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The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

Joining as bisexual (4 on the Kinsey scale).

Good news! The college I'm headed to in the Fall (Winthrop) has a LGBT club. So, I won't be lonely at college! :D
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A depressing thought has come over me and it sounds silly but I honestly don't know. Next year I have my Year 11 prom. I'm gay. What the hell do I do?

Unless prom in Britain is exceedingly different from the US, just go with a group of other single friends (gender unimportant). The more of you there are, the less weird you'll feel going without a "date".
At my school leaver's ball, we all went uncoupled. Our prom was more a time to celebrate the six years we'd spent with each other (we were a fairly close yeargroup, especially in sixth form), rather than spending the whole time hanging off one person's arm. It was an absolutely great time; I danced with boys, girls and most of my teachers.
I confess I did wear a dress, but, if I may say so, I looked damn good. B)
Lorem Ipsum said:
I'm OK with going with another guy, but I'm sure that I'd get ridiculed for it. And the idea of finding another bi/gay person of my age I find extremely unlikely before that point. The whole going with a female friend thing wouldn't work either - pretty much everyone knows I'm gay. D:

both take female friends, then meet up at the prom and dance with each other :D that's what one of my friends did
Agh, there's this one girl who sits in front of me in English class. She's always making these comments like "I don't believe in gay rights because what they're doing is wrong" and (about the single [openly, anyway] lesbian couple in our school) "Eww, I can't stand them! They make me so uncomfortable! Why do they let them be together [they worked backstage in our thespian's club play]?" Now, I normally let people have their own opinions without trying to argue (even on issues that I feel very strongly about such as this one), but any time someone else says something different, even something like "Well, I think the opposite because..." she just cuts them off and says something completely irrational like "But you can't think that because it's WRONG!" or "But can't you see that God hates stuff like that? It's so weird! Why would you like girls if you're a girl?"

Elliekat said:
"But can't you see that God hates stuff like that? It's so weird! Why would you like girls if you're a girl?"

I think what I hate the most about homophobia is that people often don't understand that homosexuality is not about them. Who somebody is attracted you shouldn't matter unless it is you.
...people actually go on dates to prom? For mine if you were dating someone at the time (which I wasn't) you'd "go" with them but everyone went in mostly same-gender friendship groups. Maybe my prom was just weird.
I'm 99% sure that my prom makes opposite-gender dates mandatory.

But of course, in my case I sorta have one so...

(and of course my female-crush does too. Though at the moment I'm seriously wondering what's up with her (non-legit) family members near my age that makes me crush on them. It would e great if it worked the other way too but oh well *shrugs*)

EDIT: So today my female-crush and I were going out bowling with a friend and her boyfriend. So since we were without dates we sorta went as a lesbian couple but not really. Cue moment that Flora realized how well she kept herself in the closet:

Her: We'll be a lesbian couple! Which is funny, because neither of us rolll that way at all!
Me: ...*thinks* just smile and nod, Rachel...

I actually just don't come out just because I don't need to.
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Er hi I've been meaning to join this, yes. Hrml.

I've finally managed to work out all my sexuality/gender crap, so yay. One less thing to worry about, I think. I'm pansexual and...uh, genderqueer, I guess. It's hard to explain, hrf. Lemmie try anyway!

I'm okay with being physically female most of the time, but it's like my brain is largely male, though I have some female parts in there, and don't mind being feminine sometimes. I don't want to permanently change my body, but I wouldn't mind being able to pass as male in public (which has been going sort of okay!)

I still get some 'oh god fuck my body I hate it I feel wrong' moments, but not as much as I did before figuring myself out.

Now I just need to learn how to bind and I'm good. Ma won't let me get a chest binder thing so I'm stuck with bandages.

so um. hi! You guys are all awesome.
Er hi I've been meaning to join this, yes. Hrml.

I've finally managed to work out all my sexuality/gender crap, so yay. One less thing to worry about, I think. I'm pansexual and...uh, genderqueer, I guess. It's hard to explain, hrf. Lemmie try anyway!

I'm okay with being physically female most of the time, but it's like my brain is largely male, though I have some female parts in there, and don't mind being feminine sometimes. I don't want to permanently change my body, but I wouldn't mind being able to pass as male in public (which has been going sort of okay!)

I still get some 'oh god fuck my body I hate it I feel wrong' moments, but not as much as I did before figuring myself out.

Now I just need to learn how to bind and I'm good. Ma won't let me get a chest binder thing so I'm stuck with bandages.

so um. hi! You guys are all awesome.

Why do you need your mom's permission? You're 19, no? Can't you like, er, set up a paypal account and just buy a binder...? Trust me, it's much more effective and way less painful than ace bandages.

I just realized the sick irony of me saying 'trust me' while my user title says 'trust me I'm a psychopath'. Hrrr.
Why do you need your mom's permission? You're 19, no? Can't you like, er, set up a paypal account and just buy a binder...? Trust me, it's much more effective and way less painful than ace bandages.

I just realized the sick irony of me saying 'trust me' while my user title says 'trust me I'm a psychopath'. Hrrr.

My problem is, I have no job, and no money, so that sort of puts a damper on getting things myself :c
My problem is, I have no job, and no money, so that sort of puts a damper on getting things myself :c

Possibly you can try setting up a donate-thing on tumblr, or accepting commissions (via tumblr or deviantart)? You might get more commissions if you mention it's for a cause. Since binders don't cost that much you wouldn't need too much money, just a bit, really.
...I kind of would like to bind my breasts, but I don't know how to go about it, or what a breast binder even looks like or what. x_x *fails* I just find them inconvenient lumps of fat and nerves, and too big to be comfortable. >> And sensitive and eugh in general. [/acerant]

On the late subject of prom, I'm either going to go wearing pants - dresses are uncomfortable :/ - or not go at all and save up for a laptop or something instead.
My name is Zora, and I might be gay.

Erm… Let me try to explain. At the very beginning of the first thread, I joined as mostly straight, but possibly bisexual. I posted a grand total of once. And I never really had any problems with it; Y’know, find a woman attractive occasionally but other than that live my life like everyone else around me at the time.

Fast-forward to sometime last year. I started getting more and more into the whole gay rights thing, and at the same time, I started getting less and less… into men. It would really depend on the day, what I was into. Some days I could pass as straight as anyone else I know, then other days… yeah.

And I still do that, sometimes, although recently it’s been pretty consistently women I’ve been into and I find myself feeling more like I’m a lesbian than ever. I’ve told maybe three or four people about this, all internet friends, and I don’t have the nerve to come out in real life because while I know Mom would be pretty okay with it, Dad would try to “fix” me or something because he’s one of those “THE BIBLE SAYS IT’S NOT RIGHT SO IT’S NOT RIGHT” sort of people.

And so here I am, trying to explain my case and probably wording everything horribly and confusingly and not helping my case at all and I am really bad at this can you tell.
Might as well join here, I've came out on here about being Bi, and kinda got half way found out irl.

SO people didn't know I was bi, just straight and thought me and my Girlfriend Emily were just really clofe BFFs and stuff until one day in the hall, she screwed about a year of hiding it by kissing my cheek with like, thirty kids around. So panicked screams ensue as everyone floods away from us to not catch 'our gay'. So eventually we kinda made people think it was just one of those EEEEEP IM SO HAPPY I'LL KISS THE NEAREST PERSON moments for Emily.

And for prom, we're going as friends, though we'll probably come out so we can just get it over with and we don't want to be the ones when's everyone's kissing just standing around and staring.
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