Chaos, art and science
I would like to audition for novice referee rank, please.
Cyrus the Salamence

Twitch the Yanmega

[M | Speed Boost]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Ohmygodit'smouthisopen.
Stats: -1 ATK
Commands: Psych Up ~ Double Team ~ Night Slash
The referee enters the arena with a flash. Due to the trees not being touchable, it took him a while to figure out how to get in. He ended up getting a weird little girl to teleport him in with her Abra. Strange world. Meanwhile, both of the trainers are standing on opposite sides of the field, waiting for him to do something. He sheepishly motions for them to send out their pokemon, which they do: A Salamence from Bay Alexison, and a Yanmega from Iento. The Salamence, named Cyrus, comes onto the field staring at the Yanmega, Twitch, with his mouth open. Twitch seemed rather frightened of this. Of course, a Salamence with it's mouth open is a frightening thing. Listening to his trainer's commands, Cyrus begins to dance. Not a break dance: Not a square dance: No, it isn't even a dragon dance- wait, yes it is. It's a dragon dance. A move that allows one to summon forces from beyond the dawn of time through the medium of the art of movement, Cyrus can feel himself becoming lighter and stronger by the second. Twitch, sensing that it's probably a good moment, taps into his subconscious mind to imitate the changes that Cyrus had made to his. He grins, or at least grins as much as a Yanmega could, and felt his confidence growing by the second.
He's so happy about this that he doesn't notice Cyrus channeling his energy into electricity, and the electricity into his fangs, until it's too late to dodge. Cyrus charges at him as fast as he can, and Twitch attempts and fails to dodge him sinking his fangs into his carapace. Both of them wince, Twitch thinking “Owwmyoww” and Cyrus thinking “That does NOT taste like chicken.” After Cyrus let's him go, spitting blood out of his mouth and angrily muttering about bug juice, Twitch makes a quick decision that if he's going to survive this battle for much longer he needs to avoid taking another hit like that, or, more preferably, another hit at all. He than begins to fly around rapidly, leaving an insubstantial copy of himself behind him, with the obvious intention of causing Cyrus to waste an attack on the wrong one.
Cyrus, who is at the moment watching this, is beginning to get dizzy. In an attempt to make the darned thing stop running circles around the battlefield, he focuses his large supply of elemental energy into his throat to shoot a relatively large jet of fire out of his mouth, getting lucky and managing to scorch the real Twitch. Annoyed, and realizing that now Cyrus knows which one is real, Twitch lets the double team disappear. Twitch, furious at Cyrus for burning him, flies out of sight so fast that Cyrus doesn't see him leave. He than sneaks up from behind the confounded beast while it's wondering what happened, and strikes him with his... Wings? Yeah, wings. His wings. Because he totally has sharp wings. Yeah. He than buzzes away from the Salamence, feeling incredibly satisfied, and, since he was accelerating all through the round, much faster than before, likely even fast enough to out speed Cyrus.
Bay Alexison:
Cyrus the Salamence

[M | Intimidate]
Health: 92%
Energy: 89%
Status: That was a dirty trick.
Stats: +1 Speed, +1 Attack
Twitch the Yanmega

[M | Speed Boost]
Health: 72%
Energy: 90%
Status: Hur hur, I gotcha.
Stats: +2 Speed.
Next turn Iento orders first, and Bay orders after him.
Dragon Dance took 1% (3-1-1) energy.
Psych Up took 4% (5-1) energy. It canceled out the effect of Intimidate.
Thunder fang did 13% (6+1*1.5+2) damage, and took 5% (4+1-1+1) energy. It failed to paralyze or to cause Twitch to flinch.
Double Team took 2% (1+1) energy. Without further specifications, I assumed that it was one clone.
Flamethrower did 15% (9+1*1.5) damage, and took 5% (4+2-1) energy. It also hit through the double team. It didn't burn Twitch, though.
Night Slash did 8% (7+1) damage, and took 4% (4+1-1) energy.
Thunder Fang's result was 12.5 damage, so I used the damage/energy calculator. It decided to round up.
Bay Alexison:4 vs. 4
Single battle
Disqualification: 7 Days
Restrictions: No OHKO Moves, Direct Recovery Moves, Substitute, Weather Moves or Pain Split. Choice of Pokemon to be PMed to referee.
Damage Cap: 30%
Arena: Generic Forest Area
Description: Lofty trees circle a small clearing littered with rocks, bushes and other items to hide behind. The trees cannot be touched (MAGIC POWA) and are too high to climb. All Grass type moves act as if they have a +1 boost on them (Atk or Sp.Atk) and Solarbeam needs no charge.
Cyrus the Salamence

[M | Intimidate]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I have my mouth open. Yes. Yes I do.
Stats: Un-messed-with.
Commands: Dragon Dance ~ Thunder Fang ~ FlamethrowerHealth: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I have my mouth open. Yes. Yes I do.
Stats: Un-messed-with.
Twitch the Yanmega

[M | Speed Boost]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Ohmygodit'smouthisopen.
Stats: -1 ATK
Commands: Psych Up ~ Double Team ~ Night Slash
The referee enters the arena with a flash. Due to the trees not being touchable, it took him a while to figure out how to get in. He ended up getting a weird little girl to teleport him in with her Abra. Strange world. Meanwhile, both of the trainers are standing on opposite sides of the field, waiting for him to do something. He sheepishly motions for them to send out their pokemon, which they do: A Salamence from Bay Alexison, and a Yanmega from Iento. The Salamence, named Cyrus, comes onto the field staring at the Yanmega, Twitch, with his mouth open. Twitch seemed rather frightened of this. Of course, a Salamence with it's mouth open is a frightening thing. Listening to his trainer's commands, Cyrus begins to dance. Not a break dance: Not a square dance: No, it isn't even a dragon dance- wait, yes it is. It's a dragon dance. A move that allows one to summon forces from beyond the dawn of time through the medium of the art of movement, Cyrus can feel himself becoming lighter and stronger by the second. Twitch, sensing that it's probably a good moment, taps into his subconscious mind to imitate the changes that Cyrus had made to his. He grins, or at least grins as much as a Yanmega could, and felt his confidence growing by the second.
He's so happy about this that he doesn't notice Cyrus channeling his energy into electricity, and the electricity into his fangs, until it's too late to dodge. Cyrus charges at him as fast as he can, and Twitch attempts and fails to dodge him sinking his fangs into his carapace. Both of them wince, Twitch thinking “Owwmyoww” and Cyrus thinking “That does NOT taste like chicken.” After Cyrus let's him go, spitting blood out of his mouth and angrily muttering about bug juice, Twitch makes a quick decision that if he's going to survive this battle for much longer he needs to avoid taking another hit like that, or, more preferably, another hit at all. He than begins to fly around rapidly, leaving an insubstantial copy of himself behind him, with the obvious intention of causing Cyrus to waste an attack on the wrong one.
Cyrus, who is at the moment watching this, is beginning to get dizzy. In an attempt to make the darned thing stop running circles around the battlefield, he focuses his large supply of elemental energy into his throat to shoot a relatively large jet of fire out of his mouth, getting lucky and managing to scorch the real Twitch. Annoyed, and realizing that now Cyrus knows which one is real, Twitch lets the double team disappear. Twitch, furious at Cyrus for burning him, flies out of sight so fast that Cyrus doesn't see him leave. He than sneaks up from behind the confounded beast while it's wondering what happened, and strikes him with his... Wings? Yeah, wings. His wings. Because he totally has sharp wings. Yeah. He than buzzes away from the Salamence, feeling incredibly satisfied, and, since he was accelerating all through the round, much faster than before, likely even fast enough to out speed Cyrus.
Bay Alexison:
Cyrus the Salamence

[M | Intimidate]
Health: 92%
Energy: 89%
Status: That was a dirty trick.
Stats: +1 Speed, +1 Attack
Twitch the Yanmega

[M | Speed Boost]
Health: 72%
Energy: 90%
Status: Hur hur, I gotcha.
Stats: +2 Speed.
Next turn Iento orders first, and Bay orders after him.
Dragon Dance took 1% (3-1-1) energy.
Psych Up took 4% (5-1) energy. It canceled out the effect of Intimidate.
Thunder fang did 13% (6+1*1.5+2) damage, and took 5% (4+1-1+1) energy. It failed to paralyze or to cause Twitch to flinch.
Double Team took 2% (1+1) energy. Without further specifications, I assumed that it was one clone.
Flamethrower did 15% (9+1*1.5) damage, and took 5% (4+2-1) energy. It also hit through the double team. It didn't burn Twitch, though.
Night Slash did 8% (7+1) damage, and took 4% (4+1-1) energy.
Thunder Fang's result was 12.5 damage, so I used the damage/energy calculator. It decided to round up.
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