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What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

Like, whoaaahhh revival. Also I can't bring myself to be too mean about people. :C

ultraviolet, Flora and Ashes, Keta, FMC and Flareth seem like the sort of people who would be awesome but who I don't know them well enough to judge.

surskitty: Clever but in an unfortunately snobbish kind of way. And then at other times seems like, totally not snobbish and it's so confusing D: Also appears to really like Final Fantasy and really dislike Final Fantasy. I don't even know anymore. Pretty cool in general.

Tailsy: My favourite mod (can you have a favourite mod?). I think she's pretty much one of the most awesome people around and just... yeah. 83 The type of person who's awesome enough that I feel I'm not personally awesome enough to be able to approach.

SHE'S JUST AWESOME OKAY. Also, I love her posts like I love ginger beer (this is a lot)

Verne is... I have a love/hate relationship with Verne. Which is funny because I don't think I've ever spoken to Verne directly. Verne seems like the type of person who is rather awesome, but ruins it slightly by being too bitchy. I think I've said the name "Verne" too much in this comment.

Also, is it wrong that I kind of imagine Verne and Harlequin as being in a Team Rocket-style duo? I think it might be because they're both at the LGBT club frequently but you two/they two (pronouns and lack of consistent tense in this thread are getting confusing) seem freakishly similar. I reckon this is why I keep thinking Verne has red hair which I don't think he actually does. Huh.

opaltiger: I have no idea. We may never have spoken directly to eachother in any thread ever. Obviously intelligent but very standoffish and just yeah. Pretty cool. Always has very interesting. I feel like he's going to achieve a lot of great stuff in life!

departuresong/AK/furretguy: Iiii don't know. Has been a complete arsehole many, many times but is one of the only arseholes on the forum who I've actually seen apologise for being an arsehole many, many times. I can't tell whether he's genuine or not, so I tend to pretty much avoid deciding nowadays. I used to hate him, then I pitied him, now I just sort of leave him alone. I still think he must be really awesome deep down, though.

Arylett knows how much I love her (if she doesn't, it's a lot). I don't think TCoD is really the place for her, but frankly, that's really the issue of other people and not down to anything she does or says. Her 'posse' as it is apparently now dubbed really grates on me as well, buuuut that's not really my business.

Vixie (who IS Mudkip... right?) is a person who seems really, really, really awesome but who I feel kind of nervous to approach. Probably because he's too awesome or something (please tell me if I'm getting pronouns wrong, we don't talk much and your listed gender is confusing me ;~;). I feel kind of guilty, because I remember us actually talking back in the day and it was great! <3

Dezzuu: A bit of a dick who hasn't really shown me any particularly redeeming qualities like other sort-of-dicks on the forum. But, however, he is quite clearly intelligent and I can respect that from a veeeeery far distance. I doubt there is mutual respect however because I get the feeling he dislikes me.

Music Dragon is truly, truly wonderful. I feel like I know this for a fact, even though we aren't particularly close. Stay wonderful?

Dannichu is, probably, the most amazing person I know. Which I feel kind of stupid saying, but it's actually quite true. Your posts are fantastic, your views and attitude are brilliant and I just love you a lot okay :D Also, you're very much the Stephen Fry of TCoD, in almost every way. Which I'm sure you'll find to be awesome (you'd think she'd have a big head since everyone loves her with very good reason, but this would never happen, just like it doesn't with Stephen Fry!). <3

Uhhhh everyone else I don't really know. Unless I've forgotten someone who hasn't posted yet. Please don't kill me? :D

In general I used to hate quite a lot of people on TCoD, but now I can appreciate nearly everyone for at least something. Most people are awesome in their own way. I still have a weird fear of all the mods, though... :<
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Blackthorne Steele - When you first joined you seemed like an idiot who was out to make trouble. But you turned out the opposite and you're one of my biggest friends on here. But you're still an idiot. :P

I realize that I am the single most idiotic person here. xD Call me an idiot all you want.

Arylett - Possibly the coolest person on all of teacod. You're plain awesome. Your downside is that you turned me against my once-favorite Eeveelution, Vaporeon. Now I want to cry when I see them. D:

Barubu - Basically a repetition of what you said about me. You're nice to chat with, you're avatar owns, and you deserve pie, too. Not cake. It's a lie.

Brock - While I don't know you extremely well, I think you're pretty cool. Plus, you've got great taste in music, apart from Green Day.

FMC - Don't know you well enough to say much, but your signatures always look nice and you're a great artist. :D

Green - You're really annoying at times, and your grammar is terrible, but you're alright.

Midnight - Helpful, fun to talk to and seems to get along with everyone. Including me.

Negrek - I have a lot of respect for you, as most do. Not much else I can say. You seem too serious sometimes, I guess.

Kam - Nice to have around if you want someone with sarcasm for every situation. Don't like how you liek Shellos, but...

Shadow - Awesome to talk to, due to you having something to say for anything I mention. You're fast and reliable in ASB, and you liek Mudkipz. Perfect combination.

Zora - Don't know you well. I just worship your ASB battles.

Alraunne - Your sprites and avvies are plain awesome, plus you can put up a fight in Asber. Oh, and it appears you like Gliscor.

Self: You idiot derserve to be shot repeatedly in the back before being thrown headfirst into a fire to die. End of story.
not like you're annoying and have bad grammar at times too o3o seriously, learn the difference between you're and your.
for the record, Cirrus, I don't dislike you, it's just more often than not I will disagree with something that you've posted.
opal - I don't know you, but I fear you because you're an admin and stuff.

Negrek - Fear and respect you.

Tailsy: [...] The type of person who's awesome enough that I feel I'm not personally awesome enough to be able to approach.

Vixie (who IS Mudkip... right?) is a person who seems really, really, really awesome but who I feel kind of nervous to approach. Probably because he's too awesome or something

God: Arthur! Arthur, King of the Britons! ... Oh, don't grovel! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people grovelling.
Arthur: Sorry -
God: And don't apologize. Every time I try to talk to someone it's "sorry this" and "forgive me that" and "I'm not worthy"... What are you doing now!?
Arthur: I'm averting my eyes, oh Lord.
God: Well, don't. It's like those miserable Psalms. They're so depressing. Now knock it off!
opal - I don't know you, but I fear you because you're an admin and stuff.

Most mods/admins - see opal.
... Maybe I need to take pictures of my weapons collection ...
surskitty: Clever but in an unfortunately snobbish kind of way. And then at other times seems like, totally not snobbish and it's so confusing D: Also appears to really like Final Fantasy and really dislike Final Fantasy. I don't even know anymore. Pretty cool in general.
Snobbish ...? Huh.

I like playing Final Fantasy games. They're fun and stupid. Some games in the series have more stupid than fun, though. :(
NWT is a really nice guy who seems to get a lot of undeserved stick. You're always willing to try and help me out whenever I'm in a rough patch and, I hope I can be the same way back! I look up to and respect you as both a friend and a peer. Keep doing what you're doing. :3

surskitty is really nice and a bit nutty. Sometimes to the point where I don't understand what she's exactly trying to say (...biderpaderp?). Either way, you're a fantastic person to talk to and, I hope I get to speak to you more often.

Butterfree is someone who I have a great respect for. I really admire you, the way you can keep a level head but are still able to let loose and show a funny side. (See: Quentin, the fastest banana in the world). We shared a lot of common interests in terms of television and music and could talk for ages but suddenly stopped talking one day. If you're ever having a dull moment, don't be afraid to poke me. : - )

Dannichu is an amazing person. Meeting you at the London Expo felt like a one in a lifetime experience. This was blown out of the water by our Buffy marathon last year in summer. That was one unforgettable holiday. I hope you'll be willing to come over and risk staying with me some time! You're a really nice person and just seeing your name tends to brighten my day.

Walker is Walker. Mature well beyond your years, you really are a respected member in my eyes. Hopefully other people see you that way too. Posting with many noteworthy comments, I wish I has been as wise as you are at your age.

Verne is quite possibly too cool for his own good! Your sense of humour baffles me. Half of the time I can never tell when you're joking or genuinely enraged at some of my more stupid comments. Either way, you're good fun to talk to about cars which can make loaves of bread, Harry Potter and other such stuff.

Vixie is lovely to talk to when in a good mood. You're an amazingly lovable person when I'm not getting any form of stress or anger vibes from you however. I really enjoy talking to you about anything and everything. Sometimes you seem a little stressed at uh, everything... so, I'm never sure whether I should be approaching you to attempt to comfort you or to back off to give you some time to cool down. It's probably just me getting the wrong impressions and implications.

Zhorken is really clear cut about who he likes and dislikes. I don't know if it's a trait which I respect or fear but, it is one which lead me to fear you in the past. It's all behind me now, I think. You're another member of those who I deem as someone who I doubt I'll speak to often, I would like to get to know you better because, you're not the person I thought you were when I initially joined and, I've never really taken the time to get to know you properly. x_x

Eevee is not threatening! When I first came into #tcod, I was absolutely petrified of you. Although I've only really spoken to you once or twice, you've been helpful and patient on every occasion. Though it's unlikely I'll ever pluck up the courage to speak to you more often, I do hope we will be able to speak more.

opaltiger is made up of intellect. I really, really admire and look up to you to an inexpressable point and, am hoping that sounds less creepy than it did in my head. Of anyone on the forums who's name I see all the time, you are definitely one of the people I would like to speak to more often albeit, never will. I'm just too awkward for it.

Keta is a cool person. I can't really say much except, I like you and you seem very intelligent.

Tailsy is my Prudential buddy. You're a strong personality, wacky and wonderful. Never change. It's fantastic.

Kratos Aurion is afraid of lots of social contact! You really need to talk more or, so I feel. Life is for fun and living. Don't be afraid of making social contact with any of us beyond leaving the occasional post. :P

H-land. I really like you and wish I had something more worthwhile to say about you. The words just aren't coming.
...maybe that's a good thing. :P

ultraviolet is another person I'd like to say something about but again, don't think I could accurately say anything about without making you feel stupid.

Arylett Dawnsborough. You seem so airy fairy on the surface. However, on a more serious note, you seem like a good laugh and would make a good friend to most anyone and all. : - )

Ruby is possibly the only person on the moderation team I have never spoken to. Please get in contact some time. :x

Music Dragon is a cool guy who I used to speak to a lot and we appear to have stopped. This saddens me. :(
(Oh, look. I passed your test after all.)

If I've forgotten to mention anyone who would like a mention, please don't be afraid to say. (I really mean that.)
@Espeon: *Slowly raises hand*

Arylett is nice but I'm still mad that I have to be queen to get a thrown.

I for some reason suspect that Midnight is awesome.

Jokersfiend owns.

That is all.
I kind of want a mention :(

... but I'm too lazy to go into detail about my opinions about others so. seems a bit contradictory.
Leafpool is cool enough I guess. We should know each other better. :3

sresevoir is cool in his noncommittal lowercase way

Steele is nice. I don't find him annoying, tbh.

Ruby is totally the most sympathetic moderator ever. He always feels so sorry for me when I back myself into the proverbial corner.
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You're one of those people I have added on msn that I think I've talked to like... twice? xD You strike me as an overly friendly person but I get the impression that you share a lot of in-jokes with your other friends and I don't think I could keep up... or something.
Ah! I don't only talk about injokes or crazy weird random things, contrary to popular belief. I actually do enjoy a nice, calm and sensible conversation.

Arylett Lettcubes Dawnsborough is immensely fun to be weird with, though I must strive to speak with her more so that I get more nicknames.
Oh, you will. You will. It just takes time.

Hooonesty tiiiiiime.

I really rather hate Arylett and all her little brainless groupies because they are much too old to be pulling the ~lol random weird lol~ game and they appear to be a bunch of sycophantic fools rallying around Arylett, who is not remotely interesting or intelligent or anything. Every time you guys do something you think is so ~lol funny~ or whatever it makes me choke. The whole semicolons-for-actions thing? Ridiculous. It takes way too much effort to believe that you are 18.
...Ouch. That was actually rather painful to read... I'm going to be honest too in that I've been rather suffering from a depression related to not acting my age, so you just... hit it right on there. I just want to say that just because someone doesn't seem remotely interesting or intelligent and just like random brainless idiots who spout out nonsense, doesn't mean they are once you get to know them. A lot of the people I know, regardless of how "brainless" or "lol random" they may seem are actually quite intelligent once you get past that layer.

I can see how they would be stupid and how people would find the randomness annoying. There are times where it grates on my nerves as well and even I can't handle it. Perhaps if I knew you more, and spoke to you more though, I might like you. But as it stands, I do not like you either and find you intimidating. I think you are extremely harsh and critical. And it's not just because of this comment, but of ways I've seen you act on the forums. There are times though where I find you amusing. As for the semi-colons, that's a dead issue. If you find it annoying, that is fine. But I won't stop just because someone finds it annoying. This may not mean anything to you, or change your opinion of me, and I am okay with that. Some people will always hate me. I just wanted to express myself honestly as well.

Arylett: Makes me laugh too. I mean, I actually laugh when I'm in a chat with her and stuff.
And same to you. Ahaha. I love your weird poems, they amuse me so much. We should chat more; last night's was brilliant with that late night show.

Arylett Dawnsborough - I used to find you and your posse ridiculous and irritating (see Verne's post), but lately I have become desensitized to it. Rage has been replaced by pity.
Fair enough. I could say that I feel the same way about you, but I think actually that Cirrus' opinion on you more sums it up accurately.

Arylett - Possibly the coolest person on all of teacod. You're plain awesome. Your downside is that you turned me against my once-favorite Eeveelution, Vaporeon. Now I want to cry when I see them. D:
To be honest, I didn't expect my Vaporeon to own so much... wow. But I really appreciate it. Thank you. :3

Arylett knows how much I love her (if she doesn't, it's a lot). I don't think TCoD is really the place for her, but frankly, that's really the issue of other people and not down to anything she does or says. Her 'posse' as it is apparently now dubbed really grates on me as well, buuuut that's not really my business.
I'm inclined to disagree. I like it here and I feel this is the place where I belong, even if there's people who dislike me. I've made friends with some genuinely interesting people who have changed my life and as I've said, you're one of them.

Arylett Dawnsborough. You seem so airy fairy on the surface. However, on a more serious note, you seem like a good laugh and would make a good friend to most anyone and all. : - )
Awww. Thank you. I think you're pretty awesome. I mean, you seem cool and serious, but you can take a good joke too and mess around. And also, smart too. That always gets extra points in my book.

Arylett is nice but I'm still mad that I have to be queen to get a thrown.
What do you mean, exactly? I'm kinda confused, actually.

But you seem coolish, although I don't know you much. And you do radiate a bit of that immature vibe.
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