 15%, etc.), maxing out at 35%. It can also activate without contact moves being used, because of the close contact. Also, there is a 5% chance each action that the pokemon being hugged will be mildly poisoned.
3 rounds from end of all effects
[Lil' Sebastian]
Ability: Limber
Signature Attribute: Quick Hooves
Lil' was born small; girafarig are born funny looking, small with huge legs, but he was unusually so. He had to pick up running even faster than his species normally does, and took to it like a fish does to water - it was his way of surviving, running. He had to do it, because of his size, but he loved it, too. He ran circles around his friends, his smaller size helping him stay agile and zigzag around them where they had difficulty turning. He couldn't always outrun others, but he could always out maneuver them.
It was pretty clear, as he grew, that he was a tad different: not only his size, but
him. He was a more defensive battler, preferring to dodge, because when hit it
hurt - but he could always dodge.
Effects: Lil' has the ability Limber instead of his natural ability. He's also unusually small: this means he has a permanent -1 defense, and +1 speed; his stats will raise/lower until +7 rather than +6, meaning these cannot be gotten rid of. He also has a 5% chance of avoiding all contact moves used against him.

Ability: Anticipation
Signature Move: Adept Dancer
Louis grew up in a competitive world - but not in battling, no, in
dancing. Indeed, he's got swift, nimble feet, and knows just how to use them. He can keep up with the quickest of the quick, kicking and swinging and jumping, knowing just when to swerve and just when to dive and just when the stand pointe. He's and excellent dancer, even in his most competitive of classes.
Of course, now he's moved on to battling, it's a completely different world. But he's learned to take what he knew from dancing and apply it here - using his nimble feet to dodge better, to strike better, to fight better.
Most alarmingly, he's learned gained an extreme control over his body - the kind of control most dancers strive for. But it extends further than dance. It extends towards battle, of course, but further even than that. He's learned to manipulate the elements he can control away from their intended areas, and towards his feet; meaning, he can turn Ice Punch into an Ice Kick. In effect, its power, effects, etc. remain the same - but he uses it as a kick instead. And, because he is far more adept in kicking than punching, it is stronger because of that.
Effects: All kicking moves used by Louis gain a +1 bonus, including moves adapted to kicks by his ability.
All elemental moves (meaning: Ice Punch, Sucker Punch, Bounce, Poison Jab, etc.) that would be used from one area of the body are focused towards the feet instead, used as a kick. If the attack would not make sense (Venoshock, Astonish, Earthquake, etc.), it fails or Louis uses the normal body part to attack instead, meaning it gets no bonus.
Boom (F)
<Rock Head>
Signature Attribute: Crystal Hard
Onix are known to burrow extremely deep, so deep they can find diamons underground, and toughen their rock-hard exterior to equally diamon-hard strength. For some reason, this tale took a particular turn for Boom - she just found the idea of being
made of crystals fascinating, and decided to spend her life burrowing underground, as deep as she could, until it began to affect her quite a bit.
At first the changes were small; her skin grew rough, as the saying goes, like black diamonds. But it began to spread, covering her entire body, until it was hard for her to feel anything. This was sort of what she wanted, but she also felt numb: out of touch with the world, both because of her rough exterior and living for underground for so long.
When she came back up, she found herself isolated. No one wanted anything to do with her, the weird crystallized-onix. But at least, when she was caught, she was special... right?
Effects: Boom loses the ability Rock Head and gains the about Solid Rock. She also gains a permant +1 to her defense, and a permanent -1 to her speed, capping at +6 and -6 like normal.