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What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?


Third-gen Zodiac:

Fourth Gen Zodiac:
Shadow Regice


the two best pokemon are next to each other :)

I used to be a Charmander and then I was a Fearow. I preferred the latter.
Lanturn. In Gen III, I was Poliwhirl, which can have Water Absorb, in Gen IV I was Electabuzz, which has Static, and now I am Lanturn, which has Volt Absorb (and is a Water/Electric Type. I just see a combination of the previous ones in it). I have also returned to the Reign of Kyogre.

Sawk. It seems I usually get something I dislike... ergh. In Gen III, I had ugly Metagross. I only had something I kinda liked in Gen IV with Zangoose. I preferred that one... only a few days away from Victini too! Well, I uh, at least get the Musketeer Trio... they're kinda cool.
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....Well, better than Celebi and Tangela I guess. Bouffalant is kinda cool, too bad I got one of the worst legendaries. Pfft.

So I got Accelgor and Genesect. I'm not too hot about the Accelgor part, but Genesect is one of my favorite pokemon ever, and it's definitely an upgrade from the Day of Bidoof.
Day of Ambipom, Reign of Jirachi, Season of the Air.

I'm not really happy about the Ambipom and Air parts, but Jirachi is freaking adorable.

Last time it was Togepi and Togetic. Now it's even worse.

Why??? Anyone wanna trade? Phantom? The person who has wargle?
*looks* ha nope I'll stick with my misunderstood legendary and weird fire lizards. (Totally lost track of pokemon come Hoenn region)
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