Ether's Bane
future Singaporean
- Pronoun
- he
For the first time in five years, I have returned to try for a reffing spot. Going for novice, obviously.
Blastoise (1/3 Pokemon Left)
Koutus (M)

Ability: Static
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Jesus Christ it's a lion get in the car-
Blazhy (1/3 Pokemon Left)
Retsurai (F)

Ability: Intimidate
Health: 70%
Energy: 75%
Status: Who... The hell are you?!
Stats: Attack +1, Magnet Rise - 4 Actions Remaining
Round Start
Having seen Zex, his Whirlipede, succumb to Retsurai, Blastoise called him back into his Pokeball, then he sent out Koutus, his Manectric. A good call, as far as speed is concerned, because that meant that Koutus got the first strike.
Without further ado, the tip of Koutus' mane glowed brightly, and then he fired a shimmering, multicoloured beam of light, and this beam of light slammed into Retsurai with authority. However, Retsurai was far from finished. Determined to fight back, she stood and charged electricity in her body. Her special defense rose as the electrical current coursed through her leonine form - you could now even see sparks crackling around her fur.
Koutus then readied another attack, then promptly fired off another Signal Beam, and the brilliant beam of light had struck Retsurai very nicely indeed - Retsurai was now in a complete daze and stumbling about. With this, the battle may just have swung back in Blastoise's favor. However, the prior Special Defense boost from Charge moderated the damage taken by Retsurai.
Trying to recall her trainer's commands in her dazed state, Retsurai attempts an attack, and she succeeds, firing off one of the most powerful Electric-type moves - Thunderbolt. Despite the type resistance, because of Charge, damage is doubled, and Koutus feels the full fury of that... well, except for the paralysis chance, which didn't happen.
Used to the routine by now, Koutus fired a third consecutive Signal Beam at Retsurai, with the same effect as the second, minus the confusion.
Retsurai then attempted to attack, but in her dazed state, swung her tail across, slapping herself hard across the face. Koutus certainly was in the ascendancy, and if Blazhy doesn't turn things around soon, it'll be the end for her.
Round End
Blastoise (1/3 Pokemon Left)
Koutus (M)

Ability: Static
Health: 84%
Energy: 88%
Condition: Glad for the respite and pleased abut the situation
Blazhy (1/3 Pokemon Left)
Retsurai (F)

Ability: Intimidate
Health: 48%
Energy: 65%
Condition: In a daze. Mind is wonky.
Stats: Attack +1, Special Defense +1, Confused, Magnet Rise - 1 Action Remaining
Arena notes:
Special effect roll: 48 (25 or less to take effect)
Attack Summary:
Signal Beam: 7% damage, 4% energy, accuracy roll 28 (100 to miss), confusion roll 100 (10 or less to confuse)
Charge: 2% energy, +1 SDef to Retsurai
Signal Beam: 5% damage, 4% energy, accuracy roll 80 (100 to miss), confusion roll 10 (10 or less to confuse)
Thunderbolt: 16% damage, 5% energy, confusion check 82 (50 or less to hit self), accuracy roll 73 (100 to miss), paralysis roll 65 (10 or less to paralyze)
Signal Beam: 5% damage, 4% energy, accuracy roll 24 (100 to miss)
[Retsurai hits self]: confusion check 50 (50 or less to hit self), 5% damage to self, 3% energy
Yes, I RNG'd to get Whirlipede as the previous Pokemon.
Genders were not provided, so I chose them myself.
I don't know if this was accidental or deliberate, but I took the liberty of changing Electrolevitate to Magnet Rise - its English name.
I took off an energy point on Charge because it would be easier for an Electric-type to use it.
The second Signal Beam confused Retsurai.
I pegged Retsurai's energy used in hitting her(?)self at 3%, because it would've used Crunch otherwise, so I went with the unmodified base energy of Crunch.
3 vs. 3
Style: Set
DQ: 10 Days
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Field: Arboreal Dome
In some closed-off mountain range in the northern parts of Asber, a strange natural wonder has formed; a humongous dome made entirely of intertwined trees and vines. It is several hundred feet high and wide, and the ground inside is covered with bushes and a strange, luminescent moss. Moss-covered boulders are also strewn throughout, and a slow, good-sized stream cuts a swathe through the middle of the Great Arboreal Dome. The light not provided by the moss is filtered and green, streaming through window-like gaps in the wicker dome.
For obvious reasons, most weather moves will have a lessened effect in this arena, as rain or hail will have a tough time getting through the intertwined branches. At the end of each round, there's a 25% chance that the moss will glow bright green for the entirety of the next round, at which point Grass-type Pokémon get a 2x STAB instead of a 1.25x, and Fire-types get no STAB.
Additional Rules: The choice for the first Pokémon sent out by each trainer willl be sent to the referee, and not posted in the battle itself. For example, it would be;
X and Y choose a Pokémon and tell it to the ref by PM
X attacks
Y attacks
and not:
X sends out
Y sends out and attacks
X attacks
Blastoise (1/3 Pokemon Left)
Koutus (M)

Ability: Static
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Jesus Christ it's a lion get in the car-
Blazhy (1/3 Pokemon Left)
Retsurai (F)

Ability: Intimidate
Health: 70%
Energy: 75%
Status: Who... The hell are you?!
Stats: Attack +1, Magnet Rise - 4 Actions Remaining
Round Start
Having seen Zex, his Whirlipede, succumb to Retsurai, Blastoise called him back into his Pokeball, then he sent out Koutus, his Manectric. A good call, as far as speed is concerned, because that meant that Koutus got the first strike.
Without further ado, the tip of Koutus' mane glowed brightly, and then he fired a shimmering, multicoloured beam of light, and this beam of light slammed into Retsurai with authority. However, Retsurai was far from finished. Determined to fight back, she stood and charged electricity in her body. Her special defense rose as the electrical current coursed through her leonine form - you could now even see sparks crackling around her fur.
Koutus then readied another attack, then promptly fired off another Signal Beam, and the brilliant beam of light had struck Retsurai very nicely indeed - Retsurai was now in a complete daze and stumbling about. With this, the battle may just have swung back in Blastoise's favor. However, the prior Special Defense boost from Charge moderated the damage taken by Retsurai.
Trying to recall her trainer's commands in her dazed state, Retsurai attempts an attack, and she succeeds, firing off one of the most powerful Electric-type moves - Thunderbolt. Despite the type resistance, because of Charge, damage is doubled, and Koutus feels the full fury of that... well, except for the paralysis chance, which didn't happen.
Used to the routine by now, Koutus fired a third consecutive Signal Beam at Retsurai, with the same effect as the second, minus the confusion.
Retsurai then attempted to attack, but in her dazed state, swung her tail across, slapping herself hard across the face. Koutus certainly was in the ascendancy, and if Blazhy doesn't turn things around soon, it'll be the end for her.
Round End
Blastoise (1/3 Pokemon Left)
Koutus (M)

Ability: Static
Health: 84%
Energy: 88%
Condition: Glad for the respite and pleased abut the situation
Blazhy (1/3 Pokemon Left)
Retsurai (F)

Ability: Intimidate
Health: 48%
Energy: 65%
Condition: In a daze. Mind is wonky.
Stats: Attack +1, Special Defense +1, Confused, Magnet Rise - 1 Action Remaining
Arena notes:
Special effect roll: 48 (25 or less to take effect)
Attack Summary:
Signal Beam: 7% damage, 4% energy, accuracy roll 28 (100 to miss), confusion roll 100 (10 or less to confuse)
Charge: 2% energy, +1 SDef to Retsurai
Signal Beam: 5% damage, 4% energy, accuracy roll 80 (100 to miss), confusion roll 10 (10 or less to confuse)
Thunderbolt: 16% damage, 5% energy, confusion check 82 (50 or less to hit self), accuracy roll 73 (100 to miss), paralysis roll 65 (10 or less to paralyze)
Signal Beam: 5% damage, 4% energy, accuracy roll 24 (100 to miss)
[Retsurai hits self]: confusion check 50 (50 or less to hit self), 5% damage to self, 3% energy
Yes, I RNG'd to get Whirlipede as the previous Pokemon.
Genders were not provided, so I chose them myself.
I don't know if this was accidental or deliberate, but I took the liberty of changing Electrolevitate to Magnet Rise - its English name.
I took off an energy point on Charge because it would be easier for an Electric-type to use it.
The second Signal Beam confused Retsurai.
I pegged Retsurai's energy used in hitting her(?)self at 3%, because it would've used Crunch otherwise, so I went with the unmodified base energy of Crunch.