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Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

Sadly I do not know much about the Omagh bombing, but I have heard a bit. But not enough to make any statements about it.

Basically, the Real IRA car-bombed the shopping area of the town of Omagh, killing twenty-nine people and injuring about 220, because they couldn't find a parking space near their intended target.
Terrorism fail? That's terrible....

What is your opinion on what I mentioned earlier? About faith being dangerous... If you ever get a chance read The End Of Faith by Sam Harris.

Faith is dangerous because indoctrinating people with the ability to accept information as factual without evidence is detrimental to intellectual growth.

I won't (And will never) say it's not true. But I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks about it (And let's be VERY careful not to flame, thank you.)
Re: Christianity

It's as believable as any of the other 298465 religions in the world, i.e. not very.
Re: Christianity


Re: Christianity

I won't (And will never) say it's not true. But I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks about it (And let's be VERY careful not to flame, thank you.)


No, seriously, you do realize this forum is atheist territory, right?

(For the record, I'm agnostic.)
Re: Christianity


No, seriously, you do realize this forum is atheist territory, right?
Atheist territory, like we're all liable to rampage or something.

But yeah, just read the recent religion-and-theism-in-general thread if you're curious. A lot of the discussion is about Christianity in particular, and most of the stuff people say about religion in general there applies to Christianity too.
Re: Christianity

We're quite clockwork creatures. We only rampage at 4AM BST!

tl;dr religion is a bit silly and I dislike having been forced into a religion at an age where I couldn't make a choice. LOL I LOVE YOU TOO CATHOLICISM
Re: Christianity

I used to be Catholic when I was little. :/ It was always a habit - I mouthed the words and forgot to pray all the time. And then, when I got older, I began to think about how strict and conservative it was, and I decided that not only was it not for me, but I really didn't like it.

That dislike has only grown over the past few years, mostly because I was unlucky enough to encounter a teacher that was hitting me with a Conversion Beam this year for religion. >> And when my best friend came out as gay, and I found people who genuinely believed she was sick or somehow unnatural. I try not to let myself become too biased about it, but I don't usually take the chance of posting in Serious Business threads anyways.

Re: Christianity

Catholicism really sucks, and it messed up my bus timetable!

POPE >:(!!!
Re: Christianity

I like Christianity's values and morals when properly adapted to the 21 Century, but I don't really like actual Christians if they twist the Bible for their own purposes(such as trying to outlaw Gay marriage...just what?). I also feel bad for those kids that get born into an incredibly religious family, just because they get bombarded with the religion all the time and pretty much get stuck with practicing it. I myself was lucky because I've only been to church like once, so I've generally had an open mind.
Re: Christianity

I was raised in christianity. I was taught to hate a lot of things by my parents, including (but definitely not limited to) gay people. I guess it's a good thing I turned out non-heterosexual (bisexual), because otherwise I might still have those close-minded beliefs.

Interesting note: if you look around in the Homosexuality thread, you can find some of my old postings--from 2008, I think. It's amazing how much I've changed since I became aware of my sexuality.
Re: Christianity

So, I'm...sorta Catholic? As in, I was raised Catholic and I got to Catholic school, but I agree with my mom in that some of the Church's ideas are just stupid. (i.e. anti-homosexuality, the idea that abortion should be illegalized right now even though a lot of people would be harmed, etc) So I guess I'm...non-denominational Catholic? I never ever pray, though, unless I'm worried about one of my friends or something.

Pretty sure my mom got that opinion after JPII died, though; she really liked JPII and hates Benedict.
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