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The Absence Sheet

Just gunna post a heads-up that I'm having oral surgery tomorrow and I may not be up to much posting for a couple days when I'm recovering. Hopefully that won't be the case, but better safe than sorry.
Something or another is up with my Internet - it's not terribly clear, hasn't happened before, and is not being explained to me - so that if we use too much more, we'll have to pay exorbitant prices. As far as I know, anyway. Until it's sorted out or until the next payment period, I'm effectively banned from most things; no idea how long that will be, but hopefully not too long or I'll die from withdrawal.

Affects all of two battles, maybe, but. Yeah.
Da da da da da daaaaaaa, da da da, I'ma going to the beeeeeeeeeeeach, da da da da da... *

Bad... Thingies, you know... Nevermind... Aside, I'm going to the beach this week. I am informed that there will be internet access, but I don't entirely trust my informee's information-gathering capabilities, so if I don't post orders, it's probably because I can't. If that happens, it will be in effect until next sunday. No, not this sunday. The next sunday. June 12th. I think.

*Sing to the tune of "Rolling in the Deep"
Just getting this in ahead of time.

I'm staffing at a summer camp this summer, so I'll be gone for a total of four weeks. No Internet.

Training is next week, starting June 12th. I'll be back on the 19th.

I'll be around until July 17th, then I'm gone till the 30th for two weeks.

I'm back for a week, then I go for one more week from August 7th to the 13th.

It's a while away but I wanted to get this off my back
My internet is back, had to go order a new tower >.>

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnd on the 12-17 I will be in a different state with zero internet.
Just gunna post a heads-up that I'm having oral surgery tomorrow and I may not be up to much posting for a couple days when I'm recovering. Hopefully that won't be the case, but better safe than sorry.

Okay so I'm not in as much pain as before, and it wasn't as bad as I thought, except the first day which I spent most of asleep anyway! yay! I should be around more or less the normal amount now.
Silver/SilverPanic/Maniac Panic has asked me to inform the ASB absence sheet that she will be away from the internet for about a week because of problems with phones.
Woke up this morning and my usual computer was "attempting to recover" instead of playing music. Played with it for a while, got it to run in safe mode eventually, recovered a few very important files and then turned it off, resolving to get the rest of the files when I got home from school. Got home from school, and now the goddamn thing won't even turn on. I'm pissed, I need to scramble to finish up what schoolwork I can with what I was able to recover, and I have no access to most of my files. This includes my reffing docs.

Long story short I have neither the time nor materials to ref for a little while (though I may be able to start thunder vs. Barubu when the time thing clears up), and I don't know what the hell is going on so I don't know when I'll get those files back. Hopefully this problem won't take long to resolve, but I promise nothing.
Severe sunburn that pretty much prevents me from typing with two hands (why didn't I use sunscreen D:). I'll probably be back in a few days.
Crisis partially averted—the computer is still shot in like twelve different ways, but after several hours of wrestling with parts I was able to find a way to salvage the rest of what I needed from the bum hard drive. I'll get started on the reffings soonish.
Although I've been online a fair amount the past few days, I haven't been doing much in terms of ASB because I only have a small window in which to prepare for the Pokémon VGC stop I'll be going to. I'm going to be pretty much internet-less for the next couple of weeks, though if I have the opportunity to pop in and post up some tournament reffings I'll do so. After that I should actually be able to be online for the rest of the summer, so I'll look to catch up on the various things that have been stalled at that point, as well as actually patching up and expanding upon the hack.
I'm off to visit Negrek in seven hours, aaaaand she doesn't have Internet, so i'll be gone until next Thursday afternoon; probably longer, since I'll probably go straight to sleep after that. I'll post a reffing today in the one battle I have.
Argh, I may be forced to only use my PS3 for my internet for a while or, at least, I won't have much time on my regular computer. This means that I'll be limited to 1,025 characters per post(not words, characters), which is just ridiculously small. Should I not post here saying its resolved within two days, I'll probably not be able to do the reffings I need to do.

Sorry to the people I'm reffing.
It's the end of the school year. While that normally means less work, for me, it means more work. I have four final exams, plus a provincial examination (think of this as a final on steroids). While this doesn't mean I won't be able to go on, it does mean I will have a maximum of approximately twenty minutes a day on TCoD. I will still be able to post commands and such, just not ref. After the last examination (the English provincial) on June 23, I'll be completely unoccupied until the start of Summer School, July 6, even with which I will be able to spend a good amount of time on here.

TL;DR: No reffings until June 23.
The test times are soon to be upon me, and my already low activity will accordingly decline.

In fact, it has already began to fall, as I've barely been able to get on this week.
Gonna leave for the weekend (saturday, sunday ANDDDDDDDDD Friday!) There might be a slight chance of me getting wi-fi though, so fingers crossed!
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