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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Oreta nodded silently. He needed to whack his bone on something. He couldn't remember the last time he got to play the game "Guard the Dead"....
It seemed that nobody had noticed Ibiku's dissapearance. Having no friends does have it's perks, She thought.
A voice was heard in the distance. It sounded distorted and loud in her ears. Where was it coming from, it was bugging her a lot. It seemed she wasn't the only one who had heard it because Link, Kirby, Taunos, Tails, and pretty much everybody else were walking towards the originating point.
Ibiku sped to walk next to Link. He seemed nice and she was hoping that he might play his instrument again.
A friend... Maybe... Ibiku liked the sound of it, but she ddn't really know how to be a friend. Years of rejection in her pack had conditioned her into a solo operator on the inside. Her happy facade was rarley removed.
Bara walked towards the voice as well. "Who's there?" she called out, "We're not going to hurt you, we're trying to stop the decay."
Viscus was now sitting as he listened to the giant, his Gallade next to him. "So where exactly are we starting, and who are our enimies?" He said, glaring at it. "Don't you think it would be a good idea to know what exactly we're facing?"
((FYI, the sound is coming from the grapple cam, which looks like a little metal ball sticking on a tree. Bentley and Sly are quite a ways back. Just so that people aren't talking to Bentley in person.))
Bentley nodded to himself in approval as movement came from the large group of whatever they were. He had their attention. Now, to make sure they're close.
"Bentley, you're not going to blow up the grapple cam are you?Whatever you see could be something we want." Sly told Bentley from the tree.
"I'll be destroying the device, but I've outfitted this particular model to release sleep gas. Although I don't know if it'll work on these things. They seem like they don't come from the smae place as us. So our material couldn't work as well. But it's worth a shot." He spoke into the microphone again. "Up your nose, with a rubber hose!"
Well, that was convenient. As usual, Kirby was the first to run off and investigate. Hopefully, whatever that thing was, it wouldn't be dangerous. Somehow. And now it was talking again. Something about.. rubber?
What the heck? Is this some kind of prank?
Vai hissed. Some idiots, probably some weak fools.. Well, good thing she kept that claw. Reaching into her pocket, Vai pulled out a claw-like glove and slipped it on.
"BRISINGR Hey, hey, look over here!" With a small yell, she threw two shuriken at the little ball.
"Yo' M-" Bentley was in the middle of saying, 'yo' mama' when two shuriken hit the grapple cam. It exploded, bits of sleep gas dissolving into the air. His next response was to throw a trigger bomb out into the middle of a path. Although it simply looked a like a ball, it glowed red, showing the blast radius. He then threw yet ANOTHER grapple cam into the area, and quickly made its way to the things. However, right before he could lure them to a place where they'd be lost, and he and Sly could go as they pleased, his nose tickled. He sneezed, accidently pointing the grapple cam up, and launching the grappleing hook. it shot into the air, touched nothing, fell to the ground, and pulled the ball from a tree to the ground.Bentely groaned in disappointment. Grapple Cams were not cheap or easy. And he only had so many. Curse my allergies.

"Bentley? Think I should go ahead." So Sly did, jumping among the trees, until he could see the... What were they?... Well, he could see the group through the trees. As a master thief, he was pretty sure that they couldn't see him. But you never really knew.
While Sand Kentai generally hated being a Pokémorph, having a powerful nose could be one of the worse parts. Like now, for example. The smell from all around him weren't the normal smells of plants, Pokémon, and humans. No the smells were other-worldly. And it was driving him insane.

"What the heck is causing these scents?" Sand asked, rubbing his forehead. Breathing again, he smelt something different along with the smells. Burning. Pinching his nose he walked into the area where the scents were coming from.

"Alright, you strange people! We have to put out the fire that's..." he stopped, because in the middle of a very, very, strange group, there was someone he knew. "Er... Sorry, Bara. I didn't know it was just you."

Bara looked to her left and sure enough, there was Sand. "It's alright Sand," Bara said, smiling, "It's nice to see you around."
Vai grinned smugly at the metal orb that exploded.
"Didn't think my aim would be okay, with this rusty thing," she muttered, proudly. A line of rope suddenly shot in the air, and in surprise, her wings exploded out again. "Great," she hissed. Refolding them, she shot another three shuriken into the trees, just to make sure. A friend of Bara, or someone she knew, appeared on the scene.
"Where are all these people coming from," Vai yelled, and shut up.
((We have finished up with the Psyducks and Golduck, and Sly Cooper has (in a way) met us.))

A somewhat strange looking human appeared. He was pinching his nose, and seemed annoyed, but calmed down when he saw Bara.
Taunos chuckled, "You'll have to excuse me if you have a sensitive nose. I carry many herbs with me on my travels."
He pulled out a bottle of a slightly glowing blue fluid, a mana potion, and drank it.
Continuing, Taunos told Vai, "Now now, this is a rather large task we're taking on here that concerns, well, everyone. I ask for patience with every new soul we encoutner.", and then he turned to the newcomer, Sand, and said, "Well, I suppose I should introduce myself, seeing as how you know Bara. I am Taunos, of the Runetotem tribe. And I am guessing your name is... Sand?"
Vai snorted. Well, Taunos was mostly right...
"Well, I'm Vai, Bandit," she introduced herself to Sand. "And our group is rather awkward." To Tails, she whispered, "Good thing we didn't stay in the town."
Sly's eyes widened as a Shuriken buried itself in the tree trunk just below the branch he was on. That's just.... Not right! He lloked through the leaves again, and saw that Bentley's second Grapple Cam was still okay, but... What WERE those things? And now it seemed like they had met someone new. Sly very briefly thought about introducing himself, but, of course, being a thief, he decided against it. He DID, however, decide to go higher up in the tree, so to avoid more shurikens. As he went higher, the only thing that kept him from breaking the branches was his skill. Eventually, the leaves were thin. Very thin, as in quantity. His head was forced out, his blue hat just a tad darker than the sky. He cursed himself, wondering why he didn't have a camo outfit. The best he could do was tear off a few leaves, put them on his head, and hope for the best. Any lower could mean random Shurikens hitting him.
Vai glared at the trees for another two seconds, before deciding against trying a Lucky Seven. She put the claw back in hammerspace her pockets, and unsheathed her daggers.
"Right, we should move again... I'll fly ahead." With that, Vai jumped in the air, with a last glare at the trees. There seemed to be a slightly darker patch of blue, but Vai ignored it. Stupid Dagger Mastery.
Yet another person appeared, this time one that looked sort of like a Pokemon. With Sonic and Tails and everyone else looking different, this wasn't even strange anymore.
"Hello.. Sand. I'm Link."
He glanced at the tree that Vai had been throwing shuriken at. Slightly above it, there was.. something blue and barely noticeable. He shot a fire arrow at it to see what it was. Hopefully, it wouldn't set the tree on fire..
Sly saw a arrow coming for him. It was on fire. Therefore, He immediantly dropped lower. Who shoots a arrow at atree!? A FIRE ARROW???!!!! WHO DOES THAT!!!!??? Sly jumped to the next tree, and the next one, going closer to the group. The whole time, Bentley was yelling at him through their radio communication, but Sly ignored him and kept going. Eventually, he was in a tree close enough to hear them, and he sank back as far as he could. He wasn't that used to trees, since the only time he'd really dealt with them was in India.
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((EVERYONE TRY TO KILL SLY <3 But, we're on the middle of a bridge, don't see how you can pick one of our pockets :<))
Vai looked back at the others. Ffff, they could catch up, and Sonic definitely would. Link had shot a fire arrow at the tree... and heard some rustling.
"Right, that's it," she muttered, and turned around, landing in the trees. "Show yourself! I can hear you breathing somewhere, come out now!" Vai turned, and drew a symbol in the air, slashing a bush into twigs.
((Vai's a thief too =3))
((M'kay, I edited. Wait, Vai's a thief? Sweeeeeeet.))
Sly heard what's her face yelling at him. But there's no way she could he him breathing... Was there? Sly held his cane a little more tightly, debating. Finally, he decided to do what he did best. Introduce, run. It was simple plan to follow, and he had done it so many times with Inspector Fox. He had an urge to call these people meat heads, but he only would if they were cops. And they didn't look like cops. Except the two-tailed fox. He looked a little like Carmelita, but he was a fox. That didn't count. Sly jumped from the tree, in a feral pounce, and landed on all fours behind another tree. Cane still tightly in hand, Sly walked as close to the bridge as possible. He leaned on a tree to see how long it was until he was noticed. DON'T call them meat heads, DON'T call them meat heads...
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((Bandit, actually. >:3))
Vai whipped around at the sign of a light landing, and threw a shuriken. It buried itself in a tree trunk, nothing there.
"Alright, have it your way," she muttered. Drawing another symbol in the air, she sheathed her daggers and turned into shadow, nearly transparent. Vai listened a second, and ran back off towards the bridge. There. A racoon-thing was leaning against a tree... Vai decided to wait until the Dark Sight wore off, and stood in front of the racoon.
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