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Who/what inspired you to draw/sprite?

Let's see...

Drawing-It was a natural fondness. ;o I think it may have been Pokemon that sparked that fondness.

Spriting-TR's Rose and Butterfree's sprites were often pages I visited, for I, too, wondered how I could do such things. After a few months at PokeBeach, I had made a crowd of friends, many of whom were spriters, who helped me and encouraged me as I learned, and learn.
Well, I could've sworn I've posted here, but I guess not, so....

Drawing: I....can't really say. I've always done a little doodling here and there. I didn't start truely honing my skills till rather recently, when my obsession with Kirby went on overdrive. Taking a look at my art now and at any of my doodles before I started to actually try, you can see a major difference.

Spriting: I first saw Tr Rose's site back around 2004/2005, maybe in 03. I was gathering any info I could on glitches, and trsrockin pretty much was one of the best sites around for this. Anyways, there had a weekly sprite contest that I wanted to enter and a few spriting guides. It wasn't until I actually found Paint on my family's computer that I could get started. I made many sprites, practicing a lot. When I finally joined Trs Rockin's forums(I'm trying to think if this was before or after Tr Rose grew out of Pokemon) I could show of my sprites. After we got a new monitor, I could see colors better, and therefore the quality of my sprites went up.

So yeah....there's my lengthy post explaining why I went into spriting and drawing and when I started to get good at them. Well, I'd say decent in the case of drawing.
My sister. She drew animu pretty well, so I thought "Hey, why not I try too?" and thus began the bad habits of drawing in class, and eventually staring at the computer monitor for hours as I finish a CG or such. :U

As for spriting, it's Mewkitty, TR Rose, and Butterfree in that order. But I gave up (well technically I just lost interest;; ) on spriting so...
Drawing? I always loved to doodle. But I first started to actually put some effort into my drawings when I was about ten. At my uncle's party, I was bored what with all the adults around me getting drunk, so I started drawing a Zapdos that I've kept, to this day~
What really inspired me to keep drawing? Um...not sure. Mew's Hangout, maybe?

As for spriting, I'm pretty sure it was Butterfree. One day when I was bored, I decided to explore as much of the main site as I wanted, and came across her sprite guide. So, I decided to try it out and...started spriting. I started with simple recolors, then looked to various other sites for all kinds of advice, from different perspectives. My first splice, I think, was Umbreon + Skarmory <3

Sad to say though, I've, for the most part, lost interest in art. Instead of being inspired by the great artists here, I feel daunted, inadequate. So, I sprite on occasion, but I've stopped posting any of my art anywhere.
I don't sprite, so I don't think I can answer that. Aaand... as for drawing, I've always loved to draw. I only really started getting into it at around the middle of grade 7 (I'm in grade 9 now), when I ventured onto dA and saw all the awesome artists there. Up until then, little me thought I was the best artist in the world because of all the compliments and praise and stuff people gave me (false comfort, I say!), so when I saw all these people who were better than me, I just got this incredible drive to improve.

...I'm competitive so what?
Sprite: I was young,'bout 8. (GSC era) Saw sprites,was bored in the summer,started getting good when I was 12. My first ones were shit on a pixelated bun. (Hoppips with mustaches!)

Draw: REALLY young,drew a crappy dragon,was extremely proud. Praise and cookies all around.
I was inspired to sprite two years ago when I saw some excellent work on another forum and thought, "Hey, I want to do that too!" My first attempts were silly, but surprisingly good (you'll have to take my word on that; they disappeared somewhere in the maze of folders that is my former desktop), so I decided to continue.

Drawing, drawing; I've mostly been inspired by Pokemon and reading too much fantasy - hence, I am only able to draw Pokemon and dragons.
I loved to draw all my life. No matter where I was, whether it be school, home, mcdonalds, pluto, I'd always be drawing. I loved comics, cartoons, all the sort. Unfortunately, as I look back... I sucked. Still do, but not as bad. That change had to be from my inspiration: My best friend. Her art always put me in awe, but one particular picture truly set something off in me... I did my best to make an honest effort to improve. Over the last few years, thanks to her, I have matured as an artist... I will not say improved, but at least matured. But also, when it comes to drawing comics, I get inspiration by works like JtHM, Krazy Kat, etc.
Drawing: my mom. She was an insanely good artist. She drew various things, animals, Native Americans, Freddy Kruger... flowers in general, but mostly roses. Maybe other things too. But I never did get all of her talent, only got bits and pieces of it. However, I did do some pictures good... but that was only a select few. I attempted art on the computer... and generally failed. Although my Latias wasn't extremely bad. Also did a 3D Charizard head, no special detailing, just.. the head with an indent where I was gonna put the eye, it actually came out pretty good for what it was. Also did some weird green... alien.... thing. That was interesting. Used ZBrush for that, also no special details.

Spriting: I think it was mostly Butterfree. Been a member of the forums for I think... 6-7yrs now? Off and on though... I enjoyed looking and requesting various sprites from a couple different people, and I got curious and tried it myself. Used a variety of different programs before finally settling in with PSP8 and Animation Shop 3. I still use it to this day, and slowly trying to get used to GIMP.

I've been wanting to get back into spriting... but after losing the majority of my nearly 600 sprites... I was put off. I also doubt I'll be as good now, but eh. I don't know.

However, my Persol is still my pride and joy, and it was the first Pokemon splice I ever entered into an old contest on here that won. Something so simple... yet quite a few people liked it.
Drawing: When I was a little kid, I'd always "invent" new Pokemon, so I started drawing Pokemon and then it changed into using whatever video game guides I had on hand and drew from them. But I'm more of a photography person.

Spriting: Psypoke's Forums. It was there I learned about spriting so I did some reasearch. I'm off my spriting kick though since I got IE8 cuz the sprites come with a black background when I copypaste them into MS Paint. I got hooked real easy and I was real good from the get-go.

Point being, give me 2+ sprites, one goal, one PC with MS Paint, and I'll give you one amazing sprite. Try me.
My mother, for giving me things to draw with and stencils and whatever else.
Captain Morwen inspired my original style two years ago.
Pearleden then inspired the way I draw paws and heads
Then I started getting into anthro/furry art, and Goldenwolf and Taurin Fox became my main inspiration
TaintedICE from Pokémon Turquoise for sprites. I saw them and went "Holy...I have got to get better"

I don't really draw much, when I do it's stick-figures.
Drawing: A friend from about 6 years ago. Well, more of a rival, sort of a man-crush. He was always better than me at everything, including drawing, so I figured that I had to beat him at something.
He's dead now, though. Died playing chicken with us. So I guess I won in the end. Not really worth it, though. :|

Anyway, spriting was some guy on gamefaqs who had me believing you could import sprites into D/P or something. Ended up searching for how and ended up here. So, actually, I guess it would be Butterfree.
Drawing: My mom, dad, an old friend from the second grade, and Bubbles eats oranberrys on serebii (who in real life is my bffl). My mom and dad say that I'm a good drawer and the friend from second grade is the one who started me on pokemon and neopets so he inspired me to draw pokemon, and the friend on serebii inspired me to draw better pokemon and to draw manga/ anime.

Spriting: It would have to be shadowstar, and trophyking. When I saw there art I thought it was really cool so I started to sprite. I'm still bad but I'm getting better.
Drawing- After I saw an episode of Dragon Ball Z. I went nuts, it was like a freaking drug. Seriously. I drew the same picture at least five times a day. For like, two years.

Spriting(Don't do it a whole lot)- My friend told me to, showed me how, so I did. =/ I got bored after a little while.
I was first inspiered to draw when i was playing Pokemon Gold. I was fighting Morty for the first time, and i though he looked awesome so the next day i started drawing Morty and his pokemon. =D

How i started spriting is along the lines of how i started drawing. A cuple years after i drew the picture of Morty, i scanned it. So i edited it using Paint, then i thought, "Why not draw Morty's pokemon then edit them on Paint?". So sence then, i have always been spriting. =3
Drawing has always been something I love. But, if anyone really inspired me to draw, it had to be my grandfather. He died the day I was born, (SUCKZ.) and I appearently got his artistic abilites. My mom showed me some of his work, and I wanted to be as good as him, so I keep trying.

As for spriting, Butterfree, actually. I adore how she does everything, and one day when I saw her sprites, I went and started getting sprites to fuse, recolor, and more. I also adore Aquablade11's sprites, but Butterfree more.
Pokemon, I think, was a big one. I've always found monsters so fascinating... and loved to draw weird creatures and animals. Humans not so much... never really touched on them so much. I drew before Pokemon, but I saw the anime one day and got an extremely strong urge to draw them because I thought they looked... satisfying and good. Like, the Pokemon. And I always get urges to draw things that look satisfying and good to me, I must capture them on paper. I know that sounds weird, but I mostly draw to satisfy that urge. It just feels so good when I'm drawing... it's like when you're hungry and you eat something, and you get this sort of satisfied sensation satiating the hunger. I'll often just obsessively doodle for no reason. Not because I'm bored though. Like I REALLY have to doodle to satisfy that urge I get. That's mainly what inspires me to draw in the first place. Just the good feelings I get from drawing of satisfaction and also when I improve.

Didn't start on humans until way later. But drawing them made me come very far and made my style evolve quickly, so I'm glad that I decided to get into them too. Pretty much, what inspired me to do humans were the various birthday/Christmas gifts I had to draw for friends of us together and also, drawing myself.

...God, you all must think I'm crazy.
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