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The GPX+ Fan Club

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man how did i not notice this club?
joining, here's my profile
i have all starters and eevee evolutions, at the moment i'm just collecting chimchars and other rare pokemon
kept a slot open for the easter buneary that i most likely will not get
shadow_lugia! You can hatch your Tyrogue! ~

Looks like I didn't get the Buneary. Does anyone know what time it's released?
'pparently randomly through the day.

I saw three people with eggs already DDDD:

And meanwhile I use the wonderful random feature to click eggs or Pogeymanz.
Hey guys what should I evolve my new Eevee into? ;_;

I can't decide. I'm probably not inclined to do Espeon or Umbreon, even though they're my two favorites, since raising its happiness would be too difficult in comparison to just using a stone I already have. I might anyways, though.
No Buneary >_<

Buuut... I got this... Absol~

My Eevee.. I'm making mine a Jolteon.

No, not because I only have a Thunderstone, no. >_>
I'm probably going to evolve my two Eevee into Vaporeon and Jolteon. Unless I get a female, then she'll probably be a Glaceon. If I get two females (UNLIKELY!), they'll be Glaceon and Flareon.
Wait...how do you get Leafeon and Glaceon? Can you just evolve Eevee into them as soon as they hatch?
yep. I evolved my Eevee, Jack, into a Glaceon. You have to use a Shiny Stone for Glaceon and Leaf Stone for Leafeon.
Oh, all right then, thanks. I don't have a Leaf Stone and even if I did, I'd save it for my Oddish. But I've got a Shiny Stone. So it all works out~
Y'know, I think I'll evolve mine into Flareon. So I can keep the name Lord Fuzzykinz and still have it make sense.

EDIT: Actually, I changed it to Fluffykinz anyways.
I hatched my Tyrogue but didn't get a Buneary egg ;-;

So I got a Gible from the shelter instead.

As for Eevee evolution... The random sprite generator says to evolve it into Umbreon :3
missed out on the easter event D:
I got what I think is a Cherrim egg, though-
My Luxio is a level or two away from evolving as well, and my Pichu only needs 23 happiness points to evolve.
I'm going to beat my Eevee eggs with their currently non-existent kneecaps if they don't hatch soon.

This needs to hatch. Seriously. It's the only egg in my party now, since the other one hatched - he's a Jolteon now. This is what I've got so far...

I think I'll stick with this team ^_^
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