I'd try out for a lower rank, but it looks like the only mock there is for Advanced. Oh well!
End of Round One!
processr's pokemon OO

Procione (Male)
Ability: Pickup
Neoversity Move: Pain Split
Health: 78%
Energy: 87%
Status: -1 accuracy, frustrated with missing
Commands: Substitute~ Super Fang~ Super Fang
bobandbill's pokemon OO

Fury (Male)
Ability: Cute Charm
Neoversity Move: Belly Drum
Health: 98%
Energy: 87%
Status: -1 accuracy, full of red-eyed rage
Commands: Water Gun~ Counter/Chill/Curse~ Counter/Chill/Curse
Despite his annoyance, Procione is determined to turn the battle around; using something that couldn't miss might be helpful. Luckily his trainer's commands asked for exactly that sort of thing! Hacking up a glowing ball of energy with a rough, grating cough, he watched as the luminous sphere began to shape itself before him. It quickly began to change form, stretching and straining itself into a mammalian shape that looked quite like a linoone. The substitute greeted its creator with a smile; it would do anything to protect its master.
Meanwhile, an irate and irritated wigglytuff seeked the answer to his eye related problem. He was covered in an unpleasant coat of mud, which obscured his vision and made it hard to aim accurately. Seconds later his trainer called out a solution; he should use water gun! Fury was relieved at the thought of the move and reluctantly conceded that trainers weren't that terrible. He had completely forgotten that he knew that move after neglecting to use it for so long!
Tilting his head back and spitting out a mouthful of water, the pink biped let gravity do its job. The liquid poured over his face and rinsed all the mud off; with his face clear he could finally see straight. Grinning triumphantly, the wigglytuff was very surprised when Procione charged straight at him and viciously chomped down on his pink arm with massively powerful jaws. The super fang had hurt a lot, but Fury had prepared for this. He grabbed Procione just as the rodent released his grip on his arm and retailed with another punch. The punch itself was powerful and would have injured Procione severely if it wasn't for one thing; at the last second the substitute had intervened and taken the blow meant for its creator.
And that was definitely going to be the only blow it was going to take. With a massive cry of sadness from the crowd (It was such a poor thing! Why did it have to die?!) the linoone's protector dissipated into nothing.
Growling angrily, the striped raccoon charged at Fury with his fangs bared and ready for implementation. How dare he?! How dare the pink thing kill his friend?! Once again he wickedly bit down on the fuzzy rabbit's arm, but this time the creature barely flinched. Fury repeated his previous action as well, but his attack similarly hampered. Irritated at the pathetic attacks made this round, much of the crowd booed and a few of them left in rage.
Round Two End!

Procione (Male)
Ability: Pickup
Neoversity Move: Pain Split
Health: 51%
Energy: 36%
Status: -1 accuracy, saddened over both the loss of his substitute and the fact that his second super fang didn't work well.
Commands: Substitute~ Super Fang~ Super Fang

Fury (Male)
Ability: Cute Charm
Neoversity Move: Belly Drum
Health: 48%
Energy: 35%
Status: In pain, but happy the mud is gone.
Commands: Water Gun~ Counter~ Counter
Substitute took 13% energy and 25% health.
Water Gun took 2% energy and did no damage. It did get rid of Fury's lowered accuracy, though, and its accuracy roll was 43 (needed 100 to miss).
The first Super Fang rolled a seven (it needed eighty or above to miss), caused 49% damage to Fury and took away 37% energy from Procione. Cute Charm did not activate (rolled three, needed 70 or above to activate).
I assumed counter would still use the same amount of energy if it hit a substitute, so counter took out the substitute and took 49% energy. Accuracy roll was 14.
The next super fang hit the damage cap and did 1% damage. It also took 1% energy. Accuracy roll was 15 (needed eighty or above to miss) and the roll to see if Cute Charm was rolled ended up being 55. It needed seventy or above to activate.
Counter did 2% damage and took 1% energy. The accuracy roll was 47.
Arena notes:
Much of the crowd is disappointed that Procione's substitute died. The rest of the group is upset because nothing significant happened on the last action.
Next round:
Bobandbill attacks first.
View Post
2 vs. 2
Single battle
Set style
Disqualification: 7 days
Restrictions: No OHKOs, no direct healing moves.
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: Castelia City Park
Description: Castelia City is the hub of the Unova region, and the park in its centre is a spot of relative calm and tranquility. At least, it usually is. Today, two trainers duke it out in front of the huge fountain while a baying crowd urges them on. Clusters of people at each exit from the plaza block any terrestrial exit - the only thing stopping you from flying away is the knowledge that doing so is an extreme dick move.
End of Round One!
processr's pokemon OO

Procione (Male)
Ability: Pickup
Neoversity Move: Pain Split
Health: 78%
Energy: 87%
Status: -1 accuracy, frustrated with missing
Commands: Substitute~ Super Fang~ Super Fang
bobandbill's pokemon OO

Fury (Male)
Ability: Cute Charm
Neoversity Move: Belly Drum
Health: 98%
Energy: 87%
Status: -1 accuracy, full of red-eyed rage
Commands: Water Gun~ Counter/Chill/Curse~ Counter/Chill/Curse
Despite his annoyance, Procione is determined to turn the battle around; using something that couldn't miss might be helpful. Luckily his trainer's commands asked for exactly that sort of thing! Hacking up a glowing ball of energy with a rough, grating cough, he watched as the luminous sphere began to shape itself before him. It quickly began to change form, stretching and straining itself into a mammalian shape that looked quite like a linoone. The substitute greeted its creator with a smile; it would do anything to protect its master.
Meanwhile, an irate and irritated wigglytuff seeked the answer to his eye related problem. He was covered in an unpleasant coat of mud, which obscured his vision and made it hard to aim accurately. Seconds later his trainer called out a solution; he should use water gun! Fury was relieved at the thought of the move and reluctantly conceded that trainers weren't that terrible. He had completely forgotten that he knew that move after neglecting to use it for so long!
Tilting his head back and spitting out a mouthful of water, the pink biped let gravity do its job. The liquid poured over his face and rinsed all the mud off; with his face clear he could finally see straight. Grinning triumphantly, the wigglytuff was very surprised when Procione charged straight at him and viciously chomped down on his pink arm with massively powerful jaws. The super fang had hurt a lot, but Fury had prepared for this. He grabbed Procione just as the rodent released his grip on his arm and retailed with another punch. The punch itself was powerful and would have injured Procione severely if it wasn't for one thing; at the last second the substitute had intervened and taken the blow meant for its creator.
And that was definitely going to be the only blow it was going to take. With a massive cry of sadness from the crowd (It was such a poor thing! Why did it have to die?!) the linoone's protector dissipated into nothing.
Growling angrily, the striped raccoon charged at Fury with his fangs bared and ready for implementation. How dare he?! How dare the pink thing kill his friend?! Once again he wickedly bit down on the fuzzy rabbit's arm, but this time the creature barely flinched. Fury repeated his previous action as well, but his attack similarly hampered. Irritated at the pathetic attacks made this round, much of the crowd booed and a few of them left in rage.
Round Two End!

Procione (Male)
Ability: Pickup
Neoversity Move: Pain Split
Health: 51%
Energy: 36%
Status: -1 accuracy, saddened over both the loss of his substitute and the fact that his second super fang didn't work well.
Commands: Substitute~ Super Fang~ Super Fang

Fury (Male)
Ability: Cute Charm
Neoversity Move: Belly Drum
Health: 48%
Energy: 35%
Status: In pain, but happy the mud is gone.
Commands: Water Gun~ Counter~ Counter
Substitute took 13% energy and 25% health.
Water Gun took 2% energy and did no damage. It did get rid of Fury's lowered accuracy, though, and its accuracy roll was 43 (needed 100 to miss).
The first Super Fang rolled a seven (it needed eighty or above to miss), caused 49% damage to Fury and took away 37% energy from Procione. Cute Charm did not activate (rolled three, needed 70 or above to activate).
I assumed counter would still use the same amount of energy if it hit a substitute, so counter took out the substitute and took 49% energy. Accuracy roll was 14.
The next super fang hit the damage cap and did 1% damage. It also took 1% energy. Accuracy roll was 15 (needed eighty or above to miss) and the roll to see if Cute Charm was rolled ended up being 55. It needed seventy or above to activate.
Counter did 2% damage and took 1% energy. The accuracy roll was 47.
Arena notes:
Much of the crowd is disappointed that Procione's substitute died. The rest of the group is upset because nothing significant happened on the last action.
Next round:
Bobandbill attacks first.
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