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  • Deedee!

    I'm in Somerset! :D We've not spoken in an absolute age. How have you been? :3
    Hi. I was hoping I could talk to you, a lot of stuff's happened lately. I've tried messaging you on fb but I'm getting the impression that you're not reading them.
    I think I saw part of it... but I kinda stopped watching for reasons unknown. Maybe I got lazy, maybe I couldn't keep up with the schedule. Who knows? I might see it if I can catch it on TV somehow or find it online.

    Whoa, question mania! I'm gonna go to a community college (as soon as I stop being awkward and lazy and CALL the people to schedule my orientation. ;;Facepalm;; ), which uh... is a place where I do the basics first and don't really have to choose. I'm not looking forward to it really, I don't feel like I'm ready for big tough n' rough school. I wanna go back to high school. ;~; Oh? You guys have to pick sooner? That sounds really stressful, eee. Although my family keeps egging me on, saying IF YOU DON'T PICK NOW, YOU'LL WASTE OUR MONEY. Even though contrary to what the school guidance counselors and everyone else says... now I'm confused, man.

    Yeah, I know! Feeling like it's over... man, it's a bit depressing. Nearly my whole life has been like... has had Harry Potter in it going still. I was like 7 when my sister was reading it aloud to me, the first book. And then 9 when a teacher read aloud the second. Oh, memories.

    Well, I guess we just like... closure? I mean, it felt like good closure to me. I don't like it when things just... end and you don't know what happened.
    I remember that line! It's one of the rare funny lines on 24!
    I love how in the earlier seasons, Chloe would be ridiculously blunt and then immediately apologize for it. She stopped doing that after the first half of series 5 though.
    I completely agree. The scene where Chloe shot and killed a guy made me so happy because she looked very badass. And she's got such an awkward personality too.
    Having no life's always fun. :D (I've seen most episodes of The Last Airbender, but... not all. Haven't seen much of the last season. It's a good show) But I have the same dilemma... don't have a job either and will be going to college. Can't do the whole balance school and job thing as I'm still going to stay at home and I would surely explode. So I can't get one now as I would have to quit soon.

    I'm reading Half-Blood Prince. I started re-reading them all in preparation for the movie that's gonna come out soon. I want to re-read the later books a lot too though. I've only done the sixth like three times and the last two.

    ...Man, I must be the only person who liked the epilogue. XD Me and my sister. We loved it.
    Oh, I haven't been up to much. I've honestly spent the whole summer doing pretty much absolutely nothing except being on the computer, playing Kingdom Hearts, and reading some Harry Potter. Gahahaa, I'm so boring.

    And what about you?
    I saw the miss kitty fantastico drawings and tried to call you. Could you either call me back tomorrow afternoon or leave you're phone on/charged/whatever? c:
    Consider this an annoying reminder to respond to my PM. :P

    Only if, uh, you feel like it, though!
    Meeps! Feels like it's been forever since we've talkeeeed! (I'm sorry I haven't been on Facebook. When Finals and icky drama weren't kicking my keester, a horrible flu and my tendency to worry about absolutely everything were :O (But now all the worries and finals are gone and I'm feeling 90% better but the drama persists but it's better now so yeeey). So how have you been now that my little wangst corner is out of the way?
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