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...About "Asian": At my school, it's used to refer to the asians, or inversely the extremely smart people. Which happen to be the asians. But I don't recall them being bothered by such a term. I mean, who would not like being called smart?

...Because I have a friend who's one of two white people in Science Olympiad. The rest of 'em are Asians. He says he's been given the title of "Honorary Asian".
or at least the South (shit tier)

ayup - hello
dodgy - risky, difficult, dangerous
flippin' 'eck - bloody hell
faffing about - messing about
nowt - nothing
right - very
anall (or is it an' all idek) - as well
bog - toilet
giz/geeus - give it here
pack it in - stop it
jammy - lucky
manky - gross
sen - self (I'll do it me sen - I'll do it myself)
paggered/knackered - exhausted
pagger - beat up (I love that word why haven't I used it in so long)
radge - anger (ooh she's got a radge on)
sarnie - sandwich
proper - very

also, DROPPING "THE" ALL THE TIME. I mean all 'time. There is a sound in the middle there but I have no idea how you'd go about typing it or even explaining it

I dunno if all that lot is just the North in general but I know some of em are just Yorkshire
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Pretty much half of the words in Dragon Quest.* Although this may only apply to certain games in the series, as VI is mostly comprehendable.

Well, around here we have mostly just common American slang.

The first one I can think of is more of a joke. Everyone here knows how to say "fajitas," but my parents and some others sometimes pronounce it as "fa-JI-tas" instead of "fa-HE-tas."

Otherwise, like most Americans, at least half of our slang words are slang for genitals or sex.

Oh wait I just remembered. Apparently some people around here sometimes call Mexicans "beaners" as an offensive term. It really doesn't help that like half the people here are Mexican immagrants or their descendants.
Ay yo be loafin - You're being lazy
Yeeaayy - yea
Mo - Man, dude, you [still trying to interpret]

Would you like some 1920's slang instead?
Beast - cool
y'all - you all/all of you
skoal/dip - chewing tobacco (esp. if just placed under the lip)
ain't nothing - isn't anything
Legit- used a lot at my school for some reason. Meaning something is awesome. Used like "That's legit."
Are all also used where I am. Along with the ever present "that's gay", where gay, of course, means stupid.

High school.

Also, lots of double negatives, but that's just bad grammar.
One thing I can think of is that when you get into a taxi, the driver says "Where to?" to mean "Where would you like me to take you, kind sir/madam?" or something to that effect. Apparently people from elsewhere find that completely bizarre, but it just sounds normal to us, of course. Actually now I think about it it's not just taxi drivers, it can be used in pretty much any instance where you'd like to say "Where are/is we/you/he/she/it going?"
Really? That doesn't sound weird to me... it's used here quite often too and isn't unusual. Huh.

Um... I don't know much about slang. I think pretty much most people I've encountered don't use any particular words other than the usual American slang. This place isn't really that regional. Except maybe "soda" which I've heard there's this whole debate in some parts of the US which call it "pop." Oh and "retarded" is used pretty often here too to indicate that something is stupid.

I can think of slang in Spanish though that would make no sense in English! Often, my parents yell out "Balls!" in Spanish when something bad is happening. Oh and my favourite: "I crap on your mother." It's not really an insult, believe it or not. It's more like a swear word, kinda like yelling: "DAMMIT!" or something. I was also told that apparently in another form of Spanish my parents don't speak, male friends call each other "meat brothers." I'm sure there's a lot more, but I can't remember it at the time. Spanish slang is really really odd and quirky though, believe me.
I'm from MN, so basically most midwestern slang is here.

We call soda 'pop' and people will say your weird if you call it otherwise.

The River- The Mississippi

Up North- going North of Minneapolis/St. Paul

Twin Cities- Minneapolis and St. Paul

Chilly- -20 degrees f

There are four seasons, Winter, Post-Winter, and Pre-Winter, and Construction.

'De Island-a joke on a casino called Treasure Island's jingle "de island is calling". On Nicollet Island near downtown Minneapolis there is a private school called DeLaSalle (my high school). So students call it "De Island".

No Hope/Episode 4- the city of New Hope

Nordeast- Northeast Minneapolis

Pole Barn- Polish areas of Northeast Minneapolis.

I have never heard anyone say "you betcha" in my life.
Some slang from Malaysia. To be honest, I don't really use these, as I often sound weird when I (try to) say them due to my non-Asian accent - these are just from my knowledge.

Nah = Here you go (as in handing something to someone)
Keling = Indian (borderline racist)
Woh/Wah = Wow
Matsaleh = Westerner (see Keling)
Outstation = Out of town
Handphone = Cellphone
Terror = Epic/Awesome
Action = Pompous
Rojak = Biracial

There are also a slew of Malay slang terms which you guys probably won't understand, so I'll leave it at that.

I literally had to coach myself out of my native dialect to speak standard English. It was pretty sad.

Surprisingly, there's not really any area-specific slang around here, at least not any that I've heard. You do hear a lot of "that's gay", "Ain't", "nigga" (which has become common amongst the white kids, though not spoken with black people present), etc.
'Tits' or 'balls' is often used to describe something completely bullshit around here in Oklahoma. Also the usual 'faggot' stuff you hear at... schools.
'Tits' or 'balls' is often used to describe something completely bullshit around here in Oklahoma. Also the usual 'faggot' stuff you hear at... schools.

My friend Ben uses "tits" a lot. It becomes apparent when he's playing L4D2. He's the only one though.

Only things I can really think of that are region-specific for me would be "Up North" referring specifically to the northern area of the lower peninsula (LP), and never the upper peninsula (UP).

There's also "yooper" to describe somebody from the UP, and I've heard they call us LPers "trolls" (because we're below the bridge) but I haven't really confirmed that.
Beast - cool

"Beast" around here means more of "extremely good at everything/smart/LIKE A BOSS" here than cool, but we use it very often.

...About "Asian": At my school, it's used to refer to the asians, or inversely the extremely smart people. Which happen to be the asians. But I don't recall them being bothered by such a term. I mean, who would not like being called smart?

...Because I have a friend who's one of two white people in Science Olympiad. The rest of 'em are Asians. He says he's been given the title of "Honorary Asian".

:o Do you go to my school? Because it sure sounds like you do!

Asian, here at least, means "nerdy" more than "smart" though, even though they sort of go hand-in-hand. You're not usually called "Asian" unless you're nerdy and slightly anti-social, even if you're really smart. For example, Asian used in a sentence: "Prom? Naw, I'm staying home playing Starcraft. LOL SO ASIAN".

Asian also has the connotation of cheapness, as in "instead of paying $200 to buy a DS, I torrented everything because I'm Asian".

Are all also used where I am. Along with the ever present "that's gay", where gay, of course, means stupid.

At my school, only the less nerdy (and therefore less awesome) people use this, usually. Mostly, it's used by the guys who sag their pants so low that it's a wonder they don't trip.

Some more slang:
- Word-barfing: to write lots of random crap, usually for an essay, in order to fill up space instead of writing for actual content
- pro: someone who is very good at something
'Beast' here means 'awesome', but like, seriously awesome. More awesome than awesome.

It's also a verb for (figuratively) beating the shit out of something.
'Beast' here means 'awesome', but like, seriously awesome. More awesome than awesome.

It's also a verb for (figuratively) beating the shit out of something.
I've seen that second definition- well, heard it- used around here, though I might even credit it as a corruption of "best" (I just be(a)sted that test!), though we usually use "beastly" for an a descriptor. "Beast" by itself is just the verb.
I don't think I use any slang exclusive enough to any parts of Ohio to merit mentioning. Hell, I use British slang, sometimes. I don't know anyone else who uses "wossname" or "bloody" around here.
I never heard of this
but yes most of the times I hear the -o suffix it's usually for people's names I guess?
perhaps 'traino' is regional; I know adding -o to people's names is pretty common.

Oh yeah and my mind was blown when I found out "Esky" isn't a legitimate word! (transportable cooling container... thing... cooler? yes) But that was a while ago. Uh
Maybe I'll look up some more later when I feel like digging through the bookshelf for stuff. ...
I... what? Esky isn't a word? o__o;

... what?
also, DROPPING "THE" ALL THE TIME. I mean all 'time. There is a sound in the middle there but I have no idea how you'd go about typing it or even explaining it

From my experience, "t'" is a pretty good approximation.

"T'Lion, t'Witch and t'Wardrobe. T'Good, t'Bad and t'Ugly. T'T'." - Michael Macintyre.
Well, yes, but people will often get upset if you imply that the way they speak butchers the English language, however accurate it may be.

If you have to render the Yorkshire dialect that does work wonders! ... But usually I refrain from doing so since it makes people look 'stupid' and it makes me sad. :( Probably because my accent in particular seems to be written out by everyone and their donkey and they can't even get it *right*.
I'm in the south (barely--Virginia, which is really more of the "right in between north and south," but the area I'm in seems more "south-y"), so of course you hear "y'all" fairly often, and people call chewing tobacco "dip" or sometimes "chaw." Small vehicles made for riding around off-road are "four-wheelers," which always seemed kinda funny to me since pretty much everything else also has four wheels. I think the official term for them is "ATV" or something, but you wouldn't know that because everyone here just calls them four-wheelers.

Marijuana is usually "weed," but the kids I was in Boy Scouts with in middle school/high school sometimes called it "chiba." The words used for genitals are pretty much always the typical ones, though I've sometimes heard people say "peen" also.

Back in high school I heard "gay" and "queer" used as insults a lot, but not too much since then. Oddly, "fag/faggot" wasn't used too often, except occasionally when someone discovered that it actually meant "a bundle of sticks" and thought that was funny. Some people used a lot of the typical "gangsta/hip-hop"-type slang like "dawg," "what up/whazzup," "chillin'," and so on.

There were a few people back then that used some weird semi-gangsta slang like "home slice" or "home skillet" (longer versions of "homie," I guess?), but I never got the feeling that these were really wide-reaching "everyone says it" slang things... more of a joke between a few people.

There were a few slang terms used when I was in middle school and high school that I've never seen anyone outside of the area use, like "re-re" (short for retard, usually used in more of a joking way rather than an actual insult) and "LD" (for "learning disability," and this one was generally taken as an insult.) I'm not sure if those are actually specific to this area or just not all that widely used to begin with, though.
I... what? Esky isn't a word? o__o;

... what?

): uh... well, I believe it was mentioned in that book (that I mentioned earlier) and according to random stuff on google/wikipedia/random websites it originated from some kind of brand name... but yes, it's not an object I often mention online, when I first did it confounded whoever it was I was talking to at the time... I... think. Maybe you could do some field tests for me >:? at least, I'll pull this on some random foreign friends too and see if anyone recognises the term. Yyyyyep (it's probably useless but it sounds like fun)

Which reminds me, of one of their friends who is often on these social outings that require the use of our esky has the tendency to refer to a glass as a beaker. (They're kinda similar objects though, and for all I know it's something they made up and not widely used slang...)

Esky is being all ... underlined in this Australian-dictionary based spell checker. That isn't right! (but it's underlining "reminds" too, and I was so sure that was a word... I hope so, I mean, I use it sooo much.)
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